- The book titled "couple's non-financial rights" published at the "women's cultural-social council publisher"
The System Governing the Bud‘ and Women’s Sexual Benefits in Imamiah Jurisprudence, Volume 52, Issue 1,Summer and Autumn 2019,Pages 7-27 10.22059/jjfil.2019.264571.668558
THE NECESSITY OF HUSBAND AGREEMENT FOR DEPARTURE OF A WIFE FROM COUNTRY, Volume 49, Issue 2, Summer 2019, Pages 239-259 , 10.22059/JLQ.2019.269889.1007135
Analyzing the concept of husband's presidency in the couple's legal relationship, Islamic Studies of women and family, Volume 6, winter 2019, Pages 45-66
"Hadith look to the old and new jurisprudential field and Shafi'i Doctrine"
scientific-research magazine "the horizons of islamic civilization" year 2015
- "rede or expedient as a component in the political jurisorudence" 2015
- "childbirth and Shari'ah purposes with the approach of conservation of generation in the adaptation of islamic doctrions" scientific-research magazine "religion research" year 2016
- "childbirth, marriage contract's subject"
scientific-research magazine "jurisprudential research" 2016
- "A critique of two books of differences between Shiism and Sunni"
"mirror of research" magazine year 2016
- "negation of multiplicity of shafeei religion"
"ISI" magazine year 2015
International Seminars
-"muslim women's participation in international sport competition values, barriers and strategies"
International congress "women and sport" in finland year 2014
-"Legal support of women's sports hero"
tenth international congress "sport science" year 2016
-"the position of Arab women in the international introduction of the ideal female pattern"
international congress "the position of Iranian and Arab women in cultural talks" at the alzahra (s) university year 2016
-"coexistence of parenting of Hazrat Fatemeh (s)"
international congress "coexistence of Hazrat Fatemeh (s) life" at the alzahra (s) university year 2016
-"legal support for reproduction of women in family"
second international congress "Health science of fertility and childbirth" at the Iran Medical Science University-2017ICRHC
- Coexistence of Parenting of Hazrat Fatemeh, Coexistence the Life of Hazrat Fatemeh, Alzahra University, 2016.
National Congress:
International Seminaries and Congress:
- Muslim women's participation in international sport competitions values, barriers and strategies: International congress, 6th IWG world conference on women and sport, Finland, 2014.
- Women's Presence in the Social Circles in the Perspective of Islam: Women's Dignity Second National Festival, 2017.
- Sexual Restraint in Iran and America: First National Conference on Women's Social Issues, 2018.
- Refreshing the Husband's Legal Position in Relation to the Wives: First National Conference on Women's Social Issues, 2018
National congress
1- "The changes in the women's learning responsibility in the perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei"
The "Evolution of Human Sciences in perspective of Ayatollah Khamenei" congress year 2017
2- "Good companionship's effects on husband's presidency, the provider of article 10 of the constitution"
The "Research in human science an social studies" conference 2017
3- "women's rights and responsibilities in community's mental health with the emphasis on chastity approach"
The "Scientific and practical approach to the chastity and hijab" congress year 2017
4- "Women's presence in the social circles in the perspective of Islam"
"Women's dignity Second National Festival" year 2017
5- "sexual restraint in Iran and America"
First national conference on women's social issues year April 30 and may 1 2018
6- "refreshing the husband's legal position in relation to the wives"
First national conference on women's social issues year April 30 and may 1 2018
- Member of scientific council, Women’s Seminaries Management, Tehran, 2006.
- Head of the "Hazrat Fatemeh (s)" Religion College (seminary), 2007.
- Training assistant of the "Hazrat Abd-Al-Azim (a)" Religion College (seminary), 2008.
- Supervisor of Bachelor’s thesis, "Philosophy of Hijab in Islam" Hazrat Abd-Al-Azim Seminary, Iran, 2012.
- Teaching women’s Islamic duties, college of Islamic science, Alzahra University, since 2014.
- Teaching couple's rights workshop, women research center, Alzahra University, 2016.
- “Challenging the Issuance of Women’s passport and their need for husband’s permission”, Women Research Center, Alzahra University, 2017.
- Supervisor of Master’s thesis, "The legitimacy of immature worships", University of Religions and Denomination, Iran 2018.
- Supervisor of Bachelor’s thesis, "Jurisprudential basics of using alcohol in chemical products in the perspective of Imamieh", Meshkat Seminary, Iran, 2018.
- Member of the Arbitration Committee of Articles, “Journal of Woman and Family Studies”, Alzahra University, since 2013.
- Member of the Arbitration Committee of Articles, “Women’s Strategic Studies”, The Quarterly Journal of Women and Family Socio Cultural Council in Iran.
- Member of the Arbitration Committee of Articles, International Congress, "The Role of Iranian and Arab Thinker Women in International Talks", Alzahra University.
- Member of the Arbitration committee of thesis, Jurisprudence and Basics of Law, Divinity College, Alzahra University
- Advisor professor, Cultural Studies Center, Alzahra University, 2014-15.
- Member of the Arbitration Committee of Articles, National Conference, “Hijab in Iranian Hospitals”, Center of Islamic Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran.
- Secretary of International Congress, "The Role of Iranian and Arab Thinker Women in Cultural Talks", Alzahra University, 2017.
- Member of Scientific Committee of International Congress, "The Role of Iranian and Arab Thinker Women in Cultural Talks", Alzahra University, 2017.
- Member of Scientific Committee of international congress, "The coexistence of Hazrat Fatemeh life", Alzahra University, 2017.
Rates and honors
First rank of Ph.D. graduating
First rank of B Sc. graduating
Taekwondo tournament golden medal
Legal support of women's sports hero