
Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Faculty Member of Alzahra University

Conference Papers
    2. Predicting Points of Interest With Social Relations And Geographical-Temporal Information, Simin Bakhshmand, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, and Mahdi Bohlouli, 22nd Intelligent System Design and Applications (ISDA ‘22), Auburn, Washington, USA
    3. A new Heuristic approach for Art Gallery problem, 3rd Iran National Informatic Conference, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Sahar Badri and Nazanin Padkan, 2021.
    4. Measurement Metrics Review for Shapes Matching based on Similarity, Scaling and Spatial  Distance, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham and, Samaneh Mazaheri, 5th international conference on Contemporary issues in Data Science (CiDaS 2019), book chapter in Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies.
    5. Extracting an English-Persian Parallel Corpus from Comparable Corpora. Akbar Karimi, Ebrahim, Ansari, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2018 - 11th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation2019, Pages 3477-3482
    6. Kinetic Nearest Neighbor Search in Black-Box Model, Bahram SadeghiBigham, Maryam Nezami and Marziyeh Eskandari, Iranian Conference on Computational Geometry (ICCG 2018), 63-66, Tehran, Iran, February 27, 2018
    7. A learned soccer goalkeeper Petri net model, Gholami, Bigham, B.S,  7th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, IRANOPEN 201723 June 2017, Article number 7956451, Pages 102-108.
    8. one round voronoi game on grids, Rebvar Hosseini, Mehdi Khosravian, Mansoor Davoodi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, 32nd European Workshop on Computational Geometry, 2016, Lugano, Switzerland.
    9. Minimum Constraint (Unit Axis Aligned  Squares) Removal in Robot Motion Planning, f.noorizadeh,  b_sadeghi_b,  s.khodayifar, 3rd Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICEEC), 2016
    10. A Greedy Agent-Based Resource Allocation in the Smart Electricity Markets, Armin Ghasem Azar, Mansoor Davoodi, Mohsen Afsharchi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication TechnologyVolume 436, 2014, Pages 150-161
    11. The Use of Social Network Tools in Iran and the Impact of Improper Communication and Trancparency of Informatio Security and Privacy, Arash Shaghaghi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, International Conferance CITaDIM, 2013
    12. Privacy in the Age of Smartphone A Study of Iranian User’s Standard and Habits, Arash Shaghaghi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, International Conferance CITaDIM, 2013.
    13. J2ME And Mobile Database Design, Seyed Rebvar Hosseini, Lida Ahmadi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Jalal Khairabadi, Armin Ghasem Azar, The Third International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Sciences, 2012
    14. Selection of Effective Factors in Estimating of Costumers respond to Mobile Advertising by using AHP, Mehdi Seyyed Hamzeh, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Reza Askari Moghadam, In 3th Conference of CICIS2012, 2012
    15. Using Fuzzy Classification System for Diagnoses of Breast Cancer, Maryam Sadat Mahmoodi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Adel Najafi, This paper is presented at In 3th Conference of CICIS2012, 2012
    16. Tiling Finite Planes, Khairabadi, Sadeghi Bigham, Hosseini, Mohammad Alizadeh, The Third International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Sciences, 2012, 528-531
    17. Solving Dominating Set Problem In Unit Disk Graphs By Genetic Algorithms, Azadeh Gholami, Mahmoud Shirazi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Sciences (CICIS 2012); 05/2012 , 498-503
    18. A new fingerprint matching approach using level 2 and level 3 features. Rohollah Moosavi Tayebi, Samaneh Mazaheri, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Fourth International C* Conference on Computer Science & Software Engineering, C3S2E 2011, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 16-18, 2011, Proceedings; 01/2011, Pages 73-81.
    19. Musical Instrumrnt Recognition Using Artificial Neural Network, Mahmoud Shirazi, Alireza Khanteimoori, Bsahram Sadeghi Bigham, The Second International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Sciences, 2011
    20. Fingerprint Matching Using an Onion Layer Algorithm of Computational Geometry Based on Level 3 Features. Samaneh Mazaheri, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Rohollah Moosavi Tayebi, Digital Information and Communication Technology and Its Applications International Conference,  Volume 166 CCIS, Issue PART 1, 2011, Pages 302-314
    21. Forum’s Information Extraction Algorithms, Saeed Sarencheh, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Vidiasagar Potdar, Bahman Ghandchi, Nazanin Firoozeh, Elham A. Yegane, First Meeting on "Contemporary Issues in Computer and Information Science, 2010,  Page10-13.
    22. Optimal Triangulation Using an Evolutionary Algorithm,  Malihe Jahani , Bahram Sadeghi Bigham ; Abbas Askari, Proceedings - 2010 10th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 20102010, Pages 81-85
    23. An ant colony algorithm for the minimum weight triangulation, Jahani, M. Bigham, B. S. Askari, A, Proceedings - 2010 10th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 20102010, Pages 81-85
    24. An optimal solution for dynamic polar diagram, Ehsanfar, E. Bigham, B. S. Madadi, N. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG 20102010, Pages 51-54
    25. Phishing guard and antivirus: A new approach, Sadeghi Bigham, B. Chernin, S. Madadi, A. Madadi, N. Tavajoh, P. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Security and Management, SAM 20082008, Pages 309-312
    26. Data Encryption Based On Protein Synthesis. Seyed Reza Alisobhani, Ferial Mehrabanpoor, Yaser Nosrati, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods, GEM 20082008, Pages 278-283
    27. Solving semantic problems in" chaff and winnowing" by using cryptography, Mohamadrezaei, S. Bigham, B. S. Proceedings of The 2007 International Conference on Security and Management, SAM'072007, Pages 152-156
    28. Applications of Chaos Model in Software Development Process. Elnaz Bigdeli, Zeinab Bahmani, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research & Practice, SERP 2007, Volume I, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas Nevada, USA; 01/2007