
بهرام صادقی بی غم

Journal Papers

  1. Oil Production Optimization Using Q-Learning Approach, Zahedi-Seresht, Mazyar, et al. Processes 12.1 (2024): 110.
  2. Bi-objective sales planning using machine learning for industrial valves." Bigham, Bahram Sadeghi, et al. ", Computational Mathematics and its Applications 1.1 (2023): 001-008.
  3. Optimal Robot Pose Estimation Using Scan Matching by Turning Function, B. Sadeghi Bigham, O. Abbaszadeh, M. Zahedi-Seresht, S. Khosravi and E. Zarezadeh, Mathematics 2023 Vol. 11 Issue 6 , DOI: 10.3390/math11061449
  4. Fingerprint matching using the onion peeling approach and turning function, N. Padkan, B. S. Bigham and M. R. Faraji, Gene Expr Patterns 2023 Vol. 47 Pages 119299, Accession Number: 36513184 DOI: 10.1016/j.gep.2022.119299
  5. An Agile Privacy-Preservation Solution for IoT-Based Smart City Using Different Distributions, M. Gheisari, E. Shojaeian, A. Javadpour, A. Jalili, H. Esmaeili-Najafabadi, B. S. Bigham, et al., IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology 2023 Vol. 4 Pages 356-362, DOI: 10.1109/ojvt.2023.3243226
  6. Lower Bound for Sculpture Garden Problem: Localization of IoT Devices, M. Eskandari, B. Sadeghi Bigham and M. Zahedi-Seresht, Applied Sciences 2023 Vol. 13 Issue 4 , DOI: 10.3390/app13042597
  7. Red–Blue k-Center Clustering with Distance Constraints, M. Eskandari, B. B. Khare, N. Kumar and B. Sadeghi Bigham, Mathematics 2023 Vol. 11 Issue 3 , DOI: 10.3390/math11030748
  8. A novel buffering fault-tolerance approach for network on chip (NoC). Nima Jafarzadeh,Ahmad Jalili,Jafar A. Alzubi,Khosro Rezaee,Yang Liu,Mehdi Gheisari,Bahram Sadeghi Bigham,Amir Javadpour, IET Circuits, Devices & Systems, 2022.
  9. Minimum constraint removal problem for line segments is NP-hard. B. S. Bigham,  Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 2022 Vol. 15 Issue 01
  10. Minimum landmarks for robot localization in orthogonal environments, B. Sadeghi Bigham, S. Dolatikalan· A. Khastan,  Evolutionary Intelligence, 2021,
  1. Automatic Suspicions Lesions Segmentation based on Variable-Size Windows in Mammography Images, Bahram Sadeghi , Meysam Karimi , Samaneh Mazaheri, Health and Technology 11.1 (2021): 99-110.
  2. GSR: geometrical scan registration algorithm for robust and fast robot pose estimation, F Shamsfakhr, BS Bigham, Assembly Automation, 2020.
  3. Polar Diagram of Points with Moving Pole, Sadeghi Bigham B. and Rabbani F., Journal of Information and Telecommunication Technology, 41.41 (2020): 97.
  4. A polynomial time algorithm for big data in a special case of minimum constraint removal problem, Sadeghi Bigham, B., Noorizadeh, F., Khodayifar, S. Evolutionary Intelligence, Volume 13, Issue 2, 1 June 2020, Pages 247-254
  5. Measuring similarity for query in geometric data, BS Bigham, RA Langroudi, SN Applied Sciences 1 (10), 1193, 2019
  6. Selecting Smart Strategies Based on Big Data Techniques and SPACE Matrix (FASE model), Mohammad Ali FARAJIAN , Shahriar MOHAMMADI, Bahram SADEGHI BIGHAM, Farhad SHAMS, Cumhuriyet Science Journal, Year 2019, Volume 40 , Issue 1, Pages 253 – 264
  7. Indoor mobile robot localization in dynamic and cluttered environments using artificial landmarks, Shamsfakhr, F. Sadeghi Bigham, B. Mohammadi, A.  Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), Volume 36, Issue 2, 11 March 2019, Pages 400-419
  8. A Survey on Measurement Metrics for Shape Matching based on Similarity, Scaling and Spatial Distance, B. Sadeghi Bigham and Samaneh MAzaheri, A book Chapter in “Proceedings of the International Conference on Contemporary Issues in Data Science, Series title: Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Springer, 2019.
  9. Extra: Expertise-boosted model for trust-based recommendation system based on supervised random walk, Moghaddam, F. B., Bigham, B. S. Computing and Informatics, Volume 37, Issue 5, November 2018, Pages 1209-1230
  10. Soccer Goalkeeper Task Modeling and Analysis by Petri Nets, Azadeh Gholami, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Journal of Computer & Robotics 11 (1), 2018 77-85
  11. A multi-objective market-driven framework for power matching in the smart grid, AG Azar, M Afsharchi, M Davoodi, BS Bigham, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 70, 199-215, 2018
  12. A learned soccer goalkeeper petri net model , Azadeh Gholami, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, 2017 Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (IRANOPEN), IEEE, 102-108
  13.  A new image mining approach for detecting micro-calcification in digital mammograms, F. Moradkhani and B. Sadeghi Bigham, UAAI: Applied Artificial Intelligence, 31 (3), 411-424 | DOI: 10.1080/08839514.2017.1378082,  2017
  14. A neural network approach to navigation of a mobile robot and obstacle avoidance in dynamic and unknown environments, F SHAMSFAKHR, BS BIGHAM, Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences 25 (3),2017, 1629-1642
  15. Over-sampling via under-sampling in strongly imbalanced data, R. Jamili O., B. Sadeghi Bigham, International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, Vol 9 (1), 2017, 58-66
  16. Adaptive Data Hiding Using Pixel-Value-Differencing and LSB Substitution, M. Khodaei, B. Sadeghi Bigham, K. Faez, Cybernetics and Systems journal, Volume 47, Issue 8, 16 November 2016, Pages 617-628
  17. The Effect of some Genetic Mutations on Endometriosis Using Data Mining Techniques, Bahrami L. Sadeghi Bigham B. , Kamali K., The Journal of Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Vol. 24, No 105, 2016,: 97-106
  18. Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Multi-terminal Binary Decision Diagram based Binary Fuzzy Relations, Hamid Alavi Tousi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication, Vol. 4, No 2, 2016: 117-124
  19. ROAD ACCIDENT DATA ANALYSIS: A DATA MINING APPROACH , Farzaneh Moradkhani, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Somaye Ebrahimkhani, Indian Journal of Scientific Research 05/2014; 3(3):437443.
  20. The Complex Case of Online Privacy for Iranian Users of Social Networks, Arash Shaghaghi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, International Journal of Computer & Information Technologies (IJOCIT), 2014,2(2), 426-440
  21. Using Voronoi Diagrams to Solve a hybrid Facility Location Problem with attentive Facilities, A. Didandeh, B. Sadeghi Bigham, M. Khosravian, F. Bakhshandegan, Information Sciences , Volume 234, 10 June 2013, Pages 203-216
  22. A combinatorial cooperative-tabu search feature reduction approach, E. Ansari, M.H. Sadreddin, B. Sadeghi Bigham, F. Alimardani, Scientia Iranica , Volume 20, Issue 3, June 2013, Pages 657-662
  23. Ten Steps for Software Quality Rating Considering ISO/IEC , Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Hassan Alizadeh, Hossein Afsari, Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication. 09/2013; 1(3):191-195.
  24. Tiling a Rectangular Area Using a Set of Unique Squares , Jalal Khairabadi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Rebvar Hosseini, Zohreh Mohammad Alizadeh, International Journal of Computer & Information Technologies (IJOCIT). 11/2013; 1(2):97-105.
  25.  Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) and Electronic Problem Based Learning, Mohammad Jafarabadi Ashtiani, Mansoor Nomanof, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Akram Madadi, Life Science Journal, Volume 10, Issue 1, March 2013, Pages 726-730
  26. Near-pole polar diagram of objects and duality, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Marzieh Eskandari, Maryam Tahmasbi, Journal of Computer Science, Volume 3, Issue 3, May 2012, Pages 127-131
  27. Computer as Mathematics Facilitator in Problem Based Learning, Jafarabadi Ashtian, Nomanof, Sadeghi Bigham, Journal of American Science. 01/2012; 8(9):436-441.
  28. The one-round weighted Voronoi Game, Zeinab Hassani, Bahram Sadeghi Bighamb, Marzieh Eskandari, AWERProcedia Information Technology & Computer Science. 01/2012
  29. Good's history and trust in electronic commerce. Parvin Abbasi, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Saeed Sarencheh, Procedia CS. Volume 3, 2011, Pages 827-832
  30. An applicable master plan to develop city's information technology infrastructure., Saeed Sarencheh, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham , Procedia CS. 01/2011; 3:840-847.  
  31. Fingerprint Matching Using an Onion Layer Algorithm of Computational Geometry Based on Level 3 Features, Samaneh Mazaheri, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Rohollah Moosavi Tayebi, Part of the Communications in Computer and Information Science book series (CCIS, volume 166), 2011,  pp 302-314.
  32. On the Number of Guards in Sculpture Garden Problem, M. Eskandari, A. Mohades, B. Sadeghi Bigham , World Applied Sciences Journal. 01/2010; 10(10):1255-1263. 
  33. Near Pole Polar Diagram of points and its Duality with Applications, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham Ali Mohades, Basic Science and Applied Engineering. 01/2010; 20(70-E):79-84.
  34. Dynamic polar diagram. Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Ali Mohades, Lidia M. Ortega, Inf. Process. Lett. Volume 109, Issue 2, 31 December 2008, Pages 142-146
  35. Polar Diagram with respect to a Near Pole, Bahram Sadeghi Bigham, Ali Mohades, 23rd European Workshop on Computational Geometry EWCG07, 2007, 206-209.