
Seyyed Yaghoub Mousavi , Faculty Member of Alzahra University


Published papers:

1-Theoretic and Sociologic Explanation of Urban Crimes:  political economic scientific promotion information Magazine no. 143-144 dated Aug, and Sep. 1999


2-Citizenship Development over Securing Urban Discipline: disciplinary knowledge quarterly vol. 4, 2001


3-Social Objectivity and Knowledge: social science month book, vol. 58-59, Aug. and Sep. 2002


An Entry to Sociology of Science and Knowledge in Iran: social science month book, vol. 58-59, Aug. and Sep. 2002


4-Noetic – Sociologic Analysis of Science Developments in Iran: social science month book in Iran, vol. 51-52, Jan. and Feb. 2002


5-The Phenomenon of Decline of Social Solidarity in Megacities: professor, Tarbiat Modares University, scientific and research (approval declared 2002

6-Interaction of Culture and Higher Education: Cultural papers, Jahad Daneshgahi publication, 2003


7-Social Identity Marketing in Urban Quarters: Conference on Neighbourhood and Housing, Cultural Affairs of Municipality, 1997


8-Contradictions of Urban Life: printed in the papers collection of conference of cultural studies institute of Tehran, 1999


9-Social and Experimental Study of Role of Contributing Groups in Economic Empowerment of Family Supervisor Women  July 2009 Women’s Affairs Center of Municipality


10-Ethnic Gender and Identity:  The case of city Khoramabad: social science journal of Tarbiat Moallem university, 2007  vol. 58-59


11-Urban Basics Type of Social Development: Tehran papers collection: challenges and strategies, cultural studies institute of Tehran, 2007


12-Study of Urban Policies of Social Development : Quarter Urban: new ideas in urban management, municipality of Tehran, 2008


13-Reconstruction of Urban Quarters According to Social Development Planning System: social studies journal, Iranian association of sociology, 2009


14-Science Structure in the Challenge between Universality, Regionalism and Localization: papers collection of conference on indigenous science universal science: possibility or refusal, Iranian association of sociology, 2010


15-A Sociologic Analysis of Spatial and Social Contradictions of Urban Development: social studies journal, Iranian association of sociology, 2010



17Sociologic Analysis of Urban Behaviour of Women of Tehran: by cooperation of Azam Pak Khesal, woman in development and policy journal, period 10, vol. 1, Spring 2011

Modern Quarter Urban Sociology Pattern from Quarter Development, Manzar scientific journal, vol. 18, Spring 2012



18-Study of urban Policies of Social development: Necessities of Localization, Councils journal (informative – educational and research) year 7, vol. 62, April 2012


19-Sociologic Study of Effect of Citizen Traffic Morality on Driving Violations in Tehran, by cooperation of Dr. Mighat Habibian and Zahra Avaz, social order and inequality journal, Sep. 2012


20-Urbanization and Cultural Perspective:  Case Study: residents of Tehran, by cooperation of Azam Pak Khesal, journal of Iranian association of cultural studies and communication, Sep. 2013


21-Effect of Urban Commercial Publicity on Consumerism of Women of Tehran by Cooperation of Tayebeh Ahmadi, scientific and research journal of social-cultural development studies, Spring 2013


22-New magazine of urban sociology pattern of neighborhood development, Manzar scientific magazine, issue No. 18, spring 2012;


23- Investigating urban policies of social development: the necessity of neighborhood attitude; Shoraha magazine (educational and research awareness); year 7, issue No. 62; April 2012;


24- Sociological study of the effect of citizens’ traffic ethics on driving offences in Tehran metropolis; with the cooperation of Dr. Mighat Habibian & Zahra Avaz; Social order and inequality magazine;  August 2012;


25- Urbanization and cultural perspective: empirical case of Tehran residents; with the cooperation of Azam Pak Khesal; cultural studies and communication studies Iranian Association quarterly; August 2013;


26- The effect of urban advertisements on the consumerism of Tehran women; with the cooperation of Tayebeh Ahmadi; Social – Cultural Development Studies Scientific and Research Quarterly; Spring, 2013;


27- Identity in the eve of gypsies residing in Tehran: Samareh Safikhani; Iranian Cultural Studies Scientific- Research Quarterly; June 1980;

Lectures and articles:


28- The capacities and limitations of social science development in Iran: the article was presented in Sociology Global Congress, Gutenberg; June, 2010;


29- The contribution of historical approach in sociology studies of recent decades in Iran; regional conference: social thinking and sociology in contemporary Middle East; June 2011;


29- Sociological analysis of safety services in Tehran; Tehran Fire Department; 2012;


30- Globalization of Tehran: opportunities and threats; Tehran Studies and Planning Center; May 2014;


31- Dr. Shariati and modernity contradictions: International Conference on Social Thinking and Society in Middle East; with the cooperation of Ms. Hajiati Azar; 2013;


32- The sociology of epistemic social challenges of the development of science in contemporary Iran; sociological conference and social sciences; with the cooperation of Ms. Farhadi Aski; 2013;


33- Investigating vandalism factors in public urban spaces: the case of region 10 of Tabriz city; 6th national conference on urban planning and management; Ferdousi University; Mashhad; 2014;


34- The impact of modernism on physical changes of such neighborhoods as Oodlajan and Sangelaj in Tehran; the 2nd international conference on structures, architecture and urban development; Tabriz; November, 2014;


35- To study the relationship between culture and architecture; the 1st national conference on society, architecture and cities; September, 2015;


36- To study the relationship between local identity and social capital; case of Tajrish neighborhood; the 1st national conference on society, architecture and cities; September, 2015;


37- To investigate the historical problems of cities in order to optimize and renovate them: case study of Shahrood city; the 1st national conference on urban planning and management and sustainable development; February, 2014;


38- To evaluate and study dry urban wastes with an approach to the urban sustainable development based on HDJ model; case study of Tehran city; the 2nd international conference on geography and sustainable development; July, 2015;


39- To investigate the degree of religiosity in students’ community in Kermanshah: a case study on Islamic Azad University: the 2nd international congress on religious thinking and research; Somayeh Safari & Mohammadreza Pouyafar; November, 2015;


40- To study the factors impacting the women feeling security in modern research spaces in construction, architecture and urbanization; with the cooperation of Ms. Somayeh Khademi; Nov. 2015;


41- Social solidarity, cohesion and equality: Seminar of urban flourishing; Qazvin; February, 2015;


42- Challenging social inequalities in the way of sustainable urban development: the 3rd international urban construction, architecture and development congress; with the cooperation of Asadollah Bayat; January 2015;


43- Social research scientific- applied language critical domain: the 3rd international conference of applied researches in language studies; February 2015;


44- Integrated management of cities, water and environment: the 1st national conference on s

ociety, natural resources of water and environment, the challenges and solutions; Oct. 2015;


45- The psychology of environment and secure urban spaces design: the gathering of Humanities Thinkers’ House; Nov. 2015;


46- The sustainability of citizenship ethics: social forum of social ethics; Azzahra University; May 2016;



47- Organizing Tehran vendors: Tehran studies and planning center; July, 2015;

Acting as the supervisor and director for M.A. and PhD.



1-Social and cultural Results of flourishing of Sport in City, seminar at Tarbiat Moallem university, (paper presentation) 2000


2-Reasons of Decline of Social solidarity in the city of Tehran: conference on standards of development and antidevelopment, Nov. 2001 paper presentation


3-Capacities and Limitations of Citizenship Rights Development: conference on solutions for development of citizenship culture, March 2003, paper presentation


4-Development and Underdevelopment of Social Sciences in Iran 2000, Alzahra university, paper presentation


5-Social Criteria of Urban Sustainable Development (lecture), 2000, Alzahra university (scientific student association)


6-Interaction of Human Relations in the Society: center of dialogue among civilizations (lecture), Feb. 2003


7-Fundamental Realms of Citizenship Rights in City (presentation of paper at the specialty-scientific meeting on citizenship rights at the research institute of humanities and social sciences) May 2003


8-Pathology of Street Children (Eshragh community center), giving lecture, Dec. 2002  and....

Urban Symbols and Identity and Their Effect on the Youths’ identity: national conference on the youths and Iranian identity, Nov. 2008


9-Social and Experimental Study of Roles of Contributing Groups in Economic Empowerment of Family Supervisor Women: conference on empowerment and strengthening of family supervisor women, July 2009, women’s affairs center of municipality\


10-Review of Social-Cultural Dimensions of Urban Old Buildings: conference on urban old buildings, Dec. 2008, Ahvaz


11-Study of Urban Policies of Social Development Type of Quarter: conference on new ideas in urban management of Tehran, Dec. 2008


12-Contradictions of Urban life: conference on citizenship morality at municipality, Feb. 2007

Science Structure in the Challenge between Universality, Regionalism and Localization (paper in the conference on indigenous science, universal science: possibility or refusal, June 2007


13-Social Basics of Development of Quarter Type: presentation of paper in the conference on localization: solutions and strategies: cultural studies institute of Tehran, June 2007


14-Urban Sociology and Sport: giving lecture in the Iranian sociology association, sport group, Dec. 2007


15-Reformation of Science in Society, Giving Lecture in the Scientific Policies Center of Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, science and society group, March 2008


16-Recognition of Social Identity in Urban Quarters: presentation of paper in localization seminar, cultural studies institute of Tehran, June 2008


17-Multidimensional Approach in Recognition of Social Damages: seminar of woman and … Alzahra university, 2009, paper presentation


18-Capacities and Limitations of Development of Social sciences in Iran: presentation of paper in the universal congress of sociology, Gutenberg, July 2010


19-Share of Historical Approach in Sociologic Studies During the Past Few Decades in Iran, regional conference: social thinking and sociology in the contemporary Middle East, June 2011


20-Analysis of Sociology of Safety Services in Tehran, firefighting organization of Tehran, 2012

 Environmental and Law Faculty' Internal Seminar, New Castle University, 1996


21-The Effect of Social and Economic Factors on Work Satisfaction a case: Albors Cool Firm in Shrood, Journal of Applied Environment and Biological Science, 2012


22-Social Science in Iran: rising new approach, in Sociology in Move, International Congress, Gothenburg, 2009


23-Harmone and Citizenship: Silk-  Road, presenting, Paper  International  Forum, Gazvian,

September 2016



1-To investigate the factors impacting working tendency; Azam Mohammadi Moghadam; June, 2002


2-To investigate the effective factors impacting the satisfaction degree of military township residents about their residency; the case of Mahallati township of Tehran; Siavash Yazdanparast; Spring 2001; Tarbiyate Modarres University; 2000;


3-To investigate the effective social factors impacting on the working commitment; Fariba Esmaeil Talaei; Feb. 2000;


4-To investigate the social and economic effective factors impacting on the job satisfaction of female workers; Shamsossadat Mirvakili; Sep. 2001;


5-The impact of TV programs on the children; Zahra Shah Mohammadi; Winter, 2000;


6-To compare sociability norms of families and schools; case of Qazvin; student’s name: Niloofar Shariat; winter 2002;


7-To investigate organizational conflict: Ghorbani; Islamic Azad University; Roodehen Social Science Faculty;


8-To study the effective social factors impacting the adherence to citizenship ethics among employees; Shahla Khalfi; 2004;


9-To vitalize identity creator urban neighborhoods (Tehran); Iran Orouji; 2004;

Social causes of social vulnerability of Ghaemshahr city youngsters; Zahra Taghavi; 2003;


10-Legal citizenship commitment among Tehran city citizens; 2004;

Ethnical identity and civil participation in Khorramabad; Hamidian; Azzahra University; 2004;


11-Religious and national identity and political and social participation of students: Habib Zadeh Marvdashti; 2006;Social causes of brain drain; 2007;


12-To analyze students’ productivity concerning IT: case study of Allameh Tabatabaei and Amirkabir Universities; Taraneh Bani Yaghoub;


13-Social study of urbanization and divorce phenomenon with emphasis on Tehran city; Leila Fathi; 2007;


14-To study the participation in cooperative groups on empowering female- headed families; Nayereh Sadat Mortezania; 2008;


15-Empowerment of female- headed families: Nayereh Sadat Mortezania; Sociology; Oct. 2008;


16-To investigate the effect of urbanization on cultural- social perspective of citizens: Azam Pak Khesal; June, 2009; sociology;


17-Sociological study of the impact of deprivation feeling on the tendency of youngsters to vandalistic behaviors: case of Tehran city; Adeleh Gheys; Sep. 2009;


18-Television and sociability disorders: Fariba Ghanbari; Sep. 2010; Azzahra University;


19-Application of historical approaches in sociological resource of contemporary Iran; Zoha Motamedi; Sep. 2010; Azzahra University;


20-To sociologically investigate the effect of citizenship traffic ethics on driving offenses in Tehran; Zohreh Avaz; Oct. 2010; Azzahra University;

21-To investigate the effective factors impacting working culture among the faculty members of universities (the faculty members of Azzahra and Shahid Beheshti Universities); Sep. 2011; Fatemeh Ataollahi; Azzahra University;


22-To investigate the effect of globalization of communications on environmental attitudes of citizens; Tehran; Feb. 2011; Maryam Rezaei; Azzahra University;


23-The effect of cultural capital on the commitment to the social order; Fahimeh Ghaderi; Feb. 2011; Azzahra University;


24-The role of citizenship factor in the satisfaction degree concerning urban services; Roya Shahmalaki; August 2011; Azzahra University;


25-The structural and human- based problems and obstacles of social applied research in Iran; Forough Sabet Zaker; science and research branch of Islamic Azad University;


26-To study the effect of citizenship ethics awareness on citizens’ interactions- case study of

Bandar Anzali city: Sahand Fardi; science and research branch of Islamic Azad University; Sep. 2011;


27-To investigate the obstacles of social participation of citizens in neighborhood management: neighborhoods of Tehran city with emphasis on the neighborhoods of region 10 of municipality; Ghalegh Daftari Rad; Islamic Azad University; science and research branch; August 2012;


28-Postcolonial criticism and dominant ideas about Kurdish nation; Narmin Beheshtizadeh; Sep.

The relationship between urban spaces advertisements and commodity consumption in  Tehran; Tayabeh Ahmadi; June, 2013; Azzahra University;


29-The effect of urbanization on citizens’ participation in urban affairs (Tehran, Ali Pazouki, Islamic Azad University, Roodehen branch; July 2013;


30-Social and economic factors impacting job satisfaction; the case of the workers of East Alborz Coal Company; Shahroud city; tayebeh Ahmadi; Sep. 2013;


31-To sociologically investigate the paintings of Tehran city; Azzahra University; Faezeh Hoseinian; Sep. 2013;


32-Spatial- physical consequences of modernity and modernization n Tehran; 1989- 2009; Iraj Ghasemi; Tehran University; Sep. 2013;


33-The relationship between global feeling of citizenship and national identity among students; Mansoureh Sadat Hedayati; Sep. 2013;


34-Social and economic factors impacting job satisfaction: the case of East Alborz Coal Company; Shahroud; Atefeh Chenari; Azzahra University; Sep. 2013;

35-Sociologically analysis of wall paintings of Tehran; Maryam Hoseininia; Azzahra University; Sep. 2013;


36-Sociologically study of epistemological- social challenges of the development of modern science in modern Iran; Sahar Farhadi Aski; sociology field of study; Sep. 2014; Azzahra University;


37-To study the causes and outcomes of womens’ colportage in Tehran; Sara Rostami; sociology field of study; Sep. 2014; Azzahra University;


38-The effect of commitment to citizenship ethics on social participation in Torbate Heydarieh; Mohadeseh Soleyman Torbati; Sep.2014; Azzahra University;


39-The impact of social spaces on feeling belonged to the neighborhood: the case of the neighborhoods of region 20 of Tehran; Niloofar Mousavi; Feb. 2014;


40-Being active in social media and its relationship with the mutual relations of spouse: case of married students of graduate students; Reyhaneh Sadat Samareh Hashemi; Feb. 2014;


41-The effects impacting on the quality of scientific supervision on M.A. level theses of social sciences researches; Mahnaz Mirzaei; Feb. 2014;


42-Cultural globalization and its effect on educational attitude of female teachers of region 15 educational organization; Tehran; Soghra Roudi; Sep.2015.



Research activities:

1-Social Barriers of Women’s Occupation in Nongovernmental Section, July 2001, women’s participation center of the president (final end of project)


2-Barriers of Citizenship Rights Development from the Viewpoint of Residents of Tehran, (final end of first stage), social and human sciences institute of the academic center for education, culture and research, May 2003


3-Introduction to Resources and References of Social Damages, ended in March 2003, strategic studies and researches office of cultural and art organization of municipality (project finished)


4-Director of Specialty Meeting of Social and Cultural Damage end of First Stage March 2004, strategic studies and researches office of cultural and art organization of municipality


5-Conflict of Role of Woman in Home and Society (national project) women’s participation center finished in Dec. 2005


6-Research Project of Quarter Development of Cultural and Art Organization of Municipality, 2003

7-Second Stage of the Project of Social Barriers of Women’s Occupation in Nongovernmental section, finished in Oct. 2005.


8-Second Stage of the Project of Barriers of Citizenship Rights Development: social and human sciences institute of the academic center for education, culture and research, Nov. 2008


9-Social Evaluation of Urban Services, Strategic Studies Center of Municipality associated with planning and studies center of Tehran, 2009



An Introduction to Citizenship Rights in City: humanities and social studies institute of the academic center for education, culture and research, 2012

Social Recognition of labour system in Iran: presented to the ministry of labour and social affairs to be printed (in process)

Sociology of urban issues: (in process to be printed)

