
Maryam Keshmiri , Faculty Member of Alzahra University



Keshmiri, Maryam. "Dār al-funūn and Painting in Transition from Traditional Approaches to Modern Perspective." Journal for the History of Science 18.2 (2020): 381-418.

Keshmiri, Maryam, and Zahra Rahbarnia. "Exploring Ways of Perspective in Iranian Traditional Paintings Based upon Ibn Al-Haytham’s Theories in Al-Manazir." Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Tajassomi 24.4 (2019): 77-90.

Keshmiri, Maryam, and Zahra Rahbarnia. "An Analysis of Pattern Making, Representation of Details, the Third Dimension of Objects in Iranian Paintings based upon the Islamic Optics." Theoretical Principles of Visual Arts 3.2 (2019): 5-20.

Keshmiri, Maryam. "Decoration of Fabrics in Sasanian Dynasty Based on Isfahani’s Arabic Description of Paintings of Molouk-e-Bani Sasan." Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Tajassomi 23.2 (2018): 69-78.

Keshmiri, Maryam. "The Social Status of the Musician in Safavid Reign Based on Sultan Mohammad’s Allegory of Worldly and Otherworldly Drunkenness." Honar--Ha-Ye-Ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Namayeshi Va Mosighi 23.2 (2018): 23-34.

Dadvar, A., and M. Keshmirey. "Archaism: An Expressive Method for Neo-Traditionalists (With Regard to Pioneers of Saqakhaneh School)." Glory of Art (Jelve-y Honar) Alzahra Scientific Quarterly Journal 9.2 (2018): 53-62.

Keshmiri, Maryam, and Zahra Rahbarnia. "Manifestation of Sientific Ideas in Persian Miniature Paintings: The significance of Silver in Representing Water based on Optics." Honar-Ha-Ye-Ziba: Honar-Ha-Ye-Tajassomi 22.3 (2017): 85-94.

Rahbarnia, Zahra, and Maryam Keshmiri. "A Postmodernist Reading of Art Works Based on Fredric Jameson’s Ideas: Focusing on Parviz Tanavoli’s Hich Collection (1960s-2000s)." Kimiya-ye-Honar 6.23 (2017): 85-98.

Mousavilar, Ashrafosadat, and Maryam Keshmiri. "A Comparative Study of Zulu Goddess and God the Father in Durban’s Mural Painting Based on Bhabha’s Third Space Theory." Motaleate-e Tatbighi-e Honar 6.12 (2017):  57-70.

Keshmiri, Maryam. "An Analysis of Pomegranate Flower Pattern in Iranian Art From Ancient to Saljuk Reign." Pazhuhesh-e Honar 5.10 (2016): 11-24.

Keshmiri, Maryam, "Islamic-Semiotic Philosophy in the Works of New Traditionalists' Pioneers." Naghshmayeh 5.15 (2013): 101-112.


Keshmiri, Maryam. Anari Motif (Shah-Abbasi): beginning, history of development and drawing, SAMT, 2021.

Keshmiri, Maryam. Illumination in Iran: a short history, designs and terminology, SAMT, 1st Edition: 2017, 3rd Edition: 2021.


Methods of Displaying Pearl Roundels (Medallion Patterns) on Famous Sasanian Textiles: woven, embroidered, tapestried or painted

2nd Biennial National Conference on Archaeology and Art History of Iran (ISC: 5108-00201)

Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran


May 2021


A Comparison between the Costumes of Goddesses in Ancient Art: Anahita of Avesta and Athena of Acropolis

1st Biennial National Conference on Archaeology and Art History of Iran (ISC: 98180-82901)

Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran


Apr. 2019


Representation of Royal Splendor at Iranian Ancient Art, a legacy of Mesopotamian artistic traditions

1st Biennial International Conference of the Society of Iranian Archaeology: "Cultural Interactions, Continuity and Disruption"

Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.


Dec. 2019


Manifestation of Shiah Symbolism in Ghahve-khaneh and Saqa-khaneh Paintings

The Place of Shiah Art in the Interpretation of Islamic Art Concepts and Values

The Institute of Islamic Art Studies, Tehran, Iran.


Apr. 2015