
Soheila jalali Kondori, Faculty Member of Alzahra University

Ph.D:Quranic studies and Hadith

M. Sc:Quranic studies and Hadith

B. Sc:Quranic studies and Hadith

Educational experiences:
Ph.D. in Quranic Science and Hadith, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2000.
- Title of Thesis: The social participation of women according to Quran and Hadith
) .(مشارکت اجتماعي زنان از ديدگاه قرآن و حديثLater published under the name Muslim Women,
Seclusion or Social Participation ( ,)زن مسلمان، پرده نشيني يا حضور اجتماعي2001
M.A. in Quranic Science and Hadith, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 1994
- Title of thesis: Jews in the Quran; Understanding the Thoughts and Actions of Bani-Israel
(. Later published under the nameبازشناسي انديشه و عمل بني اسرائيل در زمان موسي(ع)) in Moses Era
Understanding Jews ( ,)يهود شناختreprinted three times.
B.A. in Quranic sciences and Hadith, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, 1990
Honors & Awards:
- Best Ph.D. thesis of the year, 6th festival of the student thesis (2001)
- Incentive research award, 6th festival of cultural research (2001)

Teaching Areas

  Quranic sciences

  Interpret of Quran

  History of Hadith


Research field

 content analysis of Islamic studies

 semantic fields of the words in the holy Quran

 modern linguistic studies of Quran

 Quran and Hadith studies