§ Mohsen Saadtapour, Sayye Kamyar Izadi, Mohammad Nasirifar, Hamed Kavoosi “Priority-based Clustering in Weighted Graph Streams”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 2018 (ISI Journal)
§ Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, “A New Approach to Concurrency Control in XML Databases”, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2014 (ISI Journal)
§ Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, Theo Härder, “S3: Processing tree-pattern XML queries with all logical operators” , Journal of Data and Knowledge Engineering , 2012 (ISI Journal - Q1)
§ Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Theo Härder, Mostafa Haghjoo, “S3:
Evaluation of Tree-Pattern XML Queries Supported by Structural
Summaries” , Journal of Data and Knowledge engineering, Elsevier, 2009 (ISI Journal - Q1) (Cited by 32 papers)
§ Sayyed
Kamyar Izadi, Vahid Garakani, Mostafa Haghjoo, “Facilitating XML Query
Processing Via Execution Plan”, 13th International CSI Computer Science
(CSICC 2008), Kish, Iran, 2008
§ Sayyed
Kamyar Izadi, Theo Härder, Mostafa Haghjoo, “Processing and Optimizing
Tree Pattern Queries in Native XML Database Management Systems” ,
Grundlagen von Datenbanken, , Apolda, Germany, 76-80, 2008
§ Vahid
Garakani, Sayyed Kamyar Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, Mohammad Harizi,
“Ntjfsatnot: a novel method for query with not-predicates on xml data”,
Sixteenth ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM
2007, Lisbon, Portugal, 885-88, 2007
§ Ali-Asghar
Safaeei, Mehran Kamali, Mostafa Haghjoo, Kamyar Izadi, “Caching
Intermediate Results for Multiple-Query Optimization”, 2007 IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2007, Amman, Jordan, 412-415, 2007
§ Kamyar
Izadi, Fatemeh Asadi, Mostfa S. Haghjoo, “XPLC: A Novel Protocol for
Concurrency Control in XML Databases”, 2007 IEEE/ACS International
Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, AICCSA 2007, Amman,
Jordan, 450-453, 2007
§ Kamyar
Izadi, Mostafa Haghjoo, “A Genetic Algorithm for Horizontal
Fragmentation To Reduce Network Traffic”, CSICC Computer Conference,