Scientific and Research Papers
1. " The Results of Real Earnings Management " , Vida Mojtahedzadeh , Hosein Alavi Tabari and Azam Valizadeh Larijani , Twenty First Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 22-24, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada , U.S.A.
2." The Relationship between Earnings Management, Future Returns of Assets and Future Operating Cash Flows", Vida Mojtahedzadeh, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Quarterly Journal of Accounting Research, issue 6, summer 2011.
3."Audit firms tenure and quality of accounting information", Hosein Alavi Tabari, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Hamideh Asna Ashari, quarterly journal of Accounting Research, issue 11, autumn 2011.
4."Conservatism and Information Content of Financial Statements Items", Ali Rahmani, Hamideh Asna Ashari, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Journal of The Accounting and Auditing Review, volume 18, issue 64, 2011.
5."Investigation of the Effect of Audit Specialists on Financial Reporting and Market Pricing, Yahya Hassas Yeganeh, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Amir Mohammadi, Quarterly Journal of Securities Exchange, issue 19, 2013.
6."The effect of Disclosure Quality on the Value Relevance of Financial Statements Items", Rezvan Hejazi , Vida Mojtahedzadeh , Azam Valizadeh Larijani , Quarterly Journal of Asset Management and Financing , issue 1, 2013.
7."Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Capital Market Reaction to Audit Quality", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Vida Mojtahedzadeh, Rezvan Hejazi, Quarterly Journal of Securities Exchange, issue 31, 2016.
8."Effects of Management Efficiency, Capital Structure and Size on Perception of Service Quality and Performance of Listed Banks in Tehran Stock Exchange", Mahdi Yazdanshenas, Parisa Sadat Behbahaninia , Azam Valizadeh Larijani , Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting , issue 4, 2016.
9."The Role of Debt Capacity in the Choice of Effective Strategies in Reducing the Under Investment Problems", Rezvan Hejazi, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Farzaneh Keimasi, Quarterly Financial Accounting, issue 30, 2016.
10. “Accounting Information Role in Tehran Stock Exchange Investor’s Reaction; Study of Forecasted Earnings”, Parisa Sadat Behbahaninia, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Empirical Research in Accounting, issue 6(4), 2017.
Papers Presented in External and Internal Conferences
1."Core and Non-core Cash Flows in Predicting Future Cash Flows: National Accounting Standards of Iran", Amir Mohammadi and Azam Valizadeh Larijani, 12th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, October 8-12, 2011, Bali.
2."Structure, Responsibilities and Functions of Investment Banks", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Hamideh Asna Ashari, 10th Iranian Academic Accounting Conference, May, 2012, Alzahra university.
3."Internal Auditing Role in Taking the Board Responsibilities of Corporate Governance”, Amir Mohammadi and Azam Valizadeh Larijani, First National Corporate Governance Conference, April, 2013, Alzahra University.
4."The Necessities for Establishing and Evaluating of the Internal Controls System", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Conference on Corporate Governance and Establishment of a System of Internal Controls over the Financial Reporting, January 2015, Saderat Bank.
5."The Effect of Improvement of Corporate Governance on Attracting Foreign Investments", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Second National Corporate Governance, January 2016, Alzahra University.
6."Performance Management in Public Sector: Final Challenge", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Reyhaneh Ahmadi , Third International Conference on Applied Research in Management and Accounting, January 2016 , Beheshti University.
7."Structures and Concepts of Investors, Relations: The Importance and Necessity of Implementation", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Nastaran Reyhani, Second Conference on Applied Research in Management, Accounting and Economics, December 2016.
8. “IFRS 16; leases”, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, The First Comprehensive Conference on IFRS, Tehran, March 2017.
National and International Conferences/Seminars
1. Annual Conference on Prevention of Fraud and Financial Misusing, Tehran, November 2010.
2. Professional Conference of IFRS, Challenges and Changes, Tehran, August 2011.
3. 10th Iranian Academic Accounting Conference, Tehran, May 2012.
4. IFRS Seminar, Tehran, August 2012.
5. The First National Corporate Governance Conference, April 2013, Tehran.
6. 12th Asian Academic Accounting Association (AAAA) Conference, Bali, Indonesia, 2011.
7. Second Iranian Management and Accounting Conference, Tehran, May 2014.
8. Second National Corporate Governance Conference, Alzahra University, January 2016.
9. 8th Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting, Alzahra University, November 2016.
10. 5th Conference for Commemoration of Accountant Day with the subject of Accountants: Globalization and Promotion of Services, Alzahra University, November 2016.
Other Papers Published in Journals
1."Why the Public Sector Accounting and Financial Reporting are Different and Why Should Be Different From Each Other", Nezamodin Rahimian and Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Monthly Journal of Accountant, issue 188, October 2007.
2." Legal Entities and Accounting Corruption of Enron Company", Hosein Alavi Tabari, Farzaneh Yousefi Asl and Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Journal of Accounting Knowledge and Research, issue 25, summer 2011.
3." Women and Capital Market: a Suggestion", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Journal of Capital and Market, issue 35 and 36, January/February 2013.
4."Comparison of Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) and Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Nasim Haraf, Monthly Journal of Securities and Exchange organization.
5."Study of Structure, Responsibilities and Functions of Investment Banks", Shahnaz Mashayekh, Azam Valizadeh Larijani and Hamideh Asna Ashari, Monthly Journal of Securities and Exchange Organization, November 2014.
6. Cooperation at Preparing the Review Page of Book for the Monthly Journal of Accountant, issue 227 to 270, from the year of 2010 to 2014.
7. “Treasury Stock; Rules Compliance”, Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Farzane Keymasi and Fateme Shabani Ab-bakhsh, Journal of Accounting Research, issue 25, 2017.
Other Papers Published in Newspapers
1."Mystrey of Securities Market Efficiency ", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Newspaper of World of Economy (Donya-e-Eqtesad), Thursday, December 27, 2012.
2."Necessities of the Maximum Dividend and Auditor’s Opinion about that", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Newspaper of World of Economy (Donya-e-Eqtesad), Wednesday, January 2, 2013.
3."The Establishment and Use of Efficient System of Internal Controls Regarding to the Regulation of Securities and Exchange Organization", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Newspaper of World of Economy (Donya-e-Eqtesad), Thursday, February 23, 2017.
4."The Necessity of Uses of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)", Weekly Newspaper of Market and Capital, Saturday, July 16, 2016.
5."Some Suggestions for the new Head of Securities and Exchange Organization", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Weekly Newspaper of Exchange, Saturday, August 6, 2016.
6."Governance Corporation, as a Method to Attract Foreign Investors", Azam Valizadeh Larijani, Newspaper of World of Economy (Donya-e-Eqtesad), Wednesday, October 26, 2016.
- Advisor:
1. "The Relationship between Internal Control Disclosure, Agency Costs and Earnings Management", Shaqayeq Sade, 2017.
- Consultant:
1. "Investigation of Accrual Anomaly in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Firms", Zeynab VaqefiZade, 2017.
2. "Mathematic Modeling for Determination of Efficient Liquidity in Banks (study of the bank of EqtesadNovin) ", Maryam Mashayekhi, 2016.
3. "The Role of Debt Capacity in Choosing Debt Maturity to Reduce the Troubles of Under Investing", Farzaneh Keimasi, 2016.
4. "Investigation of the Relationship between Information Asymmetry with rely on role of Disclosure in Tehran Stock Exchange Listed Firms", Vida Tari, 2016.
Honors and Awards
1. The first rank in B.A. level.
2. Second place in Ph.D. entrance exam at Alzahra University.
3. Chosen Lady Award, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, 2012.