مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي و پژوهشي
- Analysis of Relationship between Entropy Generation and Soot Formation in Turbulent Kerosene/Air Jet Diffusion Flames, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 33, pp. 9184-9195, 2019. (ISI- JCR)
- Influence of Variable Air Distribution on Pollutant Emissions in a Model Wall Jet Can Combustor, Heat Transfer Research, Vol. 49, No. 17, pp. 1667- 1688, 2018. (ISI- JCR)
- Influence of Incoming Air Conditions on Fuel Spray Evaporation in an Evaporating Chamber, Chemical Engineering Science, Vol. 189, pp. 233- 244, 2018. (ISI- JCR)
- Influence of Chemical Mechanisms on Spray Combustion Characteristics of Turbulent Flow in a Wall Jet Can Combustor, Energy & Fuels, Vol. 31, pp. 7523- 7539, 2017. (ISI- JCR)
- Effect of Pepsi and 40% Hydrogen Peroxide on Microhardness of Amaris Composite Resin: An in Vitro Experimental Study, Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 222- 226, 2018. (ISI)
- Fluid Flow Modelling Through an Axial- Flow Micro Hydro Turbine, Tehnički vjesnik, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 1517-1526, 2015. (ISI- JCR)
- Modeling of the Propagation of a Reaction Front in Fixed Bed Combustion of Wood Particles, Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 27, No. 3, pp. 453- 459, 2011. (ISI- JCR)
- Influence of Number of Laminar Flamelets and Their Scalar Dissipation Rate on Combustion Characteristics in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, Aerospace Knowledge and Technology Journal, Vol 6, No.2, pp. 55-71, 2017. (ISC)
- Influence of Chemical Mechanism on the Characteristics of Combustion Flame in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, Journal of Fuel and Combustion, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 71-94, 2017. (ISC)
- Analysis of Influence of Variable Airflow Distribution on Reactive Flow in a Gas Turbine Model Combustion Chamber, Journal of Fuel and Combustion, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 13-33, 2016. (ISC)
Numerical Study of Different Models of an Agnew Micro Hydro Turbine, Modares Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 221-230, 2015 (ISC)
مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانسهای علمی
- Relation between Entropy Generation and CO Pollutant Formation in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, 27th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, ISME 2019.
- Influence of Combustion Chamber Pressure on Soot Pollutant Formation in a Gas Turbine Model Combustor, 27th Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, ISME 2019.
- Risk Assessment of Rail Transporting Dangerous Goods of Propane in the Isfahan-Zahedan Corridor, 6th International Conference on Recent Advances in Railway Engineering, IUST, Iran, ICRARE 2019.
- Application of Scale Adaptive Simulation (SAS) Turbulence Model in Simulation of a Reactive Spray Flow, 6th National Conference on Gas Turbines, IUST, Iran, 2018.
- Analysis of Influence of Liquid Fuel Combustion Modeling on Reactive Flow Characteristics in a Gas Turbine Model Combustion Chamber, 5th National Conference on Gas Turbines, IUST, Iran, 2016.
- Influence of Velocity and Spray Angle of Fuel Spray on Reactive Flow Characteristics in a Gas Turbine Model Combustion Chamber, 5th National Conference on Gas Turbines, IUST, Iran, 2016.
- Analysis of Liquid Fuel Spray in Turbulent Environment of Combustion Chamber, 6th National Fuel and Combustion Conference, Mashhad, Iran, FCCI, 2016.
- Analysis of Two-Phase Flow in the Combustion Chamber and the Effect of Inlet Air Conditions on Evaporation of Fuel droplets, 6th National Fuel and Combustion Conference, Mashhad, Iran, FCCI, 2016.
- Defining the Dynamic Integrated Model of Excitation System Components, Generator, Governor and Turbine of 4th Unit of Shahid Rajaee Steam Power Plant, 6th Conference on Thermal Power Plants, 6th IPG Conference, IUST, IRAN, 2016.
- Analysis of Reacting Swirl Flow in a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, 2nd National Conference on Applied Researches in Electrical, Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, Tehran, Iran, 2015, (Indexed Civilica)
- Simulation of Spray Combustion in a Gas Turbine Combustion Chamber, 4th National Conference on Gas Turbines, IUST, Iran, 2015.
- Design and Fluid Analyse of a Radial Fan by Using ANSYS CFX and FLUENT Software, 2st National Industrial Ventilation& Hygiene Conference, Tehran, 2011.
- Design of Channel System and Industrial Ventilation of an Automotive Repair Shop, 2st National Industrial Ventilation& Hygiene Conference, Tehran, 2011.
- Study of Turbulent Flow Heat Transfer in a Channel with Angular Steps, 1stIranian Thermal Science, Mashhad, Iran, 2011.
- Numerical Solution Turbulent Flow over Backward Facing Step - The Effects of Step Height, Duct Angle, 1stRegional Conference on Mechanical Engineering, 2011.
- Numerical Review of Cavitation’s Effect on Agnew Micro Hydro Turbine, Reformation Pattern of Production and Consumption, 2011.
CFD Simulation of a Micro Hydro Turbine, Reformation Pattern of Production and Consumption, 2011.
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