9. A.Mahmoodi1, S.Z Shourshinie1 , D. Dorranian2 “Synthesis and characterization of AgCl nanoparticles produced by laser ablation of Ag in NaCl solution” Appl.phys.A,122:452, 2016.
International Conferences:
1. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, “The effect of ionization energy of metal targets on electron density of plasma” 6th EMSLIBS, September 2011.
2. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, “Quantitative evaluation of precious metals based on preheating process in LIBS” 6th EMSLIBS, September 2011.
3. P. Parvin, B. bavali, S. Z. Shoursheini, B. Sajad, “Dual laser LIBS-LIDAR system with higher SNR using simultaneous CW-CO2 and Q-Switched Nd:YAG lasers” 6th EMSLIBS, September 2011.
4. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, “The ablation rate measurements of metal targets in laser marking using double beam irradiation including Q-Sw Nd:YAG and CW-CO2 laser” 31st European Conference on laser Interaction with Matter, 2010.
5. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, “Measurements of the laser induced plasma parameters for the identification of various metal targets” 31st European Conference on laser Interaction with Matter, 2010.
6. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad" Dual laser beam induced breakdown spectroscopy of alloy samples using simultaneous CW-CO2 and Q-SW Nd:YAG lasers” proceeding of fifth International WLT-Conference on lasers in manufacturing 2009 Munich, June 2009, 703-706.
7. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, B.Jaleh, “LIBS investigation of PC and CR-39 during Nd:YAG laser irradiation”, proceeding of 24th International conference on Nuclear Track in Solids, p 141, Italy, 2008.
8. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, H. R. Dehghanpour, Karimi M., Bassam M. A., “The Measurement of electrical properties of UV laser induced micro structuring on Silicon at SF6 atmosphere based on EIS and LIBS real time monitoring”, proceeding of 24th International conference on Nuclear Track in Solids, p 49, Italy, 2008.
9. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad " LIBS investigation of PC and CR-39 during Nd:YAG laser irradiation" 24th International conference on Nuclear Track in Solids, Bologna, 1-5 September 2008.
Iranian Conferences:
1. A.mahmoodi1, Z.shoursheini1* and D.dorannian “Synthesis and characterization of Ag nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in Nacl solution” proceeding of 3th Iranian Conference on Laser and Applications, P 1-4, 2015.
2. Z. Dini-Torkamani, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi, S. Z. Shoursheini, “Evaluation of the condition of local thermodynamic equilibrium in Laser-Induced microplasma spectroscopy” proceeding of the Annual Physics Conference of Iran, P 1773-1776, 2014.
3. A. Mahmodi, S. Z. Shoursheini, D. Dorannian, “Synthesis and characterization of Ag nanoparticles produced by laser ablation in NaCl solution” proceeding of Lasers and applicatios, 2014.
4. F. Salehi, S. Pashaei adl, S. Z. Shoursheini, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi, “ The effect of self-absorption correction using internal reference in determining heavy metals concentration by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy” proceeding of 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 6th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p.1217-1220, 2014.
5. S. Pashaei adl, F. Salehi, S. Z. Shoursheini, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi, B. Sajjad, “Depth profiling of coated metal plating using of laser- induced break down spectroscopy” proceeding of 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 6th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p.817-820, 2014.
6. Z. Dini-Torkamani, H. Gholami, S. Ghahari-Korani, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi, S. Z. Shoursheini, “Determining concentration of the material elements with self-absorption correction through optical penetration depth” proceeding of 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 6th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p.1169-1172, 2014.
7. T. Seyedi, F. Shahshahani, R. Sabet-Dariani, B. Sajjad, S. Z. Shoursheini, “Characterization of SiO2 thin layer deposited on Si wafer by CVTC method” proceeding of the Annual Physicsl Conference of Iran, p. 724-727, 2013.
8. S. Ghahari-Korani, Z. Dini-Torkamani, H. Gholami, S. Z. Shoursheini, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi,” Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Dental Amalgam by Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy” proceeding of the Annual Physics Conference of Iran, p. 1606-1609, 2013.
9. H. Gholami, Z. Dini-Torkamani, S. Ghahari-Korani, S. Z. Shoursheini, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi, “ Determining concentration of the material elements with self-absorption correction through internal reference” proceeding of the Annual Physics Conference of Iran, p. 151-154, 2013.
10. S. Beheshtipour, B. Sajjad, S. Z. Shoursheini , F. Shahshahani, R. Sabet-Dariani “ Identification composition of porous silicon using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy” proceeding of 19th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 5th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p., 2013.
11. V. Fartaj, S. Z. Shoursheini, S. ghahary, H.R. Shirvani-Mahdavi, F. Shahshahani “Investigation and identification of tanned skin quality in the leather industry by optical approach” proceeding of 19th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 5th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p., 2013.
12. V. Fartaj, S. Z. Shoursheini, F. Shahshahani, F. Khalilinejad “Evaluation of self- absorption coefficients in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurements” proceeding of the Annual Physicsl Conference of Iran, p. 675-678, 2012
13. R. Zarei, A. Shafiekhani, M. T. Mirtorabi, S. Z. Shoursheini. “The telescopes absorption curve and quantum efficiency of the spectrometer obtained by study and analysis of astronomical recorded spectrums ", proceeding of 2th Iranian Conference on Optics and laser Engineering, p., 2012.
14. F. Khalilinejad, S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, V. Fartaj, " Qualitative study of materials in industry using laser induced breakdown and infrared spectroscopy ", proceeding of 18th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 4th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 282-285, 2012.
15. Khalily, Fatemeh1; Parvin, Parviz2, S. Z, Shoursheini “breakdown spectroscopy of fresh and aging transformer oil immersed in paper using Nd:YAG laser", proceeding of the Annual Physicsl Conference of Iran, p. 1598-1601, 2011.
16. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, B. "The enhancement laser induced breakdown spectroscopy using dual beam", proceeding of the Annual Physics Conference of Iran, p. 45-48, 2010.
17. S. Jamali, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, B. Jale, M. Farshchi, "The effect of RF plasma on the superficial properties of PMMA", proceeding of 10th Iranian seminar on surface engineering", p. 127, 2009.
18. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, B. Jaleh, M. Keraji, "The Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of PC and CR-39 Optical Polymers", proceeding of 15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 825-828, 2009.
19. F. Ghasemi, Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B.Sadjad, F. shahshahani, " Determination of Teeth Elements by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Dental Prosthesis", proceeding of 15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 386-389, 2009.
20. M. Keraji, P. Parvin, K. Madanipour, S. Z. Shoursheini, B. Sajad, " LIBS Method in the Real Time Calculi-Tissue Discriminator for Laser Lithotripsy", proceeding of 15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 27-29, 2009.
21. S.abdolahi, P. Parvin, M. Bassam, S. Z. Shoursheini, S. Yazdanpanah “LIBS Method for gas in different atmosphere pressure” , proceeding of 14th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 29-31 January, 607-611, 2008.
22. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, M. Bassam, B. Sajad, "Optical measurement of gold fineness by LIPS ", proceeding of 13th Annual Iranian Conferences on Optics and Photonics, Feb. 6-8, 2007.
Iranian Patents:
1- P. Parvin, B. Sajad, M. A. Basam, Z. Shoursheini, "Optical fineness measurement of gold using LIPS ", Patent No: 37116, Registration date: 1385/2/2(22th April 2006).
2- P. Parvin, B. Sajad, Z. Shoursheini, "Laser Isotope separation of 34S at gaseous phase of SF6 at the vicinity of Si", Patent No: 52067, Registration date: 1387/6/6 (27th Sep. 2008).
-Translation of the book “Definitions and Formula in Physics, A.Raue”, (Under printing).