Zohre Khosravi, Faculty Member of Alzahra University

Publications Some Articles

I have published a number of articles, most of them in Persian. Some of my works are as follows:

Khosravi, Z. (1997). The role of negative self-schema in the formation and duration of childhood and adolescence depression, Journal of Humanities of Alzahra University, 7(21), 1-16.

Khosravi, Z. (1997). The study and comparison of attributional styles of anxious and normal students of Tehran, Journal of Humanities of Alzahra University, 7(22), 25-42.

Khosravi, Z. (1997). The role of pathological and normal grief in the prevalence of mental disorders among adolescents, Journal of Andeesheh va Raftar (A Journal of Psychiatry & Clinical Psychology in Iran), 3(1), 32-40.

Khosravi, Z. (1998). The role of mood states on self-appraisal of problem- solving ability in female students, Journal of Andeesheh va Raftar (A Journal of Psychiatry & Clinical Psychology in Iran), 4(1), 35-46.

Khosravi, Z. (2000). The influence of different conditions of mood manipulation on memory among Iranian children. Psychological Research, 5 (3), 48-63.

Khosravi, Z. (2002). Mental health predictive factors in infertile couples.

Medical Journal of Reproduction & Infertility, 3(9), 56-65.

Khosravi, Z. (2003). The Psychosocial problems of head household women,

Journal of Humanities of Alzahra University, 13(38), 40-56.

Bagheri Noaparast, K. and Khosravi, Z, (2004) Three Approaches in Islamic Science: Case Studies in Iran, Journal of Religious Thought, 12(1), 1-18


Khosravi, Z. (2005). The relationship between domestic violence, suicide tendency, and violence against husbands. Journal of Women Studies, 10 (2), 22-31.

Khosravi, Z. (2006). Family functioning and risk taking behaviors among Iranian adolescents. Psychological Studies, 12(5), 34-55.

Khosravi, Z. & Bagheri, K. (2005). Towards an Islamic psychology: An introduction to remove theoretical barriers, Psychological Studies, 1 (4), 5-17. Alzahra University.

Bagheri Noaparast, K. & Khosravi, Z. (2006). Mind and mental health based on a realistic constructivism, Constructivism in the Human Sciences, 11(1-2), 20-31.

Bagheri Noaparast, K & Khosravi, Z. (2006). Islamic concept of education reconsidered, American Journal of Islamic Social Science (AJISS), vol. 23(4), 88-103.

Bagheri Noaparast, K & Khosravi, Z. (2006). Piaget's genetic epistemology, Hekmat Va Falsafe (Wisdom and Philosophy), Academic Journal of Philosophy Department, Allame Tabatabii University, 3(2-3), August- November. Indexed by'Philosopher's Index', available at: www.philinfo.org.

Khosravi, Z. (2007). Factors related to mental health of Iranian professional women, Journal of Women Studies, 12(2), 40-51.

Lotfi, R, Donyaviv and Khosravi, Z. (2007). Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas between personality disorder (cluster B) and normal subjects, Journal of Army University of Medical Sciences of the I.R.Iran (Jaums)

Khosravi, Z, and Bagheri, K. (2008). Internalizing of values through curriculum, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 3(8), 81-109.

Khosravi, Z. and Seif, S. and Alie, S. (2008). The relationship between schema maintenance and process and students’ attitude toward marriage. Research in Psychological Health, 1 (4), 31-40.

Khosravi, Z, Feyzabadi, Z. (2009). Type of attachment and God image among divorce seeking and non-seeking women of Kashan, Journal of New Thoughts in Education, 5 (3) 37-54.


Khosravi, Z., Alizade, O. & Besharat, M.A. (2009). Relation of family efficacy with positive and negative perfectionism among students in Nowshahr, Family Research, 5(1), 43-56.

Bagheri Noaparast, K. and Khosravi, Z. (2010), A dynamic conception of humanity, intercultural relation and cooperative learning, Intercultural Education, 21 (3) 281-290. Published by Taylor & Francis.

Bagheri, K. and Khosravi, Z. (2010). A dynamic conception of humanity, intercultural relation and cooperative learning, Intercultural Education, 21(3), 281-291.

Khosravi, Z. and Khaghani, M. (2010). A study on predicting factors of violence against women (case study: women who refer to court), Women in Development and Politics, 8(3), 177-195.

Nosrati, K., Khosravi, Z., Darvizeh, Z. & Khodabakhsh, R. (2010). A study of the Explicit and Implicit Memory Biases (Negative and Positive Effects) Easy and Difficult conditions; Perception of Risk among Students of Tehran and Alzahra University. Psychological Studies, 6 (2), 75-114.

Khosravi, Z., Baliyad, M.R., Nahidpour, F., Azadi, SH. (2011). A Study of the Relationship among Attachment Styles, Forgiveness and Marital Conflicts in Couples Referring to Karaj Counseling Centers. Journal of Woman and Society, 2 (7), 61-80.

Khosravi, Z. and Pasdar, Z. and Farahani, Z. Kishani, (2011), Investigation of Positive and Negative conception of God and its Relation with Pathological and NonPathological Guilt Feeling, Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, pp. 1378-1380. Published by Elsevier.

Khosravi, Z., Zarabiha, E. and Nemati, A. (2011), An Investigation of the Relationship among pathological and non pathological guilt feeling, Religious Attitude and Mental Health. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, pp. 1370-1373. Published by Elsevier

Khosravi, Z., Cheragh Molaei, L. and Banijamali, SH. (2011). Efficacy of training self monitoring strategies to 6-12 years old girls with ADHD symptoms, 6(4), 37-56.

Khosravi, Z., Attari, A., Rezaei, S. (2011), Intimate partner violence in relation to early maladaptive schemas in a group of outpatient Iranian women.


Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 30, 1374-1377. Published by Elsevier.

Khaksari, Z. and Khosravi, Z. (2011), Positive and Negative Conception of God and Its Relationship with Student’s Self-Esteem and Mental Health.

Bagheri Noaparast, K. & Khosravi, Z. (2011). Deconstructive Religious Education. Religious Education. USA.

Khosravi, Z. & Cheragh Mollaei, L. (2012), Social Commitment and Mental Health among High-school and University Students: A Comparative Study Emphasizing Gender, Women Studies

Bagheri Noaparast, K. and Khosravi, Z. (2012), Which Interpretation of Deconstruction? Reply to Biesta and Miedema in Religious Education, Issue 106.1, Religious Education, 107 (5), 476-480. Published by Taylor & Francis.

Khosravi, Z. & Alizadeh, Sahraee Omhani. (2012) The Relation of Internet Addiction with Family Functioning and Mental Health among Students in Tehran City. Journal of Educational Psychology Studies, 8(14), 59-80.

Hamedi, R., Khosravi, Z., Peyvastegar, M., Darvizeh, Z., Khodabakhsh, R., Sarami, GH. (2013). The Study of role of Self-differentiation and Close relationship quality in Single Students with opposite Sex. Psychological Studies. 8 (4), 57-72.

Nosrati, K., Khosravi, Z. (2013). Explicit and implicit memory biases and perception of risk among students with depression, anxiety or mixed disorder. Journal of Research in Behavioral Science. 11 (1). 30-38. http://www.rbs.mui.ac.ir/index.php/jrbs/article/view/ HYPERLINK "http://www.rbs.mui.ac.ir/index.php/jrbs/article/view/411"411

Nematy, A., Fattahi, K., Khosravi, Z., & Khodabakhsh, R. (2014). A Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemata among Homosexual, Bisexual and Heterosexual People in Iran. Journal of Gay & Lesbian Mental Health, 18(4), 361-374.

Ameri, F., Bayat, B., & Khosravi, Z. (2014). Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Defense Styles in Asthmatic, Alexithymic and Normal Subjects. Iranian Journal of Clinical Psychology (IJCP), 2(2), 88-93.


Rahimpour, F, Khosravi, Z, Sepasi, M. Abasian, M. Mahmoudi Gharaei, J. (2014). The Effects of Parent Psycho education Program on the Treatment Beliefs in Mothers of Adolescents with Bipolar Disorder. Journal of Social Issues and Humanities, 2(8), 84-88.

Ameri, F., Bayat, B., Khosravi, Z. (2014). Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Defense Styles in Asthmatic, Alexithymic and Normal Subjects. Iranian Journal of Clinical Psychology (IJCP). 2 (2). 88-93

Gheragh Molaii, L., Khosravi, Z., Bani Jamali, S. (2014). The Role of Monitoring in Reducing Behavioral Problems in 6-12 Years Old Girls with ADHD: A Comparison between Maternal Monitoring and Self-Monitoring. Journal of Family Research. 9(4): 451-470.

Past, N., Khosravi, Z., Farsham, A., Rahmatinejad. P., Shahangian, S. (2015). The Investigation of Planning Function in Patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder Advances in Cognitive Science. 17 (3), 1-11.

Khosravi, Z., Rahmatinejad. P. (2014). The relationship between borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder type II based on Borderline Personality Organization. Journal of Thought & Behavior in Clinical Psychology, 8 (32), pp. 37-46

Khosravi, Z., Abbas Zadeh, S. (2015). The Evaluation of Gender Based Semantic and Construal Processes in Selecting Moral Action. Women Studies. 13 (1) 7-32.

Javid, F., Bani Jamali, S., Khosravi, Z., Mirzaei, J. (2014). Assessing The Effectiveness of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Method (EMDR) with an emphasis on Bilateral Tapping in reducing chronic symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in war Devotees. Psychological Studies, 10 (1), 31-54.

Pourshahriyari, M., Khosravi, Z., Darvizeh, Z., Hosseini Anjadani, m. (2014). The role of parents, peers, educational environment and media in development of national identity in adolescents and youths of Tehran. Psychological Studies. 10(2). 89-118. Alzahra University.

Robinson, O. C., Dunn, A., Nartova-Bochaver, S., Bochaver, K., Asadi, S.,

Khosravi, Z., Jafari, S. M., Zhang, X., Yang, Yanbo. (2015). Figures of


Admiration in Emerging Adulthood: A Four-Country Study. Emerging Adulthood, 1-10.

Abbasgholi zade ghane, M., Khosravi, Z., Ameri, F. (2015). Comparison of Early Maladaptive Schemas and Their Parental Origins and coping strategies in psoriasis patients, diabetes type I patients and healthy people. Clinical Psychology Studies, 5 (18), 23-74.

Khosravi, Z., Past, N., MehrineJad, S. A. (2015). Comparing neuropsychological profiles in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder with normal group. Clinical Psychology Studies, 5 (20), 107-132.

Zand Karimi, G., Yazdi, M., Khosravi, Z., Dehshiri, G. (2015). Modeling of the effect of coping with stress styles on generalized anxiety disorder by brain's executive functions. Int J Behav Sci, 10 (1), 42-48.

Taghavi, Z., Khosravi, Z. (2015). Reduction of eating disorder symptoms in women and men through cognitive-behavioral group therapy. Contemporary Psychology, Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association. 10, 432-449.

Shahi Sadrabadi, F., Khosravi, Z., Dehghan, S. (2015). Emotional control and mental health in female students. Contemporary Psychology, Biannual Journal of the Iranian Psychological Association. 10, 833-836.

Zand Karimi, G., Yazdi, M., Khosravi, Z. (2016). Meta-cognition, Decision Making and Working Memory as Mediators between Coping with Stress Styles and Major Depressive Disorder. International Journal of Psychological and Brain Sciences. 1 (1), 1-8.

Khosravi, Z., Rahmatinejad, P., Shahisadrabadi, F. (2016). Comparative research of the quality of intimate relationships and experience interpersonal anger in individual with obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and normal group. Journal of research in Psychological Health. 10, 32-42.

Goudarzi, N., Khosravi, Z., Dehshiri, Gh.R. (2016). Early Maladaptive schemas and metacognitive beliefs in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder and normal people. Journal of Clinical Psychology. 8, 25-36.


Enjedani, E., Khosravi, Z., Rahmatinejad, P., Payvastegar, M., Banijamali,

S. (2017). Phenomenological investigation of sadness experience in borderline personality disorder patients. Quarterly of Psychological Studies. 13, 25-48.

Khosravi, Z. (2018). Guilt and Shame in Religious Education. Journal of Education in Muslim Societies and Communities. 2, 5-22.

Torabian, L., Ameri, F., Khosravi, Z., Banijamali, S. (2018). Phenomenological investigation of the causes of addiction to social networking among high school students in Tehran city. Scientific Journal of Health System Research. 14, 291-298.

Arabpour, S., Khosravi, Z., Sarmi, G. (2018). A Study of Gender difference in early maladaptive schemas and coping styles: A schema-focused approach. Quarterly Journal of Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological. 16, 43-68.

Mahdizadeh,M., Khosravi, Z. (2018). An inquiry into the effectiveness of bibliotherapy for children with intellectual disability. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities. 1-8

Kamali, S., Ameri, F., Khosravi, Z., Ramezani, M.A. (2018). Lived experience of women of their husbands’ extramarital relationships: A phenomenological study. Journal of Family Research. 14(1), 95-112


Bagheri Noaparast, Khosrow & Khosravi, Zohreh. (2010). Una concezione dinamica

dell'umanita, della relazione interculturale e del cooperative learning. In F. Gobbo (Ed).

IL cooperative learning nella societa muticulturali: una prospettiva critica (pp. 47- 162). Milano: Edizioni Unicopli.

Zohré Koshravi, Khosrow Bagheri. (2018) Auf dem Weg zu einer islamischen Psychologie Eine Einführung zur Beseitigung theoretischer Hürden. In Islam und Psychologie ,(pp. 265-280). Waxmann


Psychotherapy of Grief, 2001, Tehran: Naqshe Hasti

Psychological Foundations of Gender, 2003, Tehran: Ministry of Higher Education.

Coping with Bipolar Disorder, 2008, Tehran: Nashr e Elm (translation).

Perfectionism: Illness or Health, In Press, Tehran: Nashr e Elm.

Cognitive Behavioral therapy for Dummies (translation)

Critical Thinker. Richard E. Mayer and Fiona Goodchild, Translated by Zohreh khosravi

Papers Presented in Conferences

The influence of different mood conditions on simple and complex memory tasks among Iranian children (VIIth European Congress of Psychology).

Demographic Correlates of Depression and Life Satisfaction Among Iranian High School Students. The XI European Conference on Developmental Psychology.

Impact of the psycho-educational program on Iranian bipolar patients. The Third Biennial Conference of the International Society for Bipolar Disorder, Delhi, India. January 2008.


Some PhD Thesis

Nosrati, K., Khosravi, Z. (2009). A study of explicit and implicit memory biases (negative and positive affects), easy and difficult conditions, perception of risk among students of Alzahra and Tehran universities. PhD thesis. Alzahra University.


Hamedi, R. Khosravi, Z., peyvastegar, M. (2012). The quantitative and qualitative study of relationship pathology between single students. PhD Thesis. Alzahra University.

Nikmanesh, Z., Khosravi, Z. (2007). Qualitative and quantitative study of risk-taking behaviors: emphasized on predictor factors. PhD Thesis. Alzahra University.

Hosseini Anjadani, M., Darvizeh, Z., Khosravi, Z., (2010). Predicting and comparison of national identity and its dimensions based on social cognitive and motivational factors in Tehran’s adolescents and youths. PhD Thesis. Alzahra University.

Alizadeh Sahraei, Khosravi, Z., O., Ameri, F.(2016). Designing a Cognitive

–behaviour therapy manual for OCD patients with scrupulosity of Najes-Paki by considering Iranian cultural context. PhD thesis. Alzahra Univerity.



Esbati, M., khodabakhsh,R., Khosravi, Z. (2016). Investigation of the goodness of fit for the psychopathology model in compassion focused therapy. PhD thesis. Alzahra Univerity.

Erfanmanesh, N., Darvizeh, Z., Khosravi, Z.(2015). Exploring the phenomenological experience of marital life in couple with reverse age differences. PhD thesis. Alzahra Univerity.


Some M.A. Thesis

Mousavi, P., Khosravi, Z., Dehshiri, Gh. (2016). The latent structure of empathy and its relationship with social interest. M.A. thesis.

Minasian, L. Khosravi, Z., Dehshiri, GH. (2015). Differences between executive functions of musician and nonmusician high school student females of Tehran. M.A. thesis

Haji Ali Akbari, S., Khosravi, Z., Dehshiri, Gh. (2015). The relationship between death anxiety, psychological wellbeing, spiritual wellbeing and social support. M.A. Thesis.

Goudarzi, N., Khosravi, Z., Dhshiri, GH. (2015). The comparison of early maladaptive schemas ana meta-cognition believes in subjects with OCD, OCPD, and subjects in normal sample. M.A. Thesis


Shahi Sadr abadi, F., Khosravi, Z., Banijamali, S. (2013).The study and comparison of the styles of emotional expression in individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, comorbid and normal group.

M. A. Thesis

Partou, B. Khosravi, Z. (2011). A comparative study of mental health, life satisfaction, individualistic and collectivistic culture between two groups of Iranian youth residents in Canada and Iran. M.A. thesis.

Khaledian, P. Khosravi, Z. (2011). A comparative analysis of positive and negative perfectionism among depressed, bipolar and normal individuals. M.A. thesis