1- Review the degree of nuclear family affiliation among fathers and mother families among students, Sociology of Education Journal, Vol.7, No.7, PP 1-23, 2020.
2- Factors Related to Domestic Violence Against Pregnant Women Referring to Hospitals and Vaccination Centers in Tehran, The Journal of Uremia Nurse Midwifery, Vol.17, No. 5, 2019.
3- The Study of the Dominance of Gender on the Social life of Sexual Transformers. Social Studies and Research in Iran. Vol. 8, No.1, 2018.
4- A Survey on Men's Awareness of Premenstrual Syndrome and Marital Satisfaction in Married Women in Tehran Iran. Open Public Health Journal.Vol. 11, PP.104-111, 2018.
5- Women's Employment and Children's Cultural Capital A Study Based on Bourdieu's Theory.International Journal SOC.SCI Education,Vol. 8, No. 1, 2018.
6- Social Factors affecting to Elective Cesarean in Iran. Bioethics and Health Law Journal.Vol.1, No. 3, PP.41-46, 2017.
7- Sociological factors affecting brand use among women referring to shopping centers in Tehran,Iranian Journal of Social Problems, Vol. 8, No. 2, PP. 259-276, 2017.
8- Using Internet and the tendency to self-showing (Case Study of female graduates of one university in Tehran).Women's Psychological Social Studies. Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 95-122, 2013.
9- Sociological Explain of Value Changes in Daughters and their Mothers, Journal of Sociological Researches, Vol. 8, No.2 ,2015.
10- Social Factors of Tendency to Caesarian Section in Pregnant Women, Journal of Medical Ethics,Vol. 7, No.29, 2015
11- The Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Self-Concept among the Married Women Admitted to the Health Centers in Eastern Tehran,Journal of Social Studies, Vol. 1, No. 1, PP. 10-16, 2015.
12- Review of Sexual Identity Differences in Woman and Man Athlete in Iran,Journal of New Approaches in Sport Management,Vol. 3, No.8, pp 73-82, 2015.
13- A Comparative Study of Effective Factors on Employed Women and Men Career Success in SAPCO Industrial, Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Vol 5, 2015.
14- Investigating the Relationship between Habits and Marital Satisfaction,Motahar Scientific Journal, 2015.
15- The Impact of Cultural Capital on Psychological Violence against Women (Case Study: Women who referred to family Court in Tehran City),Reef Resources Assessment and Management Technical Paper, Vol,40,No. 1, 2014
16- The Impact of Women’s Infertility on Subjective Dimension of Quality of Life (QOL),Reef Resources Assessment and Management Technical Paper, Vol.40, No1, 2014.
17- Review of Effected Social Factors on Economic Fights in Marital life in Employed and Unemployed Women in the City of Tehran,Social Issues in Iran, Vol.5, No.2, pp. 365-390, 2014.
18- Sociological Approach in Attitude towards Dowry,Journal of Sociological and Psychological Women Studies,Vol. 12, No.4, pp. 43-68, 2014
19- Investigating the effect of women's individual and mental differences on body management. Journal of Cultural Education of Women and Family. Vol. 7, No. 23, 2014.
20- Social Factors Affecting Expenditing Sex Change Surgery in Patients with Gender Identity Disorder, Scientific Journal of Forensic Medicine, Vol.20, No. 2, pp 19- 26, 2014.
21- Effect Review of Individual-Psychological Distinctions on Women’s Body Management, Journal of Women and Family Cultural Educative, Vol.7, No.23, p.107-132, 2013.
22- Factors Affecting Nuclear Family of Procreation Dependence to Father Family OF Orientation. Sociological Studies of Iran, Vol.2, No.5, pp. 39-56, 2012.
23- The Effect of Normative Pressure on Women’s Body Management,Journal of Contemporary Sociology,2011.
24- The Impact of Women's Employment on the Power Structure in the Eyvanekey City Families. Woman in development and politics,Vol. 9, No. 3, PP. 133-149, 2011.
25- Personal and Family Obstacles and Problems in Job Promote Female Employees, National Petroleum Agency, Journal of Iran Sociological Studies, Vol.1, No.1, pp.93-107, 2011.
26- Gender Analysis of Girls and Boys Athletic Sport with a Sociological Approach, Journal of Jahesh,Vol.2, No.8, pp. 65-75, 2011.
27- Sociological Review of Effect of Socio-Economic Status on Pyramid of Power in Family, Journal of Social Sciences,Vol.4, No.2, pp.77-102, 2011.
28- Investigating The Glass Ceiling Phenomenon from the Perspective of Organizational Sociology in Iran NGO’S,Journal of Social Sciences, No.27, 2010.
29- The Impact of Social and Intellectual Conditions of Women on the Efficiency of Laws about them,Journal of Contemporary Sociology, Vol.2, No.2,pp.27-50,2010.
30- A Comparative Study of Reproduction & Redefined Gender Identity in Combat Athlete Girls, Journal of Social Sciences ,Vol.17, No.37,pp.115-145, 2010
31- A Sociological Study on the Effect of Social-Economic Status of Violence against Women during Marital life (Case Study: Employees and Staff of Azad University of Tehran),Journal of Family Research Vol.5, No. 4, 441-454, 2010.
32- “Psycho-Social Factors on People’s Tendency to Sexual Change in the City of Tehran in Middle East”,Journal of Family Medicine, Vol.7, NO.7, PP. 33-38, 2009.
33- Factors Affecting the Tendency of Employment Outside Home,Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.34-35, 2008.
34- Sociology of Sport and Gender Roles,Journal of Science, Sport, Health, Vol.14, 2006.
35- Talent Finding in Sport,Sama Educational Journal, Vol.12, 2005.
36- Sociology of Sport and Social Classes, Journal of Science, Sport, Health, Vol.12, 2005.
37- A Theory of Religious Commitment,Journal of Research & Cultural Studies, Vol.5, No.20,21, pp.286-253, 2001
38- Social Trust,Journal of Research, Vol.5, No.18, 2001.
Conferences papers
- Published papers in conferences: more than 30
Grant projects
- Executive Grant projects: 7
Honors and awards
1- Selected Researcher 2012 of the Faculty
2- Selected Researcher 2013 of the Faculty
3- Top researcher 2014 of the Faculty
4- Top Researcher 2015 of the Faculty
i1- Woman and Women's Representation in the Media Arts (2015), Farhikhtegan-e-daneshgah Press, Tehran, Iran.
2- Book Translation (2011), Elm Publications. Book: Sport: A Critical Sociology by Richard Giulianotti (2005).
3- Cultural Consequences of Women Employment in Family, Ershad Ministry(2017).
4- Investigating the portrayal of women in the works of literature Nobel winners: indicating Alice Munro (Persian Edition) Amazon(2017)
Postgraduate thesis
1- Supervisor of 60 PhD and master thesis
2- Advisor of 50 master thesis