Work Experience
Director of International Academic collaborations, Alzahra University, 2021 to present
Head of the department, Department of English, Alzahra University, 2021
Assistant head of the department, English Language Department, Alzahra University, September 2018- 2020.
Member of the examining committee, Dr Hoorvash’s speech on "Post-post modernism fiction", 2015.
Member of the Doctoral Selection Committee, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Alzahra University, June, 2019.
Member of the Doctoral Selection Committee, Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Alzahra University, June, 2018.
ELT department's representative to the faculty Council of Graduate Studies, ELT department, Alzahra University, January 2018 -January 2019.
Guest speaker to the meeting on "English language and Iranian Identity", Center for Strategic Research, The Expediency Discernment Council, 2016.
Member of the examining committee, Dr Nafisi's speech on "From corpus to classroom", 2015.
ELT department's representative to the faculty committee on website affairs, ELT department, Alzahra University, June 2016-present.
ELT department's representative to the faculty Council of Graduate Studies, ELT department, Alzahra University, June 2013- 2016.
Member of the Doctoral Selection Committee (Special Talent Applicants), Department of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Languages and Literature, Alzahra University, August, 2015.
Scientific secretary, Alzahra University First Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, May 2015.
Research Director, Kar Higher Education Institute, Tehran, Iran, July 2012- September 2015.
Member of the student committee, First conference on issues in linguistics and language teaching in Iran, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, 2007
Head of the English Department of Board of Education, Varamin district, 2006-2011.
Academic communities membership
Member, International Association for Moral Education, 2011- present.
Member, Teaching English Language and Literature Society of Iran (TELLSI), 2006-present.
Editorial responsibilities
Manuscript Reviewer, Teaching and Teacher Education, Elsevier, 2020.
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Teaching for Education, Elsevier, 2020.
Manuscript Reviewer, Issues in Language Teaching, Allameh Tabataba’i University, 2018- present.
Manuscript Reviewer, Journal of Language Horizons, Alzahra University, 2016- present.
Manuscript Reviewer, Language Research (Zaban Pazhuhi), Alzahra University, 2013-present.
Manuscript Reviewer, Language Inquiry (Jostarhaye zabani), Tarbiat Modares University, 2015.
Funded Research Project Reviewer, Birjand University, 2016.
Conference Proceedings Reviewer, The third ELT conference at Allameh Tabataba'i University, 2015.