Double-blind refereed publications:
2017, “The Relationship among Academic Discipline, Gender and Total Exam Score on Test-Taking Strategies: The Case of the General English Section of the National Iranian PhD Entrance Exam” published in International Journal of Language Testing, second author, supervisor.
2017, “Triumph through texting: Restoring learners’ interest in grammar” published in ReCALL, second author, supervisor.
2016, “Investigating the Impact of Metalinguistic Feedback versus Recast in an Online Collaborative Environment (Google Drive) versus Face-to-Face Writing Class on Iranian EFL Students’ Writing Apprehension” published in CALL-EJ, first author, supervisor.
2016, “Investigating Competitive Forces of Emotions and Intellects in Academic Performance of Iranian Adult EFL Learners” published in Research in English Language Pedagogy, second author.
2016, “Computer aided argument mapping in an EFL setting: Does technology precede traditional paper and pencil approach in developing critical thinking?” published in Educational Technology Research and Development, third author, advisor.
2016, “Factors affecting pre-service teachers’ participation in asynchronous discussion: The case of Iran” published in Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, third author, advisor.
2016, “Test administration conditions of the General English section of the Iranian national PhD entrance exam: Are the PhD exam candidates satisfied?” published in Iranian Journal of Language Testing, second author, supervisor.
2016, “A shift into autonomous EFL education” published in Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning, first author, supervisor.
2015, “Triangulation Study of the Congruence between Postgraduate Students’ Academic Language Skills and the Language Skills Measured by the General English Section of the National Iranian PhD Entrance Exam” published in Journal of Educational Measurement & Evaluation Studies, second author, supervisor. (In Persian, as cited below.)
"بررسي مثلثي سازي تجانس بين نياز دانشجويان مقطع دكتري به مهارت هاي زبان انگليسي و مهارت هاي زباني اندازه گيري شده دربخش زبان عمومي آزمون دكتري" (چاپ در فصلنامه علمی-پژوهشی سازمان سنجش آموزش کشور، مطالعات اندازه گيري و ارزشيابي آموزشي)، نویسندگان: شیلا خیرزاده، سیده سوسن مرندی، منصور توکلی
"دیدگاههای زبان آموزان در مورد مفهوم فرهنگ و بازتاب آن در آموزش زبان انگلیسی به دانشجویان ایرانی" (چاپ در نشریه علمی-پژوهشی دانشکده ادبیات دانشگاه الزهرا (س)، فصلنامه زبان پژوهی)، نویسندگان: الهه ستوده نما، سیده سوسن مرندی، پریسا مهران
2015, “CALL teacher professional growth through lesson study practice: An investigation into EFL teachers’ perceptions,” published in Computer Assisted Language Learning (Taylor & Francis; IF = .92), second author, supervisor.
2014, “Learner reflections in virtual vs. blended EAP classes,” published in Computers in Human Behavior (Elsevier; IF = 2.273), second author, supervisor.
2014, “The representation of Iran in Englishcentral educational website: Unfolding the hidden curriculum,” published in Iranian Journal of Applied Linguistics, second author, supervisor.
2014, “Iranian EFL students’ perception of the consequential validity of their ratings of college teaching effectiveness,” published in Modern Journal of Language Teaching Methods, second author.
2014, “Examining effectiveness of communities of practice in online English for academic purposes (EAP) assessment in virtual classes,” published in Computers and Education (Elsevier; IF = 2.63), final author, supervisor.
2014, “Podcasting in a virtual English for academic purposes course: learner motivation,” published in Interactive Learning Environments (IF = 1.16), second author, supervisor.
2014, “Iranian EFL teachers’ perceptions of the difficulties of implementing CALL,” published in ReCALL (Cambridge; IF = .95), second author, supervisor.
2013, “Wikis as discussion forums: Exploring students’ contribution and their attention to form,” published in Computer Assisted Language Learning (Taylor & Francis; IF = .92), second author, supervisor.
2012, “Web-based writing lessons in EFL contexts: Instruction on coherent writing,” published in Journal of Studies in Learning and Teaching English, first author, supervisor.
2012, “A qualitative study of Iranian EFL teachers’ beliefs about teaching/learning culture: A case study,” published in TELL journal, second author.
2011, “Reading English in the computer lab,” published in the Iranian Journal of Applied Language Studies (IJALS), sole author.
2009, “Reading strategies in electronic environments: An emerging concern,” published in the Iranian EFL Journal, first author, supervisor.
2008, “Strategic reading process in two online and printed environments,” published in The Journal of Asia TEFL, first author, supervisor.
2008, “A comparison of metadiscourse markers in Persian and English political articles,” published in the Journal of Humanities of Alzahra University, first author, supervisor.
2003, “Metadiscourse in Persian/English Master’s Theses: A Contrastive Study,” published in IJAL (Iranian Journal of Language) at Tarbiat Mo’allem University.
Book chapters:
2015, Chapter 4 in Handbook of Research on Individual Differences in Computer-Assisted Language Learning, edited by Mehrak Rahimi, and published by IGI Global. Chapter 4 is entitled: “Individual differences among student teachers in taking an online corpus linguistics course.”
2013, Chapter 11 in The Handbook of Applied Linguistics in the Middle East, edited by Ramin Akbari and Christine Coombe, and published by TESOL Arabia. Chapter 11 is entitled: “Computer-assisted language learning.”
2010, Chapter 16 of CALL in limited technology contexts, edited by Joy Egbert et al. and published in 2010 by CALICO publications. Chapter 16 is entitled, “Bravely stepping forward: Creating CALL communities to support teachers and learners in Iran.”
Other publications:
2017, Virtual walls and bans: E-learning/CALL hegemonies in the Iranian context, published in CALL in Context: Proceedings of XVIIIth International CALL Conference held at UC Berkeley, USA.
2016, Using WebQuests as idea banks for fostering autonomy in online language courses; published in CALL Communities and Culture – Short Papers from EUROCALL 2016, Cyprus, second author.
2015, Layers of CALL hegemonies: an Iranian experience; published in Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy, first author. rpnet.2015.000363
2014, Digital literacy and netiquette: Awareness and perception in EFL learning context; published in CALL Design: Principles and Practice; Proceedings of the 2014 EUROCALL Conference, Groningen, The Netherlands, second author. rpnet.2015.000363
2014, Adopting a balanced approach toward CALL; published in Roshd FLT magazine.
2013, Recognizing safe, reliable websites; published in Roshd FLT magazine, Vol. 27(4).
2012, Online safety and privacy; published in Roshd FLT magazine, Vol. 27(2).
2012, Appropriate online behavior: Beyond netiquette rules; published in Roshd FLT magazine, Vol. 27(1).
2012, Netiquette rules: Avoiding online communication breakdowns and misunderstandings; published in Roshd FLT magazine, Vol. 26(3).
2011, CALL 101: More basics you need to know; published in Roshd FLT magazine Vol 26(2).
2011, CALL 101: Some basics any CALL practitioner needs to know; published in Roshd FLT magazine, Vol 26(1).
Current research interests
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Language assessment, Indigenizing TEFL studies/practices in Iran, etc.
Funded research projects
Teaching reading comprehension using computers, Vice Chancellory of Research, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, 2011.
Selected conference papers and invited presentations
Marandi, S. S. (2017). Virtual walls and bans: E-learning/CALL hegemonies in the Iranian context. Paper presented at XVIIIth International CALL Conference: CALL in Context, UC Berkeley, California, USA.
Janatifar, M., Marandi, S. S. & Babaie, E. (2017). Defining EFL teachers’ language assessment literacy and its promotion through virtual learning teams. Paper presented at LTRC 2017 (39th Language Testing Research Colloquium), Bogota, Colombia.
Marandi, S. S. & Sadaghian, Sh. (2016). Using WebQuests as idea banks for fostering
autonomy in online language courses. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2016, Cyprus.
Marandi, S. S., Karimi Alavijeh, K. & Nami, F. (2015). Layers of CALL hegemonies: An Iranian experience. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2015, Italy.
Karimi Alavijeh, K. & Marandi, S. S. (2015). Internet-Mediated English Education: an Opportunity or a Threat? Paper presented at TELLSI 12, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran.
Hedjazi Moghari, M. & Marandi, S. S. (2015). The impact of text-message on learning grammar: The case of Iranian EFL learners. Paper presented at LINELT, 2nd Global Conference on Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching, Dubai, UAE.
Farshad Nia, S. & Marandi, S. (2014). Digital literacy and netiquette: Awareness and perception in EFL learning context. Paper presented at EuroCALL 2014, Groningen, The Netherlands. (Article published in EuroCALL conference proceedings.)
Hedayati, F. & Marandi, S. S. (2013). Obstacles in implementing CALL in Iranian EFL classes. Paper presented at WorldCALL 2013, Glasgow, Scotland.
Ahmadi, S. D. & Marandi, S. S. (2013). Social software in the classroom: The case of wikis for scaffolding. Paper presented at International Conference on Current Trends in ELT: Putting the Learner in the Spotlight, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran. (Article published in Elsevier conference proceedings.)
Kheirzadeh, Sh. & Marandi, S. (2013). Concordancing as a tool in learning collocations: The case of Iranian EFL learners. Paper presented at International Conference on Current Trends in ELT: Putting the Learner in the Spotlight, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran. (Article published in Elsevier conference proceedings.)
Ahmadi, S. D. & Marandi, S. S. (2013). Wiki use in the classroom and EFL learners’ writing performance. Paper presented at TELLSI 11, Tabaran Institute for Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran. (Article published in Elsevier conference proceedings.)
Marandi, S. S. (2013). Professional development in Computer Assisted Language Learning in Iran. Paper presented at TELLSI 11, Tabaran Institute for Higher Education, Mashhad, Iran. (Keynote speaker)
Sadaghian, S. & Marandi, S. (2013). Overcoming inherent hegemonies of Second Life in Iranian CALL classes. Paper presented online at ACLL/ACTC 2013, Japan.
Marandi, S. S. (2012). Online collaboration: An introduction to using wikis. Workshop presented at TELLSI 10, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. & Ostovar, F. (2012). Complexity in writing assessment: Novice vs. expert raters. Paper presented at TELLSI 10, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2012). CALL in Iran: Challenges and Innovations. Paper presented at ELT in Iran: Challenges and Innovations, Torbat Heidariyeh, Iran. (Invited speaker)
Marandi, S. S. (2011). Computer-assisted language learning: Luxury or necessity? Paper presented at First Int’l TESOL Persia Conference, Tehran, Iran. (Invited speaker)
Marandi, S. S. et al. (2010). Struggling with CALL: Sharing an Iranian Experience. Symposium presented at TELLSI 8, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. & Babamaleki, F. (2010). Assessing dimensions of vocabulary knowledge of EFL learners at low and high levels of proficiency. Paper presented at IELTI 5, University of Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. & Asoodar, M. (2010). Using Item Response Theory to Evaluate the Computer-Adaptive Test of DIALANG. Paper presented at IELTI 5, University of Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. & Farshadnia, S. (2009). Patterns of language behavior in a digital world: Email etiquette in Iran. Paper presented at TELLSI 7, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2009). Bridging the gap among language testers: Introducing EFL teachers to online assessment. Paper presented at ILACA, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, Armenia. (Invited speaker)
Cruvinel et al. (2008). CALL challenges around the world. Colloquium presented at WorldCALL 2008, Fukuoka, Japan.
Marandi, S. S. & Roshani, N. (2007). A Study of the Consequential Validity of the University Entrance Examination in Iran (Konkoor). Paper presented at IELTI 4, University of Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2007). Taking Learning to the Next Level: Collaborating through Wikis. Paper presented at IELTI 4, University of Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. & Fayyazi, M. (2007). Technophobia, Technophilia, and CALL. Paper presented at TELLSI 4, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2007). Yahoo Groups: A Simple but Effective Tool for Teaching Online. Paper presented at TELLSI 4, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2006). Computer-assisted language learning: A hands-on workshop. Workshop presented at TELLSI 3, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2005). Computer assisted language learning: A practical introduction. Paper presented at IELTI 3, University of Tehran, Iran.
Marandi, S. S. (2002). Teaching English in the new millennium: CALL in Iran. In A. A. Rezaie (Ed.), Proceedings of the First Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (pp. 205-220). Tehran: University of Tehran Press.
Selected supervised theses/dissertations
On the construct validity of the Ministry of Health’s language exam (1st supervisor), MA thesis by Leila Zohali, Sept. 2016
On the fairness of high-stakes English tests: Accessibility issues in the Foreign Languages University Entrance Exam in Iran (1st supervisor), MA thesis by Fateme Zabihi, Sept. 2016
Fairness in a validity argument: The case of the General English Section of the PhD Entrance Exam for Non-English majors in Iran, PhD dissertation by Sheila Kheirzadeh, March 2016
The effect of argument mapping on Iranian EFL learners’ critical thinking and its sub-skills, recall, comprehension, and retention (advisor), PhD dissertation by Maryam Eftekhari, February 2016
Integrating corpus technology into language teacher education by distance: A multiple case study (advisor), PhD dissertation by Alice Ebrahimi, October 2015
The effect of using SMS (text messaging) on Iranian EFL learners’ written collocation production (supervisor), MA thesis by S. Motahare Heydarqolizade, Sept. 2015
Exploring the impact of technology/CALL practice, reflection and collaboration on EFL teachers’ pedagogical knowledge of CALL: Developing the CALLPK Model (1st supervisor), PhD dissertation by Fatemeh Nami, May 2015
Investigating the effects of graphical word mapping strategy on the vocabulary learning of EFL students with different perceptual learning styles (supervisor), MA thesis by Somayeh Habibzadeh Ardebili, March 2015
A qualitative analysis of teaching first language culture (Persian) in a blended EFL class (supervisor), MA thesis by Mona Borhani, March 2015
Postulating a model for virtual EAP courses in Iranian universities (1st supervisor), PhD dissertation by Maryam Asoodar, Jan. 2015
The comparative effects of metalinguistic feedback and recast in Google Drive-integrated writing instruction versus face-to-face writing instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance and writing apprehension (supervisor), MA thesis by Masumeh Sadat Seyyedrezaei, Jan. 2015
A socio-cultural study of the impact of computer-mediated corrective feedback on the development of EFL learners’ grammatical knowledge (advisor), MA thesis by Fatemeh Mardian, Sept. 2014
The effect of using wikis on Iranian EFL learners’ writing performance (supervisor), PhD dissertation by S. Dariush Ahmadi, Winter 2014
The promotion of electronic colonialism in Internet-mediated English education: The representation of Iran in four English educational websites (supervisor), PhD dissertation by Khadijeh Karimi Alavijeh, Sept. 2014
Computer-assisted ILP instruction: The effects of computer games on EFL learners’ pragmatic production (supervisor), MA thesis by Mahsa Madani, Sept. 2014
The impact of text-messaging on grammar learning of Iranian English language learners (supervisor), MA thesis by Mona Hedjazi Moghari, March 2014
The effect of critical thinking ability of Iranian upper-intermediate EFL learners on their performance on an integrated writing task (supervisor), MA thesis by Sara Abolmasoumi, March 2013
The effectiveness of text messages (SMS) as an out-of-class instructional tool to support collocation learning of Iranian EFL learners (supervisor), MA thesis by Nasim Movahedifar, March 2013
The effect of hybrid learning on Iranian EFL learners’ autonomy in vocabulary learning (supervisor), MA thesis by Idee Edalati Shams, Jan. 2013
Fairness in high-stakes TEFL tests: Accessibility issues in the MA TEFL entrance exam in Iran (supervisor), MA thesis by Bita Sanginaan, June 2012
An exploratory study on decision-making behaviors of Iranian EFL raters while holistically assessing writing tasks (supervisor), MA thesis by Fereshteh Ostovar, Sept. 2011
A comparative study of e-portfolios, portfolios and conventional EFL writing classes (supervisor), MA thesis by Maryam Pezeshki, Sept. 2010
The impact of strategy-based instruction via electronic portfolio assessment on the reading proficiency of Iranian upper-intermediate EFL learners (supervisor), MA thesis by Leila Mamasani, August 2010
A DIF analysis of the University Entrance Examination in terms of academic background (supervisor), MA thesis by Roghayeh Mehrazmay, June 2010
Assessing dimensions of vocabulary knowledge of EFL learners at different levels of reading proficiency (supervisor), MA thesis by Forough Babamaleki, March 2010
Culture in online communication: Netiquette applications and implementations in the TEFL community (supervisor), MA thesis by Sara Farshadnia, May 2010
The impact of web-based reading lessons on EFL students’ reading comprehension, motivation and autonomy (supervisor), MA thesis by Parinaz Imamikia, March 2010
On the construct validity of the University of Tehran English Proficiency Test (1st supervisor), MA thesis by Maryam Kashani Nazari, February 2010
The effects of asynchronous CMC training on teaching writing to Iranian EFL students (supervisor), MA thesis by Samira Abdolhosseini Roozbahani, Sept. 2009
The effect of web-based writing lessons on the cohesion, coherence, and persuasiveness of Iranian EFL learners’ essays (supervisor), MA thesis by Fatemeh Nami, Oct. 2009
Performance differences in diagnostic writing test based on test mode, computer familiarity and computer anxiety (supervisor), MA thesis by Maryam Asoodar, March 2009
The impact of the high-stakes test of Konkoor on the congruity of students’ preferred learning styles with EFL teachers employed teaching styles and the effect of this on students’ learnacy (supervisor), MA thesis by Nahid Roshani, Sept. 2008
The effect of using weblogs in writing classes on Iranian EFL university students’ writing proficiency (supervisor), MA thesis by Maliheh Fayyazi, Sept. 2007
A comparison of the impact of the traditional and alternative modes of assessment on Iranian high school learners’ achievement in a grammar learning situation (supervisor), MA thesis by Azadeh Bozorgi, March 2007
An investigation of metacognitive awareness of hypertext reading strategies of Iranian EFL learners (supervisor), MA thesis by Shabnam Mokhtarnia, February 2007
Comparing a web-based and paper-and-pencil-based test of reading skills (advisor), MA thesis by Fatemeh Hedayati, January 2005
The impact of the Internet on the reading comprehension of Iranian EFL students (supervisor), MA thesis by Elham Hamidi, October 2004