بتول سجاد ، عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه الزهرا 

مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي و پژوهشي

1. B. Sajad, Parviz Parvin, K. Silakhori, Z. Zamanipour and M. Hooshvar,"Dissociation rate measurements for selectivity evaluation in SF6: selective dissociation by multiline versus single line CO2 laser", Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (JNST), Vol. 41 (7), p. 771-776, 2004.

2. B. Sajad, P. Parvin, M. Bassam, ”SF6 decomposition and layer formation due to excimer laser photoablation of SiO2 surface at gas-solid system”, Journal of physics D: Applied physics, 37, 3402-3408, 2004.

3. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, K. Silakhori, M. Hooshvar, "Molecular Laser Isotope Separation (MLIS) versus Atomic Laser Isotope Separation (AVLIS)", Journal of Progressing in Nuclear Energy (PNE), Vol. 44, No. 4, 331-345, 2004.

4. M. A. Bassam, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, A. Moghimi, H. Coster, "Measurement of optical and electrical properties of silicon microstructuring induced by ArF excimer laser at SF6 atmosphere", Applied Surface Science, 254, 2621-2628, 2008.
5. B. Jale, P. Parvin, N. Sheikhi, Z. Zamanipour. B. Sajad, "Hydrophilicity and morphological investigation of polycarbonate irradiated by ArF excimer laser", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 265, 330-333, 2007.

6. K. Khorasania, D. Salehiniaa, S. Behrouzinia, B. Sajad and M. Parvizian,  "Frequency dependence of the output power of metal vapor lasers", Optics Communication 281, 3799-3801, 2008.

7. H. R. Dehghanpour, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. S. Nour-Azar, "Dose and pressure dependence of silicon microstructure in SF6 gas due to excimer laser irradiation", Applied Surface Science, 255, 4664-4669, 2009.

8. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, M. A. Bassam, "Dual laser beam induced breakdown spectroscopy of copper using simultaneous CW-CO2 and Q-SW Nd:YAG lasers", Applied Spectroscopy, V. 63, N. 4, 423-429, 2009.

9. B. Sajad, S. Behroziniya, M. A. Bassam, P. Nikzad, "Fabrication and optimization of the copper halid lasers; Comparison of the double-discharge (CuCl) with the single-pulse operation (CuBr)", Journal of science, vol. 22, No. 1, 7-14, 2009.

10. S. Z. Shoursheini, B. Sajad, P. Parvin, "Determination of gold fineness by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy with the simultaneous use of CW-CO2 and Q-SW Nd:YAG lasers", Optics and Lasers in engineering, 48, 89-95, 2010.

11. M. Aghababaei nezhad, B. Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, D. Salehinia, K. Khorasani, "Pressure dependence of small signal gain and saturation intensity of a gold vapor laser using various buffer gases in gain medium", Optics Communication, 283 (2010) 1386–1388.

12. S. Mortazavi, K. Silakhori, B. Sajad, S. Jelvani, H. Pazokiyan, M. Montazerolghaem, "Experimental investigation of the effect of buffer gas pressure and discharge current on the output power and spectral lines of a waveguide CO2 laser, Quarterly Journal of Physics (molecular & atomic), Vol. 1, No. 1, 39 – 43, 2010.

13. S. Jamali, B. Jale, B. Sajad, M. Vatanch, S. Z. Shoursheini, "Improving of hydrophilicity, wet ability and biocompatibility of PMMA due to the RF plasma treatment", Quarterly Journal of Physics (molecular & atomic), Vol. 1, No. 4, 1-6, 2010.

14. F. R. Ashtari, S. Behrozinia, B. Sajad, M. Zand, “The effect of an axial external magnetic field  on the output power of a small-bore CuBr laser", Optics Communication, 248, 1318-1321, 2011.

15. S. Mortazavi, B. Sajad, S. Jelvani, H. Pazokiyan, M. Montazerolghaem, Saeid Amin Naeimi, "Effect of the operating characteristics parameters on the performance of a waveguide CO2 laser", Optical Engineering 50 (12), 124201, 2011.

16. Z. Dehghani, K. Khorasani, B. Sajad, D. Salehinia, S. Behrouzinia, "Comparison of the output power of copper halide lasers versus buffer gas pressure and frequency", International Journal of Fundamental Physical Science (IJFPS), Vol.1, No.1, pp. 19-21, 2011.

17. M. Karimi, M. A. Bassam, B. Sajad, P. Parvin, "Investigation of the structural, optical and electrical properties of the microstructure silicon induced by ArF excimer lser at SF6 atmophere", Quarterly Journal of physics (molecular & atomic), Vol. 2, No. 2, 25 – 31, 2011. 

18. S. Eghbal, B. Sajad, S. Jelvani, S. Abolhosseini, "The effect of the pump energy and adding an amplifier stage on the linewidth of a dye laser", Quarterly Journal of physics (molecular & atomic), Vol. 3, No. 9, 19-24, 2012.

19. S. Behrouzinia, M. Aghababaei nezhad, K. Khorasani, B. Sajad, D. Salehinia, Z. Dehghani, "The behavior of inverse voltage on thyratron’s anode versus operational parameters in gold vapour laser", International Journal of Fundamental Physical Science (IJFPS), Vol.2, No.1, pp. 6-8, 2012.

20. S. Tofighi, S. Safari Farshami, B. Sajad, F. Shahshahani, A. R. Bahrampour, "Optical bistability in fiber ring resonator containing an erbium doped fiber amplifier and quantum dot doped fiber saturable absorber" Applied Optics, Vol. 51, No. 29, 7016-7024, 2012.

21. S. Mortazavi, S. Jelvani, B. Sajad, H. Pazokiyan, M. Montazerolghaem, Saeid Amin Naeimi, "Investigation of output power behavior of a waveguide CO2 laser versus gas pressure and discharge current", Journal of applied physics, Vol. 1, No. 1, 45-52, 2012.

22. K. Silakhori, S. Jelvani, F. Ghanavati, B. Sajad, M. Talebi, M. R. Sadr, "A small size 1-3 atm pulsed  CO2 laser with series-connected spark gaps ultraviolet preionization", Review of scientific instruments, 85, 013109-1, 2014.

23. K. Silakhori, S. Jelvani, M. Mirahmadi, B. Sajad, M. R. Sadr, M. Talebi, A. M. Koushki, "Temporal controlling of a bifurcated dual band two line TEA CO2 laser", Opt. Quant. Electron, 31 May 2015.

24. T. S. Seyedi Arani, F. Shahshani, R. S. Dariyani, B. Sajad. S. Z. Shoursheini, "Experimental analysis of Optical Constants of Silicon wafer by Reflection Spectrum in the Energy range of 2-5 eV", Journal of Science (Materials and Energy), 18 (43), 2015.

25. M.Mirzaei, S. Behrouzinia, M. Sabaghi, S. Marjani, K. Khorasani, B. Sajad, "Experimental optimization of the output power of a copper vapor laser using air as
a buffer gas ", Optics and Photonics Journal, 6, 53-59, 2016.


مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانسهای علمی

International Conferences:

1. F. Japelaghi, B. Sajad, M. A. Bassam, "The studying of optical properties of random media based on Rhodamin 6G with ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles doped in PMMA", STATPHYS 25, XXV IUPAP International conference on statistical physics, 27th July 2013.

2. F. Japelaghi, B. Sajad, M. A. Bassam, "The investigation of spectroscopic properties of the random media based on Rhodamin 6G with TiO2 and ZnO nanoparticles", (4th International conference on ultrafine grained and nanostructured materials (UFGNSM), 2013. 

3. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, "The effect of ionization energy of metal target on the electron density of plasma", proceeding of 6th Euro-Mediterranean symposium on laser Induced breakdown spectroscopy (EMSLIBS), p. 127, Turkey, 2011.

4. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, "Quantitative evaluation of precious metals based on the preheating process in LIBS",  proceeding of 6th Euro-Mediterranean symposium on laser Induced breakdown spectroscopy, p. 107, Turkey, 2011.

5. P. Parvin, A. Bavali, S. Z. Shoursheini, B. Sajad, "Dual laser-Lidar system with higher SNR using simultaneous CW-CO2 and Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers", proceeding of 6th Euro-Mediterranean symposium on laser Induced breakdown spectroscopy (EMSLIBS), p. 98, Turkey, 2011.

6. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, "Measurements of metal targets in laser marking using double beam irradiation including Q-SW ND:YAG and CW-CO2 laser", proceeding of 31th European conference on laser interaction with matter ( ECLIM), p. 119, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.

7. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, "The ablation rate measurments of the laser induced plasma parameters for the identification of various  metal targets", proceeding of 31th European conference on laser interaction with matter ( ECLIM), p. 122, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.

8. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, B.Jaleh, “LIBS investigation of PC and CR-39 during Nd:YAG laser irradiation”, proceeding of 24th International conference on Nuclear Track in Solids, p 141,  Italy, 2008.

9. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, H. R. Dehghanpour, Karimi M., Bassam M. A., "The Measurement of electrical properties of UV laser induced micro structuring on Silicon at SF6 atmosphere based on EIS and LIBS real time monitoring", proceeding of 24th International conference on Nuclear Track in Solids, p 49, Italy, 2008.

10. G. Lim, B. Sajad, T. Chilcott, H. Coster, "Edge effects on impedance spectroscopy", Australian Society for Boophysics, 30th annual conferences, 11-13 Dec., Sydney, 2006.

11. P. Parvin, H. Kariminezhad, F. Borna, G. R. Davoud Abadi, B. Sajad, "SF6 leak detection using DIAL for high voltage installations", proceeding of  23rd International laser radar conference, 791-794, 2006.

12. P. Parvin, G. R. Davoud Abadi, M. A. Bassam, Z. Zamnipour, B. Sajad, F. Ebadpour, "A mode locked UV-FEL", proceeding of  2004 FEL conference, 878-881, 2004.

13. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, K. Silakhori, "Selective obliteration of SF6 molecules based on multiphoton absorption", CLEO-Europe/EQEC 2003, Germany, Munich, 23-27 June 2003.

14. P. Parvin, B. Jaleh, B. Sajad, "A physical study of ArF laser irradiation on polycarbonate surface", 14th Annual Meeting of IEEE Lasers and Electro Optics Society (LEOS 2001), , San Diego, CA, USA, 12-15 November  2001.   

15. P. Parvin, T. Mirzaei, S. Golriz, B. Jaleh, Z. Zamanipoor, B. Sajad, "Plasma ablation and photo disruption on In-Vitro urinary calculi induced by Q-switched Nd : YAG laser", Annual Meeting of the IEEE Laser & Electro Optics Society (LEOS 2001), San Diego, CA, USA, 12-15 Nov.,  2001. 

Iranian Conferences:

1. M. Kalantar Hormozi, F. Japelaghi, M. A. BAssam. B. Sajad, "Optimization of the optical properties of random laser with coherent feedback in solution containing RD6G dye and SiO2 particles", proceeding of 22th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 532-536, 2016.

2. S. M. Amini, F. Shahshahani, B. Sajad, "Nonlinear optical properties investigation of graphen using Z –scan", proceeding of 22th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 898-901, 2016.

3. M. Naderi, B. Sajad, F. Shahshahani, "Measurement of nonlinear reflection and absorption of Rhodamin 6G bu Z-scan techniques", The 4th Iranian conference on optics & laser engineering (ICOLE), 486-489, 2015.

4. M. Kalantar Hormozi, F. Japelaghi, M. A. BAssam. B. Sajad, "Random laser action with coherent feedback in solution containing RD6G dye and SiO2 microparticles", The 4th Iranian conference on optics & laser engineering (ICOLE), 273-276, 2015.
5. E. Sheykhi, F. Japelaghi, S. Mousavi, S. Fallahatdoot, B. Sajad, "A comparision between the nonlinear properties of TiO2 nanoparticles and SiO2@TiO2 core-shell", The 2th national congress and workshops on nanoscience and nanothecnology, 1-4, 2015.

6. S. Pashaei Adl, F. Salehi, Z. Shoursheini, H. R. Shirvani Mahdavi, B. Sajad, "Depth profiling of coated metal plating using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy ", proceeding of 20th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 817-820,  2014.

7. F. Ghanavati, S. Jelvani, B. Sajad, K. Silakhori, M. Talebi, M. R. Sadr,"Design and constraction of a 1-3 atm pulsed CO2 laser ", proceeding of 19th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 2013.

8. M. Suzandeh, B. Sajad, M. A. Bassam, "Identification of Nickel-based superalloys by using laser induced breakdown spectroscopy", proceeding of 19th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 2013.

9. S. Beheshtipour, B. sajad, S. Z. Shoursheini, F. Shahshani, S. R. Sabet-Dariani, "Identification composition of porous Silicon using  laser induced breakdown spectroscopy",  proceeding of 19th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 2013. 

10. S. R. Mosavi, F. Shahshani, S. A. Alavian, B. Sajad., "Novel method for extracting unabsorbed light in high power cladding fiber laser ", proceeding of the Annual Physical Conference of Iran, p. 2840-2844, 2012.

11. T. S. Seyedi Arani, R. S. Dariyani, F. Shahshani, B. Sajad., "SiO2 deposition as a optical waveguide buffer by electron beam on Si wafer ", proceeding of the Annual Physical Conference of Iran, p. 1052-1056, 2012.

12. S. Safari Farshami, S. Tofighi, A. R. Bahrampour, B. Sajad, F. Shahshahani, , "Optical bistability of optical fiber ring doped by erbium and quantum dots", proceeding of the Annual Physical Conference of Iran, p. 545-549, 2012.

13. S. Eghbal, S. Jelvani, B. Sajad, S. Abolhosseini, " The effect of the flow rate on the linewidth of a Nd:YAG laser pumped dye laser, proceeding of  18th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 260-263, 2012.

14. S. Jamali, B. Sajad, B. Jale, S. Z. Shoursheini, " Comparision of surface modification of PMMA due to oxygen RF plasma treatments and excimer lasers irradiation", proceeding of 17th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, P. 1742-1745, 2011.

15. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, "The dependence of electrical density of laser induced micro plasma on the physical properties of metal targets", proceeding of 17th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, P. 361-364, 2011.

16. M. Mirzaei, K. Khorasani,  B. Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, "The output power optimization of copper vapor laser using air as a buffer gas", proceeding of 17th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, P. 1005-1007, 2011.

17. J. Mirahmadi, K. Silakhori, B. Sajad, S. Jelvani, "Experimental study of gas mixture effects on the gain competition in TEA CO2 Lasers", proceeding of the Annual Physical Conference of Iran, p. 896-899, 2011.

18. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, B. "The enhancement laser induced breakdown spectroscopy using dual beam", proceeding of the Annual Physical Conference of Iran, p. 45-48, 2010.
19. S. Mortazavi, K. Silakhori, S. Jelvani, B. Sajad, H. Pazokiyan, M. Montazerolghaem, "Experimental investigation on the effect of gas pressure and input power on the spectral lines of a waveguide CO2 laser", proceeding of  16th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, 1-4, 2010.
20. S. Mortazavi, B. Sajad, H. Pazokiyan, S. Jelvani, A. Naeimi Saeed, M. Montazerolghaem, "Design and optimization of a waveguide CO2 laser, proceeding of the Annual Physicsl Conference of Iran, p. 879-882, 2010.
21. S. Mortazavi, H. Pazokiyan, S. Jelvani, B. Sajad, M. Montazerolghaem, A. Naeimi Saeed, S. Ataee Amirnejad, "The investigation of  the effect of the laser tube diameter and buffer gas pressure on output power of a waveguide CO2 laser", proceeding of the Annual Physicsl Conference of Iran, p. 122-125, 2010.
22. H. R. Dehghanpour, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, M. A. Bassam, "Pressure dependent of micro-Structuring on silicon using ArF eximer Laser in SF6  atmosphere", proceeding of the Annual Physicsl Conference of Iran, p. 443-446, 2010.

23. S. Jamali, B. Sajad, B. Jale, S. Z. Shoursheini, M. Farshchi, "The effect of RF plasma on the superficial properties of PMMA", proceeding of 10th Iranian seminar on surface engineering", p. 127, 2009.

24. M. Karimi, M. A. Bassam, Z. Zamanipour, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, " Investigation of the microstructured silicon, surface reflectance induced by ArF excimer laser at SF6 atmosphere",  proceeding of first national conference on optics laser engineering" , p. 101 107, 2009.
25. H. R. Dehghanpour, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, " The Investigation of Micro-Structuring on Glass by ArF Eximer Laser in SF6 Atmosphere", proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 167-171, 2009.

26. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, B. Jaleh, M. Keraji, "The Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of PC and CR-39 Optical Polymers", proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 825-828, 2009.
27. M. Aghababaei nezhad, B. Sajad, S. Behrozi nia, D. Salehinia, K. Khorasani, "Investigation of the amplification parameters of an oscillator – amplifier gold vapor laser at various buffer gas atmosphere and different pressures", proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 168-170, 2009.
28. S. Behrouzi nia, M. Aghababaei nezhad, M.  Arsimoon, B.  Sajad, D. Salehi nia, K.  Khorasani, K.  Jamshidi Ghale, " Investigation of the output power of gold vapor laser using He - H2 as buffer gas" proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 197-200, 2009.

29. Z. Dehghani mahmoodabadi, M. Aghababaei nezhad, B.  Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, D. Salehi nia, K. Khorasani, " The Inverse Voltage on Thyratron,s Anode versus Pressure Buffer Gas and Electrical Input Voltage in Gold Vapor Laser",  proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 150-152, 2009.

30. F. Ghasemi, Z. Shursheini, P. Parvin, B.Sadjad, F. shahshahani, " Determination of Teeth Elements by Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy and Dental Prosthesis", proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 386-389, 2009.

31. M. Keraji, P. Parvin, K. Madanipour, S. Z. Shoursheini, B. Sajad, " LIBS Method in the Real Time Calculi-Tissue Discriminator for Laser Lithotripsy", proceeding of  15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics and 1th Iranian Conference on Optics Engineering, p. 27-29, 2009.
32. M. Aghababaee, B. Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, D. Salehiniya, K. Khorasani, "Investigation of amplification parameters versus pump pulse repetition rate and the buffer gas pressure in an oscillator-amplifire gold vapor laser", proceeding of Annual Iranian  Physical Conferences, p. 6-9, 2008.

33. Z. Dehghani, B. Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, D. Salehiniya, K. Khorasani, "Design and fabrication of an iodide copper vapor laser and output power optimization in term of pump pulse repetition rate", proceeding of  Annual Iranian Physical Conferences, p. 22-24, 2008.

34. F. Rahimi Ashtari, B. Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, M. Zand, "The reduction of output power of a CuBr laser in a magnetic field lower than 1100 G", proceeding of 14th Annual Iranian Conferences on Optics and Photonics, 286-289, 2008.

35. D. Salehiniya, K. Khorasani, M. Parviziyan, B. Sajad, S. Behrouzinia, "Effect of the frequency on green and yellow output power of copper vapor laser in different flux", proceeding of 13th Annual Iranian Conferences on Optics and Photonics, Feb. 6-8, 2007.

36. M. Bassam, P. Parvin, B. Sajad, "The microstructuring of silicon by excimer laser", proceeding of 13th Annual Iranian Conferences on Optics and Photonics, Feb. 6-8, 2007.

37. S. Z. Shoursheini, P. Parvin, M. Bassam, B. Sajad, "Optical measurement of gold fineness by LIPS ", proceeding of 13th Annual Iranian Conferences on Optics and Photonics, Feb. 6-8, 2007.

38. M. Zand, S. Behrouzinia, F. Rahimi Ashtari, B. Sajad, "Effect of the frequency on the output power of a CuBr laser ", proceeding of Annual Iranian Conferences, p. 526, 2007.

39. M. Parviziyan, S. Behrouzinia, B. Sajad, D. Salehiniya, K. Khorasani, "Investigation of the operational parametric on the output power of gold vapor ", proceeding of  Annual Iranian Physical Conferences, p. 199, 2007.

40. S. Behrouzinia, B. Sajad, P. Nikzad, "Improve of the operation and output power of halid  copper  lasers " The first student’s conferences on physics , 8 Nov. VAramin, page 5, 2007.

41. B. Sajad, P. Nikzad, "Investigation and optimization of a CuCl laser” The student’s conferences on physics (Phy. Message), 6-8 Dec., Shiraz, page 9, 2004.

42. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, “The Effect of ArF Laser on the Decomposition of SF6 Molecules in Gas-Solid Interface Following the Photoablation of Amorphous SiO2”, The 10th Photonic Conference of Iran, Mahan, Kerman, 2003.

43. P. Parvin, B. Sajad, Z. Zamanipour, “The Selectivity Increase of SF6 Dissociation with Untuned TEA-CO2 Laser Comparing Tuned beam at 10.6µm”, The 9th Photonic Conference of Iran, Iran Communication research center, Tehran, Iran, 2002.

44. B. Sajad, P. Parvin, "Rate equation and multiphoton process", Proceedings of the Annual Physical Conference of Iran &  7th Gathering of Physics Students, 175, 2002.

45. P. Parvin, K. Silakhori, b. Sajad, Z. Zamanipour, “The Isotope Sepreation of light Molecules by MOLIS”, The 7th Congregation of Nuclear Physics of Iran, Fariman, Mashhad, Iran, 2000.

46. A. Shojaee, P. Parvin, T. M. Rezaei, Z. Zamanipour, B. Sajad “Photoablation of Stroma by ArF Laser Follow-Up of Patients after PRK and LASIK”, First International Conference on Radiation and its Role on Diagnosis and Treatment, FCIR 2000, Shahid Beheshti University, p. 96., 2000.

47. P. Parvin, B. Jaleh, B. Sajad, B. Mirzaee, T. Bahrambeigi, Z. Zamanipoor, "Experimental study of different interactions of laser with material”, Proceedings of the First Conference on the Applications of Physics and Nuclear Sciences in Medicine and Industry, Amir Kabir University of technology – page 15-31, 7.Feb.2000. 

48. . Parvin, K. Silakhori, B. Sajad, M. Hooshvar, Z. Zamanipoor, "Separation of light isotope by MOLIS", Proceedings of the 7th Annual  Meeting of Iranian Physicists and Nuclear Experts, page 35 - 43, 3 March 2000.

49. P. Parvin, K. Silakhori, B. Sajad, M. Hooshvar, E. Gafargholi, "Molecular Laser Separation of    S Isotope of SF  Molecule by IR Spectrometry", Proceeding of the 7th Optics and Laser Seminar of  Iran (Photonics), Shahid Beheshti University, page 8-13, 5-7 September 2000. 

50. P. Parvin, T. Mirzaei Rezaei, B. Sajad, “The Urinary Calculi Study by XRD, PIXE and SEM”, The First Conference of Medical Engineering of Irna, Amir Kabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1999.

51. P. Parvin, B. Jaleh, B. Sajad, T. Mirzaei Rezaei, “The experimental Study of Various Interaction of Laser with Matter”, The First Conference on the Application of Physics and Nuclear Science on Medicine and Industry, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1999. 


طرحهای پژوهشی



اختراع/اکتشاف/اثربدیع و ارزنده هنری

1- P. Parvin, B. Sajad, M. A. Basam, Z. Shursheini, "Optical fineness measurement of gold using LIPS ", Patent No: 37116, Registration date: 1385/2/2(22th April 2006).

2- P. Parvin, B. Sajad, Z. Shursheini, "Laser Isotope separation of 34S at gaseous phase of SF6 at the vicinity of Si", Patent No: 52067, Registration date: 1387/6/6 (27th Sep. 2008).
3- P. Parvin, B. Sajad, M. A. Bassam, H. R. Dehghanpour, M. Karimi, "The enhancement of the efficiency of the satellite solar cells based on the fabrication of microstructures on the Si surface at the vicinity of SF6 using ArF excimer laser irradiation", Registration date: 1388/16/17 (6th April. 2009).