Zeinab Sadeghi, Faculty Member of Alzahra University


  1. Anton Chekhov's Shadow on Contemporary Iranian Literature, Journal of "Faculty of Foreign Languages Research", University of Tehran, Vol. 57, Spring 2010.
  2. About Understanding Google's Works in Iran, «ВАК» Magazine "Vestnik ", MGO University, Moscow,2011.
  3. A study of the subject of the extra person in the 20s and 30s of the nineteenth century Iranian literature and its comparison with contemporary Iranian literature, Journal of "Comparative Literature" Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Summer 2011.
  4. Intellectuals in Iranian and Russian Literature, Journal of Philology, Perm University, pp. 49, 6, 2011.
  5. Resonance of the Homeland in the Poems of Anna Akhmatova, "Critical Research Journal of Humanities Texts and Programs", Vol. 1, 2012.
  6. The Role of Oriental-Iranian Themes in the Poems of Nikolai Gumilyov, Journal of Comparative Literature Research, Tarbiat Modares University, Issue 3, 2014.
  7. Review of the Bosnian genre, Perm, Scientific Research Journal "Humanities and Northern Eurasia", Vol. 1, 2015....
  8. A Study and Description of the Prose System in Russian and Persian Languages, "Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric", University of Tehran, Vol. 2, Fall and Winter 2015.
  9. Russian Literature in Iran, Journal of "Word, Grammar, Speech", Moscow, Vol. 16, 2015.
  10. Review of the book Principles and Methods of Lettering in Russian, Review of Foreign Languages, Vol. 5, 2016.
  11. Review and Analysis of Oriental Themes (by Wilichka), Critical Research Journal of Humanities Texts and Programs, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Scientific-Research Monthly, Year 19, Issue 6, September 2017.
  12. Reflection of Persian Literature and Islamic-Iranian Mysticism in the Poems of Alexander Kosykov, Scientific-Research Journal of Iranian Studies, Year 9, Issue 1, Spring and Summer2017.

13. A Study of Iranian Roots and Intertextual Relations in the Story of "Khalil" by the Russian author Leonid Leonaf, Scientific-Research Journal "Mystical and Mythological Literature", Winter 2017, pp. 145-171.

14. Horses in Persian and Russian Literature, Language Art Quarterly, Volume 4, 2019, pp. 7-24.

15. Adherence of Russian poets to the forms of Persian poetry, Journal of Literary Criticism and Rhetoric, University of Tehran, No. 2.8, Fall and Winter 2019. pp. 175-193.

16. History of artistic translation of Mikhail Lermontov's works into Persian and Ossetian languages as a form of intercultural relations (responsible author, shared with a foreign professor), Walk Magazine, Russia: North Ossetia, No. 34, 2019.

17. Gogol's Shadow on the Stories of Jalal Al-Ahmad, Walk Journal "Science and School" Moscow Teacher Training University MPGU, Russia: Moscow, No. 6, 20

18. Rumi and Tolstoy: Characteristics of Inherited Relationships, Journal of Philological Sciences: Scientific Conversations of High Schools, ISSN 2310-4287, 2020 No. 1.


Seminars and Conferences

  1. A Comparative Study of Chekhov and Rady's Plays, Proceedings of the International Scientific-Applied Conference "Russian Language in International Interactions", Samara, November 2011.
  2. Chekhov's Influence in Iran, Scientific Conference on "Iran-Russia Cultural Interactions", Tehran, AlzahraUniversity, December 2011.
  3. Personality similarities between Iranian and Russian literary heroes, National Conference on "Literary Research", Tehran, Shahid Beheshti University, January 2012.
  4. The Effect of Iran in Sergei Yesenin's Poetry, 8th International Conference "Promotion of Persian Language and Literature", Zanjan, Zanjan University, September 2013 A Study of Iran's Influence on the Collection of Iranian Motifs by Sergei Yesenin (Famous Russian Silver Century Poet), Conference « Comparative literature in the current decade and its perspectives ", Shahid Beheshti University, June 2012
  5. Google Literary Heritage, International Conference "The Role of the Russian Language in Intercultural Discourse in Persian Speaking Countries (Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan)", Dushanbe, October 2013.
  6. Reflection of the translation of Russian works in the works of Sadegh Hedayat, Scientific Conference on "Translation and Contemporary Literature of the Persian Language", Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai University, 2013.
  7. A Comparative Study of the Short Stories of Chekhov and Gholam Hossein Saedi, International Conference "New Methods and Methods of Russian Language Teaching in Persian Language Countries", December 2014.
  8. Russian Literature in Iran, International Conference "Text: Issues and Perspectives", Moscow, MGO University, November 26-28, 2015.
  9. Overview and description of Propp's morphological theory, National Conference on Critique of Humanities Texts and Books, Tehran: Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, December 21, 2017.
  10. Gogol's Influence on the Works of Jalal Al-Ahmad, Second International Conference of the Iranian Association of Russian Language and Literature, Russian Language and Literature in the Contemporary World: Problems and Perspectives,8-20 May 2018, Tehran.
  11. Structural themes of "The Strange Lover" by the Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov, 2nd International Conference on Language, Literature, History and Culture, May 17-19, 2019, Georgia: Tbilisi.
  12. Khayyam's Impact on Dagestan, International Conference on Iran and the North Caucasus Federal District of the Russian Federation, June 17, 2017, Tehran: Center for Political and International Studies, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.2019
  13. Adaptation as a Teaching Method (Thematic Study of Nabokov's Novel and Hedayat's Story), 7th International Conference on Texts: Issues and Perspectives, published in Word, Grammar, Speech Magazine, November 28-30, 2019, p. 365.
  14. Common aspects of short stories by Chekhov and Saedi, 14th International Meeting of the Association for the Promotion of Persian Language and Literature, September 2017, p.229.
  15. The Course of Children and Adolescent Literature in Russia from the Beginning to the Twentieth Century, National Conference on Children and Adolescent Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, Opportunities and Challenges of Children and Adolescent Fiction, November 18, 2017, p. 490
  16. A look at Khayyam's translations into Russian (joint), Khayyam International Millennium Conference, Spain, 2020.
  17. A Look at the Comparative Approach as a New Method in Foreign Language and Literature Teaching, 3rd International Conference on Innovation and Research in Humanities and Islamic Sciences, accepted, year2020
  18. Comparative study and analysis of two works by Alavi and Nabokov 7th International Conference on New Research Achievements in Management, Humanities and Social and Cultural Studies, 1399.
  19. The Influence of Russian Writers on Sadegh Hedayat, International Conference on Basic Research in Management, Development and Humanities, 2016.


  • Mikhail Lermantov and the Orient, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2012.
  • Nikolai Gumilyov and the Orient, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, 2013
  • Reading and understanding the concept of Russian texts, Arman Danesh Publications, 2014
  • The hero of our time, Mikhail Lermantov (with critique, explanations and glossary), Arman Danesh Publications, 2014.
  • Translation and analysis of the bride by Anton Chekhov, Arman Danesh Publications, 2013.

