Mina Ranjbarfard , Faculty Member of Alzahra University


Mirsalari S.R., and Ranjbarfard M., (2020), A model for evaluating of enterprise architecture qualityEvaluation and Program Planning journal, Vol. 83


Ranjbarfard M. and Hatami Z., (2020), "Critical Success Factors for Implementing Business Intelligence Projects (A BI Implementation Methodology Perspective)", Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and ManagementVol. 15, , pp.175-202


Ranjbarfard M. and Ahmadi Sh., (2020), "A Study of Data Requirements for Data Mining Applications in Banking", Journal of Digital Information Management, Vol. 18 (3), pp.109-117


Ranjbarfard M. and Heidari Sureshjani M., (2018) "Offering a framework for value co-creation in virtual academic learning environments", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Vol. 15 Issue: 1, pp.2-27

Ranjbarfard, M., (2016), Customer Knowledge Management Maturity Model for insurance sector, International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol 10, No. 7, p 938-951


Ranjbar, M., Aghdasi, M., López-Sáez, P. and Navas-López, J-E., (2014),“The barriers of knowledge generation, storage, distribution and application that impede learning in gas and petroleum companies”, Journal Of Knowledge Management, Vol 18, No.3


Ranjbar, M., Aghdasi, M., Albadvi, A. and Hasanzadeh, M., (2013).“A process-based method for identifying knowledge management problems”.Business Process Management journal Vol. 19 No.2



Ranjbar, M. and Aghdasi, M., (2008). Developing a Customer knowledge management maturity model (CKMMM). The international journal of knowledge, culture and change managemen, Vol 8, No. 9















  • Ranjbar, M and Aghdasi, M,(2008), "Application of knowledge enabled customer relationship management in new product development". The first Iranian conference on Customer Relation Ship management, Tehan 17th-18th January, (in Persian)
  • Aghdasi, M., M. Bazrafshan, and M. Ranjbarfard, Identifying the Barriers of Knowledge Transfer in Collaborative Processes of Public Service Sector: A Study of Tax Determination process, in Industrial Engineering Operations Management, A. Ali, Editor. 2015, IEEE: Dubai, (in English)

  • Ranjbar, M and Aghdasi, M,(2009), “knowledge management application in customer relationship processes”, The 1th Iranian conference on Knowledge management, Tehran, 17th-18th February, (in Persian(


  • Ranjbar, M and Aghdasi, M,(2010), "On the comparing of knowledge modeling techniques in business processes", The first Iranian conference on Business process management in service oriented companies, Tehan 24th-26th February, (in Persian)


  • Ranjbar, M and Aghdasi, M, Taghizadeh.N.M, (2010), "Knowledge modeling and extraction  in business process", workshop, The first international Symposium on Business process management, Tehran, 30th June- 01th July, (in Persian)


  • Arash.G, Taghizadeh.N.M, Ranjbar, M , (2010), "Recordkeeping and maintenance Integrated process management of the electronic documents in the Ministry of Agriculture jihad", The first international Symposium on organizational process management, Tehran, 30th June- 01th July, (in Persian)


  • Aghdasim.M, Naraghi.N, Ranjbar Fard.M, (2010), " knowledge problem identification model in time management process for design and construct projects ", the 2th international conference on Strategic Project management, Tehran, 5th  - 6th may, (in Persian)


  • Aghdasim.M, Ranjbar Fard.M, Asadi.Y, (2011), "The applications of knowledge creation in pulled and pushed innovation management processes",10th International Research Conference on Quality, Innovation & Knowledge Management, 15 - 18 February, Malaysia, (in English)



Ranjbar, M and Aghdasi, M,(2010), " Process Mining: Concepts, Approaches and Applications", The first Iranian conference on Business process management in service oriented companies, Tehan 24th-26th February(in Persian)


Ranjbarfard, M., (2016), Customer Knowledge Management Maturity Model for insurance sector, International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, Vol 10, No. 7, p 938-951


Ranjbar, M., Aghdasi, M., López-Sáez, P. and Navas-López, J-E., (2014),“The barriers of knowledge generation, storage, distribution and application that impede learning in gas and petroleum companies”, Journal Of Knowledge Management, Vol 18, No.3


Ranjbar, M., Aghdasi, M., Albadvi, A. and Hasanzadeh, M., (2013).“A process-based method for identifying knowledge management problems”.Business Process Management journal Vol. 19 No.2



Ranjbar, M. and Aghdasi, M., (2008). Developing a Customer knowledge management maturity model (CKMMM). The international journal of knowledge, culture and change managemen, Vol 8, No. 9