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Maryam Rabii , Faculty Member of Alzahra University
Rabii M. "
Local connectedness of the Julia set of the family z^m(z^n-b
Ergodic theory and dynamical system. 18, 457-470 (1998)
Rabii M. "
The Riemann mapping for the family z^m(z^n-b), m≠n
Scientia Iranica, Vol. 7, No. 1, 57-61 (2000)
Akbari M.
Rabii M.
Hyperbolicity of the family f_c(x)=c(x-x^3/3)
". Iranian Journal of Mathmatical Sciences and Informatices, Vol. 6, No. 1, 53-58 (2011)
1391مریم ربیعی. «
حساب نزد اهل نجوم: رساله ای در حساب شصت گانی
». تاریخ علم، 40-17، بهار و تابستان
منیره اکبری و مریم ربیعی «
مجموعه ژولیای چند جمله ای های چبیشف».
فرهنگ و اندیشه ریاضی، شماره
، 75-65، بهار 1393
Akbari M. & Rabii M.,
Real cubic polynomial with a fixed point of
multiplicity two
. Indagationes Mathematicae, vol. 26, 64-74 (2015)
Akbari M. & Rabii M.,
The extended real line as a Julia set
. Bull. Korean Math. Soc vol. 52, 1107-1112 (2015)
Rabii M. & Akbari M.,
The topological entropy of a family of cubic polynomials
. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 26, no. 9 (2016)
Ahmadi D. and Rabii M. "
A combinatorial model for the dynamics of the family
Proc. Of the 26-th Annual Iranian mathematics conference, Kerman, Iran, (1995).
Rabii M. "
The repelling periodic points of rational functions
Proc. Of the 42-th Annual Iranian mathematics conference, Rafsanjan, Iran, 1271-1274 (2011).
Rabii M. "
The combinatorial model of the multibrot set for d=4
Proc. Of 7-th Seminar on Geometry and Topology,
Iran University of Science and Technology
, Tehran, Iran, 203-208 (2014).
Rabii M. "
On the dynamics of the family ax
(x-1) + x
The 11-th Seminar of
l Equations and Dynamical systems, Damghan University, Damghan, Iran, 23-25 (2014)
Rabii M. and Akbari M. "
Dendritic abstract Julia sets and a cubic family
The 14-th Seminar on Differential Equations Dynamical Systems and Applications,
Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences,
Zanjan, Iran, 61-64 (2018)
منیره اکبری و مریم ربیعی
بررسي ديناميك يك چندجمله اي درجه سه با يك نقطه بحراني نهايتا ثابت»،
چهل و نهمين كنفرانس رياضي ايران، دانشگاه علم وصنعت، تهران، ایران، 2693-2697