Maneezheh Pakravan Fard, Faculty Member of Alzahra University


1- Pakravan, m. Naseh, Y. & Maasoumii, A. A. 1994. A new species of Astragalus L. (Sect. Caraganella) from Iran. Iran. Jour. Bot. 6 (2): 257-259.

2- Ghahreman, A., Maasoumi, A. A., &Pakravan, M.1996. Notes on the genus Astragalus L. (sect. Xiphidium Bge.) in Iran. Iran. Journ. Bot. 7(1): 45-51.

3- Sheidai, M., Maasoumii, A. A. & Pakravan, M. 1997. Karyotype of some Astragalus species. Cytologia. 39 (3). 721-123.

4- Ghahreman, A., Assadi, M. & Pakravan, M. 2001. A new species of Alcea. from Iran. Nord. Jour. Bot. 20(6):701-703.

5- Pakravan, M. & Ghahreman, A, 2003. Some new combinations and synonyms in Alcea (Malvaceae) from Iran. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 104B. 713-716.

6- Pakravan, M. & Ghahreman, A, 2002. New species and some new records of Alcea for the flora of Iran. Iran Jour. Bot. 9(2): 245-247.

7- Pakravan, M. & Ghahreman, A, 2003. Some new combinations and synonyms in Alcea (Malvaceae) from Iran. Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien. 104B. 713-716.

8- Pakravan, M. 2003. Alcea Ilamica a new species of Alcea from Iran. Rostaniha. 4(1):93-97.

9- Amini, T, Zare, H. & Pakravan, M.2004. Sida rhombifolia L. a new record for the flora of Iran. Iran. Jour. Bot. 10 (1):55-57.

10 Pakravan, M. 2005. Two new spesies of Alcea from Iran. Rostaniha6(2):51-59

11- Pakravan, M. & Safaeepur, Z. 2005. Study of distribution of mucilaginous cells in some species of Alcea. Journ. Science.18 (3) :16-24.

12- Pakravan, M. 2006. New findings of the genus Malva L. in Iran. Iran. Jour. Bot. 11(2):247-249.

13- Pakravan, M. 2006. A new combination in Alcea (Malvaceae) from Iran.Iran Jour. Bot.12(1):97-99.

14- Pakravan, M. 2006. Tow new records of Alcea from Iran. Rostaniha 6(3):70-71.

15- Pakravan, M. 2006. Novelties in the genus Alcea in Iran. Iran. Jour. Bot. 12(2):183-186.

16- Pakravan, M. 2006 . A new combanation in Alcea (Malvaceae) from Iran. -Iran. Journ. Bot. 12

(1): 97-98.


17- Hosseinzadeh, Z., PAakravan, M. and Tavassoli, A. 2008.Micromorphology of seed in som species of Vicia  species from Iran. Rostaniha, Vol. 9(2), 97-107.


18- Pakravan, M. 2008. A new species and a new combination in Iranian Alcea (Malvaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici. 34.2:  133-136.


19- Nemati, S., Pakravan M.,Tavassoli, A., and Zarre,  S. 2009. A review on the nectar scale characters in some species of Ranunculusin  Iran. Rostaniha, 2009; 10(2 (35)):193-202.


20- Pakravan, M., Nezhadfalatouri, A. and Tavassoli, A. 2009. Morphological studies of Nonea (Boraginaceae):Tribe Boragineae) in Iran. Iran. Journ. Bot. 15(1)29:129-139.



21- Nahid sadat Emady, Maneezheh Pakravan fard , Tayebeh Amini. 2010. Study of nectar scale characters in annual Ranunculus from Ranunculuceae in Iran.Taxonomy and biosystematics. Volume 2, Number 4

22- Atiye Nejhad Falatoury, Maneezheh Pakravan,Akhtar Tavassoli, A new species and some notes on the genus Nonea (Boraginaceae) in Iran. 2012. Feddes Repertorium,   Vol 122 Issue 7-8,  425–432

23- Saman Bolourian & Maneezhe Pakravan, 2011. A morphometric study of the annual species of Alyssum (Brassicaceae) in Iran based on their macro- and micromorphological. Phytologia Balcanica. 17 (3): 283 – 289,


24- Pakravan, M. 2010. A new record and a synonym in the genus Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae) from Iran. Rostaniha 11(1): 107-109.

25- Sheidaee, M., Ghazi, M. Pakravan, M. 2010. Contribution to Cytology of the Genus Euphorbia in Iran. Cytologia : international journal of cytology 75(4), 477-482,

26- Pakravan M., Rastipisheh S., Emadi N. and Nemati S.2010. Study of Pollen Grains characters in the Genus Ranunculus L. (Ranunculaceae) from Iran. Iranian journal of biology. 23.1:1-8


27- Babaee, F., Pakravan, M. ,Tavassoli, A. and Massoumi, A.2010. Palynological Study of Salix in Iran.  Iranian Journ.  Bot. 18, 1:118-127.


28- Pakravan M., Nazem Bokaee Z. & Bolourian S.2010. A biosystematic study on the four varieties of Alyssum minus (Brassicaceae) in Iran. Iran. J. Bot. 17(1): 55-62.


29- Rastipishe, S., Pakravan, M. and A. Tavassoli. 2011.  Phylogenetic relationships in Ranunculus species.(Ranunculaceae) based on nrDNA ITS and cpDNA trnL-F.sequences. Progress in Biological Sciences.Vol. 1, No.1, 41-47


30- Bolourian, S., Tavassoli, A. & Pakravan, M. 2011. Reports (1737-1743). Mediterranean chromosome number reports – 21

31- Escobar, P., Pakravan, M., Schönswetter, P., Aguilar., Schneeweiss, G. 2012. Phylogenetic relationships in the species-rich Irano-Turanian genus Alcea (Malvaceae). Taxon. 61(2): 324-332(9)

32- Pakravan, M & Assadi, M. 2012. Tow new species of the genus Thalictrum in Iran.  Fedd. Repert. 123 (2012) 1, 67–72


33- Hossein Alizadeh, M., Pahlevani, A., Pakravan, M., and Tavassoli, A. 2012. Morphological study of Stipules, cyatium glands and seeds in sugenus Chamaese of the genus Euphorbia in Iran. App. Biol. 2011-2012:28-47.


34- Babai, F., Pakravan, M., Maasoumi, A. and Tavassoli, A. 2012. Anatomical study of some Salix species in iran. Applied Biology. 2012-2013: 27-38.


35- Pakravan, M. 2013. A new species of the genus Ranunculus (Ranunculaceae)from Iran. Science Asia. 38 (2012): 419–421


36- Tavassoli, A., Pakravan, M., Kiarostami, K. and     2013. Karyological study of some Consolida species of Iran. Fedd. Reprt. 123 (2012) 4, 257– 263


37- Aghababaeyan, E.,Pakravan , M. & Ghahremaninejad.2014. Anatomical Study and Pollen Micromorphology of Onopordum L. in Iran. Not Sci Biol, 2014, 6(1):66-76.


38- Pakravan, M., &Alipanah, H., Soleimani, N.,  2014. A  revision study of the genus Thalictrum L. in Iran. Iran. Journ.  Bot.20 ( 2): 170-178.



39- Pakravan, M., Tavassoli, A., Jamshidnejad Avval. 2013. Palynological study of some species in grumorsae  group of the genus Ranunculus in Iran. Taxonomy and biosystematics. 20, 73-84.


40- Khayati, M., Tavassoli, A., Pakravan, M. 2014. Chromosome numbers in some species of the species Tripleurospermum  Sch., Bip (Asteraceae) from Iran. Iran Journ Bot . 20 ( 2):233-235.

41- Kahayti, M., Pakravan, M. and Sonboli, A. 2016. A new record of Tripleurospermum Sch.Bip. (Asteraceae) from Iran.  Nova Biologia Reperta, 3(2). 155-156.
42-Pakravan, M. 2016.  Palynological study of the genus Consolida (Ranunculaceae) in Iran. Nova Biologia Reperta, 3(2).177-183.
43-  Aghababaeyan, E., Pakravan, M. and Tavassoli, A. 2015. Karyological Study of some Onopordum L. (ASTERACEAE) Species in  Iran . Iran. J. Bot. 21 (2) : 152-157
44- Rastipisheh , S.,   Nemat, S.Pakravan, M., Tavassoli, A. and  Saman Bolourian 2016. A cytogenetic study of R. constantinopolitanus and R. sericeus (Ranunculaceae) in Iran. Feddes Repertorium. 127:1-7

45- Zakimola, Z., Pakravan , M., Farasat, N. 2016. Palynological study of the genus Calendula in Iran. Journal of Applied Biology. 30( 2):128-136.

46- Tayebnezhad, N., Asri, Y.,  Pakravan, M ., Najibzadeh, M.R.  2017. Investigation of some environmental and vegetative characteristics of three endemic rangeland species in East Azarbaijan province, Iran. Iranian Journal of Rangeland and Desert Research 24 (2), 392-403.


47- Akbary, R., Pakravan, M.,  Naqinezhad, A . 2017. Morpological and palynological study of the Genus Ranunculus L. sect. Batrachium in Iran. Nova Bot. Rep 4 (1), 19-28.


48- Pakravan, M ., Tavassoli, A ., Zare, H ., Hosseinzadeh, Z. 2016. Karyological Investigations in some species of  Vicia (Fabaceae) from Iran. Iran. Jour. Bot. 22 (2), 159-166.


49- Bidarlord, M., Gahremaninejad, F., Pakravan, M. 2016. Ranunculus polyrhizos as a new record for Iran, with ecological and micromorphological evidence . Modern Phytomorphology, 10, 25–29.


50- Pakravan, M ., Dastpak, A ., Sonboli, A., Khalaj, Z. 2018. A Taxonomic Reassessment of Consolida (Ranunculaceae) Species: Insight from Morphological and Molecular Data. Journal of Genetic Resources 4 (1), 14-25.

51- Nobarinezhad, MH.,  Pakravan, M ., Pahlevani, A. 2018. A biosystematic study of Euphorbia subgenus Chamaesyce (Euphorbiaceae) in Iran. Phytotaxa 360 (1), 179–200.

52- Pakravan, M., Sonboli, A. and Soleimani, N. 2019.  Study of stem and leaf anatomical structure in the genus Thalictrum from Ranunculacae family from  in Iran. Plant Research. 32(1): 52-62 53- Pakravan, M.,  Zarei, R. & Khalaj, Z. 2019. Anatomical study on the petiole of Consolida species in Iran. 32( 2): 9-22

54- Pakravan, M., Zarei, R. & Soleimani, N. 2021. Micromorphology and anatomy of achene in Thalictrum in Iran. Rostaniha  in press.


55- Ramezanali, M., Pakravan, M. & Sonboli, A. 2021. New records of some species of  Tripleurospermum for the flora of Iran. Iran. J. Bot. in press.




Selected  Abstract:

Protein analysis as a tool in taxonomy of Alcea in Iran. 2002. Plant species level systematic symposium . Leiden. Netherlands.

SEM study of seed coat in some species of Alcea in Iran.11 Iranian Conference of Biology. 2003. Urmia. Iran.

Numerical taxonomy study of the genus Alcea.2003.5 young systematic forum. Sary. England

Where is the centre of genetic diversity of Alcea ? 2004. IUPAC International conference on Biodiversity. Dehli. India.

Chromosome numbers of some species of Consolida in Iran. 2004. 12 Iranian Biology conference. Hamedan. Iran.

Chromosome numbers of some species of Consolida in Iran. 13 Iranian Biology Conference. 2005. Rasht. Iran.

Karyology and seed topography study of certain species of Vicia in Iran.14 national and 2 international conference of Biology Tarbiat Modares University.2006. Tehran Iran.

Systematic study of the genus Malva in Iran based mainly on anatomy. 2006. 14 national and 2 international conference of Biology Tarbiat Modares University. Tehran. Iran.

Revision of the Malvaceae family in Iran. 2006. 14 national and 2 international conference of Biology Tarbiat Modares University.

M. Hosseinalizade, M., Pakravan, M.,  Pahlevani, A.H. and  Tavassoli , A. 2012. Chromosomal study of six species from subg. Chamaesyce Raf. (Euphorbia, Euphorbiaceae) in Iran. The 17th national and 5th International Conference of Biology of Iran‎;  


Soleimani, N., Pakravan, M, and Gharavi, S. 2012. Phylogenetic relationships in Thalictrum based on Nuclear ITS and plastid trnL/F sequences . Molecular mapping and Marker assisted selection. Vienna, Austria.

Shojaeinia, E., Pakravan, M. and Sonboli, A.2012.  Phylogenetic relationships in Adonis based on Nuclear ITS and plastid trnL/F sequences . Molecular mapping and Marker assisted selection. Vienna, Austria.

Shojaeinia, E. and Pakravan, M. 2012. Fruit micromorphological investigation of Adonis (Ranunculaceae) medicinal plant in Iran. National congress on Medicinal plants. Kish Island.

Khayati, M., Pakravan, M, Attar, F. and Sonboli, A. 2012. Comparative anatomy of stem in some species of Tripleurospermum  in Iran. National congress on Medicinal plants. Kish Island.


Pakravan, M., Jalilian, N. & Nemati, M. 2000. in Assadi, M. (ed.) Flora of Iran. Papilionaceae (Vicieae). Res. Inst. Forest & Ranglands.

Pakravan. M. 2006. in Assadi. M. (ed.). Flora of Iran. Malvaceae. Res. Inst. Forest & Ranglands.

Pakravan, M. & Sharifnia, F. 2020. in Assadi. M. (ed.). Flora of Iran. Ranunculaceae. Res. Inst. Forest & Ranglands

Research projects and grants:

Flora of Iran. Papilionaceae, tribe Vicieae. Research institute of Forests and Rangelands.

Cladistic stydy of the genus Malva in Iran. Alzahra University.

Flora of Iran. Malvaceae. Research institute of Forests and Rangelands

Flora of Iran. Ranunculaceae. Research institute of Forests and Rangelands.

Palynology of the genus Ranunculus in Iran. Alzahra University.

Thesis supervised (M.Sc.): (In Persian with abstract in English)

1- Purhabibian, R., 2002-2005.Systematic stydy of the genus Consolida in Iran.

2- Abedinzadeh, H. 2003-2006. Systematic study of the genus Malva.

3- Hossein zadeh, Z. 2003-2006.  Karyology, anatomy and seed morphology in Viciella subgenus of the genus Vicia in Iran..

4- Mahdavi, M. 2003-2006.. Florestic study of the Chepeghli region in Markazy province.

5- Farasat, M. 2004-2006. Systematic study of the genus Hordeum in Khuzestan province.

6- Nemati, S. 2004-2006. Systematic study of the genus Ranunculus sect. preamorsa in Iran.

7- Rastipisheh, S. 2004-2006.Systematic studies of the genus Ranunculus group preamorsae in


8- Bolurian,S. 2004-2006. Systematic studyb of some Alyssum species in Iran.

9- Zand, Sh. 2004-2006.Florestic studies of Kuhdashteh Mountain in Tehran province.

10- Babaee, F. 2006-2008. Systematic studies of some species of the genus Salix in Iran.

11- Samani, A. 2006-2008. Systematic studies of some species of the genus Papaver in Iran.

12- Jamshidnejade avval, A. 2008-2010.Systematic studies of the genus Ranunculus group grumorsae in Iran. +Biosystematic studies of some species of Euphorbia in Iran. 2008-2010.

13- Hosseinalizadeh, M. 2008-2010. Systematic study of the genus Euphorbia (subgen. Chamyesis) in Iran

14- Soleimani, N. 2010-2012. Biosystematic studies of the genus Thalictrum in Iran. +Biosystematic studies of the genus Adonis in Iran.

15- Khayati, M. 2011-2013. Biosystematic studies of the genus Triplerospermum in Iran.

16- Khalaj, Z. 2011-2013. Phylogenetic studies of the genus Consolida in Iran.

17- Aghakuchaki, A. 2011-2013. Biosystematic studies of the genus Carthamus in Iran.

18- Akbari, R.  2012-2014. Biosystematic studies of the genus Ranunculus subgenus Batrachium in Iran.

19- Aghababaee, E. 2012-2014.  Biosystematic studies of the genus Onopordum  in Iran.

20- Abdaghi, F. 2013-2015. Phylogenetic study of the genus Triplerospermum base on ETS sequences in Iran.

21- Tayeb Nejad, N. 2012-2014. Investigation of ecological characteristics of some endemic species in east Azerbaijan province.

22- Mahmudi, Kh. 2013-2015. Biosystematics study of the genus Zoaega in Iran.

23-Alimadadi, M. 2014-2016. Biosystematics study of the genus Lactuca in Iran.

24- Zakimola, Z. 2014-2016. Biosystematics study of the genus Calendula in Iran.

25- Ghodusian, N. 2014-2016. Systematics study of the Chondrilla, Scariola, Streptorrhamphus in Iran.

26- Nowroozi, M. 2015-2016. Systematics study of the genus Scabiosa in Iran.

27- Shirani, T. 2011-2015. Anatomical study of some Asteraceae genera in Iran.

28- Saadati, M. 2011-2015. Systematic study of the genus Lagochilus in Iran.

29- Florestic study in Tange sorkh region of Kohkiluye- va boyer ahmad province.

30-  Hajalizadeh, Z. Systematic study of Nytcaginaceae family in Iran.

31- Khodadadi pary, F. 2011-2015. Systematic study of the genus Eryngium in Iran.

32- Shojaee, E. 2010-2012. Systematic study of the genus Adonis in Iran.

33- Daneshvar, F. 2006-2008. Systematic study of the genus Scandix in Iran.

34- Emadi, N. Biosystematic study of annual species of Ranunculus in Iran.

35- Javanbakht, R. 2014-2016.

36- Tavakolian, S. 2016. Study of morphological variation in Buxus (Buxaceae) in Hyrcanian region

37- Moradi, F. 2016-2018.  Systematic study of the genus Launea in Iran.

38- Azimaee, T. 2016- 2017. Phytochemical study of the genus Carthamus in Iran.
