Papers Published in Peer Reviewed Journals
Nafissi, Z & Shafiee, Z. (2019): Teachers’ roles in early childhood English language pedagogy: beliefs of kindergarten English language teachers, Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, DOI: 10.1080/10901027.2019.1647479
Nazari, N., Nafissi, Z.,Estaji, M. and Marandi, S. S. (2019) Evaluating novice and experienced EFL teachers’ perceived TPACK for their professional development. Cogent Education. 6(1): 1-26.
Shakouri, M. and Nafissi, Z.(2019). A Developmental Study of L1 Idiom Comprehension in Farsi Language. L1 - Educational Studies in Languages and Literature. 19: 1-18.
Seidinejad, L. andNafissi, Z.(2018). Enhancing Syntactic Complexity of EFL Learners' Essays Through Creative Thinking Skills. Teaching English Language. 12(2): 145-167. essays_via_creative_thinking_techniq
Vosough, M.and Nafissi, Z.(2018). An Exploration of English Language Teachers' Strategies for Disciplining Unauthorized Behavior in Iranian Public and Private
Language Schools. The Asian Journal Of English Language And Pedagogy. 6:65-84.
Karimi, F. and Nafissi, Z.(2017). Effects of Different Culturally-Based Materials on EFL Learners’ Reading Anxiety, Reading Self-Efficacy, and Reading Proficiency in Project-Based Classes. Issues in Language Teaching.6(1): 83-115.
Seidinejad, L. & Nafissi, Z. (2018). Developing Lexical Complexity in EFL Students’ Essays via Creative Thinking Techniques. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 26(3): 1697-1712. nessays_via_creative_thinking_techniques
Sotoudehnama E., Babazdeh Z. and Nafissi Z.(2017). The Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence, Multiple Intelligences, and Language Learning Strategies. Journal of English Language Teaching and Learning. University of Tabriz. 20: 205-222.
Karimi F. and Nafissi Z.(2017). Effects of Different Culturally-Based Materials on EFL Learners’ Reading Anxiety, Reading Self- Efficacy, and Reading Proficiency in Project-Based Classes. Issues in Language Teaching (ILT). 6(1): 83-115.
نفیسیزهره، وثوقی مرجان.همسوسازيروشهايبازتابيرايجدرآموزشزبانانگليسيباويژگيهايروانشناختيزبانآموزانايراني. مجلهپژوهشهايزبانشناختيدرزبانهايخارجي،دوره۷شمارة۱، بهاروتابستان۱۳۹۶،ازصفحه۲۵۱تا۲۷۰شناسه،ديجيتال)jflr.2017.231457.326 :(Doi/10.22059 شاپايچاپي)issn(: 2588-4123 نشاني.
Nafissi, Z.and Ramezanee, A. (2017). Normal Disfluency in Pre-schoolers: Silences, Pauses, and Repetitions. Journal of Language Horizons. 1(2): 131-152
DOI: 10.22051/lghor.2018.15811.1061
Nafissi, Z., Rezaeipanah, F. and Monsefi, R. (2017). Pre and Post Test Evaluations of Students in the Needs-Analysis Based EAP Course at Undergraduate Level. . URL: http:// Advances in Language and Literary Studies. 8(1): 207-214. Doi:10.7575/aiac.alls.v.8n.1p.207;
Nafissi, Z. and Vosoughi, M. (2015). A Critical Meta-analytic Exploration of Birth Order Effect on L1 Onset Time of Speaking and Language Development Progression; Is the Pointer towards First or Later Borns? Theory and Practice in Language Studies. 5(9): 1960-1970. DOI: .0509.28 Is_the_Pointer_towardsFirst_or_Later_Borns
Alaghehbandha N., Yazdi, S. M. and Nafissi Z. (2015). Studying the Effect of Mental sets in Solving Anagram. International Journal of Behavioral Sciences. 9(3): 192-195.
Ghasemboland, F. and Nafissi, Z. (2012). The Effects of Using English Captions on Iranian EFL Students’ Listening Comprehension. International Educational Technology Conference, IETC. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 64: 105 – 112. Students%27_Listening_Comprehension
Nafissi, Z. and Nowruzi Khiabani, M. (2011). Upgrading reading comprehension skill level of EFL students via assessment of portfolio by drawing concept maps. Zabanpazhuhi, Biannual Journal of Language Studies. 4, (Article in Persian).
Nafissi, Z. and Nowruzi Khiabani, M. (1389/2010). Promoting EFL Learners’ Academic Motivation and Reading Comprehension via Portfolio Development of Concept Maps. Journal of English Language Studies. English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch. 1(2): 59-83.
Nafissi, Z. (2002). Problematic Areas of English Spelling for Iranian EFL University Students. Presented to: International Conference of Orthography. Organized by the Department of Linguistics, Astrakhan Pedagogical University, 9-10 November2002, Russia (Published in the Proceedings of the conference).
Talks and Poster Presentations in National and International Conferences:
1.Nafissi Z., & Mirzakhani, E. (2017). An Investigation of Factors Influencing Burnout among English Teachers in High schools and Language Institutes and Efficient Coping Strategies. 15th Asia TEFL International Conference. 13-15th July 2017. University Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Oral)
2.Nafissi, Z. & Salmasi, N. (2017). Does Exposure to L2 Affect Cultural Intelligence? 15th Asia TEFL International Conference. 13-15th July 2017. University Negeri Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. (Oral)
4.Nafissi, Z., Lotfi, K & Noori, M. A Comparison of Pre-schoolers, Language Performance: Story Telling vs Video Description. 4th International Conference on Applied Research in Language Studies. 5th Nov 2016 (Azar, 1395), Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
5.Nafissi, Z. & Shafiee, Z. (2016). Early Childhood English Language Education in Iran: Language Teachers’ Voice, Concerns, and Perspectives.The 14th International TELLSI Conference. Globalisation and Language Education, Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch, Nov. 16-18, 2016 (Aban 26-28, 1395).
6.Sajedi, F. & Nafissi, Z. (2015).Computer anxiety in Iranian EFL high school teachers and students: Is technophobia transferable from teachers to students? Presented to Sharif ELT Conference. Azar 26, 1394; December 17, 2015. (Oral)
7.Karimi, F. & Nafissi, Z. (2015).Project based Learning and its effects on University Students’ Reading Self-efficacy and Foreign Language Reading Anxiety. Presented to: The 13th International TELLSI Conference (New Trends and Criticisms in English Language Teaching & Literature). Lorestan State University. Aban 26-28, 1394; November 17-19, 2015 (Oral)
8.Nafissi, Z. & Shahhoseini, F. (2015). The role of reflective reading in promoting Iranian EFL learners' motivation for reading in reading classes. Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Poster).
9.Nafissi, Z. & Nameni, A. (2015). Evaluation of ESP textbook for Economics majors reading section.Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Poster)
10. Nafissi, Z. & Mohammadi, M. (2015). A case study of applying corpus to improve academic writing skill and decrease writing apprehension.Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Poster)
11. Nafissi, Z. & Shariati, R. (2015). A study on the global status of English and its impact on ELT from the viewpoint of Iranian TEFL professionals and EFL learners. Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
12. Nafissi, Z. & Saghafi, M. (2015). A cross-cultural study of impoliteness: Performance of American and Iranian native speakers.Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
13. Nafissi, Z. & Shafaghiha, G. (2015). Identity construction: Iranian EFL learners' case of watching English language TV series.Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
14. Mahmoudi, K. & Nafissi, Z. (2015, 1394). The effect of computer games on Iranian young learners’ foreign language vocabulary recognition.Presented at Alzahra University First National Postgraduate Conference on Applied Linguistics. May 21, 2015 (Ordibehesht 31, 1394). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
15. Nafissi, Z. & Shafaghiha, G. (2015). Reasons of Watching English Language TV Series from Iranian EF Learners’ Point of View.Presented at the 12th International TELLSI Conference: "ELT Research and Practice in Iran: A Local Ring, A Global Reach" .University of Sistan and Baluchestan. February 25-27, 2015 (Esfand, 6-8, 1393). Zahedan, Iran. (Oral).
16. Nafissi, Z. & Vosoughi, M. (2015). A Meta-Analytic Exploration of Birth Order Effect on L1 Onset Time of Speaking.Presented at the 12th International TELLSI Conference: "ELT Research and Practice in Iran: A Local Ring, A Global Reach". University of Sistan and Baluchestan. February 25-27, 2015 (Esfand, 6-8, 1393). Zahedan, Iran. (Oral).
17. Nafissi, Z. & Karimi, F. (2015). A comparative Study of Linguistic and Non-Linguistics Turn-Taking Strategies Used by Iranian Hearing and Deaf University Students in Free Discussion Classes.Presented at the 12th International TELLSI Conference: "ELT Research and Practice in Iran: A Local Ring, A Global Reach". University of Sistan and Baluchestan. February 25-27, 2015 (Esfand, 6-8, 1393). Zahedan, Iran. (Oral)
18. Nafissi, Z. & Saghafi, M. (2015). Pragmatic Transfer in Iranian EFL Learners' Performance of Impoliteness.Presented at the Third International Conference on Language, Discourse, and Pragmatics (LDP2015). January 28-30, 2015, Bahman 8-10, 1393), Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran. (Oral).
19. Shahidi, T., Nafissi, Z. & Jannatmakan, S. (2013). Teachers’ Attitude as Predictors of Learners’ Approach and Avoidance Tendencies.Presented to: The 11th TELLSI International Conference (Professional Development in Language Teacher Education). Organized by Tabaran Institute of Higher Education – Mashhad, 8-10 Aban 1392; 30th October – 1st November, 2013.
20. Nafissi, Z., Shamouni, G. & Rezamashreghi, F. (2013). Iranian EFL Teachers’ Attitude toward Students with High Level of Self-Efficacy. Presented to: The 11th TELLSI International Conference (Professional Development in Language Teacher Education). Organized by Tabaran Institute of Higher Education – Mashhad, 8-10 Aban 1392; 30thOctober – 1st November, 2013.
21. Zahedi, S., Nafissi, Z. & Jafari, Z. (2013). Do Students and Teachers Share Similar Perceptions about Effective Teachers?Presented to: The 11th TELLSI International Conference (Professional Development in Language Teacher Education). Organized by Tabaran Institute of Higher Education – Mashhad 8-10 Aban 1392; 30thOctober – 1st November, 2013.
22. Nafissi, Z. & Giti Mortazavi Sarmad (2012). Are we providing them through the right channel? Modes of presentation in vocabulary learning. Presented at the 10th International TELLSI Conference held at Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran. 25-28 Mehr 1391 (16-19 October 2012). (Oral)
23. Nafissi, Z. & Tabassi Mofrad, F. (2011).The Role of Form-Focused Consciousness Raising on the Result of Standardized Tests for Iranian EAP Learners. Presented to: “The 4th Biennial International Conference on the Teaching & Learning of English in Asia: Forging Ahead”. 10-12 November 2011(19-21 Aban, 1390). Penang, Malaysia. (Oral)
24. Nafissi, Z. (2010).Promoting University Students’ Classroom Engagement via Alternative Assessment Methods.Presented to: The 8th International TELLSI Conference “CALL for Change in our Language Teaching”. October 13-15, 2010 (Mehr 21-23, 1389). Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
25. Nafissi, Z. (2010).Developing Iranian EAP Learners’ Autonomy through Portfolio Assessment.Presented to: The 1st International Foreign Language Teaching Conference: Independent Learning. June 1-3, 2010 (Khordad 11-13, 1389). Gaziantep, Turkey. (Oral)
26. Nafissi, Z. (2010).Gauging EFL Learners' Engagement and Reading Comprehension via Portfolio Assessment for Learning.LIA International Conference, World Englishes Across Cultures, April 28-30, 2010 (Ordibehesht, 8-10, 1389). Bali, Indonesia. Workshop
27. Nafissi, Z. (2009).Enhancing Learners’ Motivation through Scaffolded Reading Comprehension applying Portfolio Assessment.Presented to: The 7th International TELLSI Conference “New Horizons in Language Education”. October 20-22, 2009 (Mehr 28-30, 1388). Yazd, Iran. (Oral)
28. Nafissi, Z. (2009).Scaffolding Adult EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension through Portfolio Assessment for Learning.Presented to: The 7th Asia TEFL – Thailand TESOL International Conference “Creativity and Collaboration in English Language Teaching and Learning in Asia”. Organized by: The Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. August 7-9, 2009 (Mordad 16-18, 1388). Bangkok, Thailand. (Oral)
29. Nafissi, Z. (2007).The Pros and Cons of Cooperative Learning. Presented to: The Fourth Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI 4), Organized by: English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tehran, 27-28 Tir, 1386 (July 18-19, 2007) Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
30. Nafissi, Z. (2007).Nurturing EFL Learners Reading Comprehension through Portfolio Assessment.Presented to: 5th Asia TEFL International Conference. Organized by: The Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. 8-10 June, 2007 (Khordad, 18-20, 1386). Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Oral)
31. Nafissi, Z. (2006). Needs Analysis from Iranian University Students' Point of View.Presented to: The Fourth Asia TEFL International Conference. Organized by: The Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. 18-20 August, 2006 (Mordad, 27-29, 1385). Fukuoka, Japan. (Oral)
32. Nafissi, Z. (2005). Using Concept Maps to Gauge Students' Understanding. Presented to: The Third Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI 3), Organized by: English Department, Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tehran., 22-23 Ordibehesht, 1384 (May, 11-12, 2005). Tehran, Iran (Oral)
33. Nafissi, Z.(2004). The Impact of Cognitive Engineering on the Comprehension of ESP Texts.Presented to: The Second Asia TEFL International Conference. Organized by: The Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language. 5-7 November, 2004 (Aban, 14-16, 1383). Seoul, South Korea. (Oral)
34. Nafissi, Z. (2003).The Impact of Study Skills on the Comprehension and Recall of ESP Texts.Presented to: The Second Conference on Issues in English Language Teaching in Iran (IELTI 2). Organized by: Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tehran. Ordibehesht 1382, Tehran, Iran. (Oral)
35. Nafissi, Z. (2002).Bilingualism and Dyslexia.Presented to: 2nd International Conference of Cognitive Sciences. Organized by: Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, 5-8 Esfand 1381, Tehran, Iran.
36. Nafissi, Z. (2002).Increasing the Role of Women in the Political, Social, Cultural, Academic, etc. Arena of Islamic Iran.Presented to: First World Congress of the Middle Eastern Studies. University of Mainz. 8-13 September 2002, Mainz, Germany.
37. Nafissi, Z. (2002).Dyslexia in Patients with Haemophilia and Bleeding Disorders.Presented to: The XXV International Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia. 19-24 May 2002, Seville, Spain.
38. Nafissi, Z. (2001).Reading and Writing Difficulties in B-Thalassemic Patients.Presented to: The 8th International Conference on Thalassemia and the Hemoglobinopathies. 18-21 October 2001, Athens, Greece.
Books and Book Chapters:
Zeinali, S.; Bayat, F. and Nafissi, Z. (1387; 2008). A Persian Translation of the book: “As the Future Catches You” by Juan Enriquez, (Dar Ehateye Ayandeh), published by Ketabkhaneh Farhang Publication, Tehran, Iran.