Ehsan Monabbati , Faculty Member of Alzahra University


  • Monabbati, S. E. & Torabi, H. (2020). Mathematical modeling of finite topologies. Carpathian Mathematical Publications 12(2), 434-442. (10.15330/cmp.12.2.434-442)
  • Eizi, A., Sadeghpour Gildeh, B., & Ehsan Monabbati, S. (2020). Comparison between two methods of the economic-statistical design of profile monitoring under the double sampling scheme. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 1-22. (10.1080/00949655.2020.1803319)
  • Alipour, Z., Jolai, F., Zaerpour, N., & Monabbati, S. E. (2020). BI-OBJECTIVE AGE-BASED PRODUCTION-DISTRIBUTION PLANNING FOR PERISHABLE PRODUCTS. International Journal of Industrial Engineering, 27(2). (Journal link)
  • Alipour, Z., Jolai, F., Monabbati, E., & Zaerpour, N. (2020). General lot-sizing and scheduling for perishable food products. RAIRO-Operations Research, 54(3), 913-931. (10.1051/ro/2019021)
  • Monfared, M. S., Monabbati, S. E., & Azar, M. M. (2020). Bi-objective optimization problems with two decision makers: refining Pareto-optimal front for equilibrium solution. OR Spectrum: Quantitative Approaches in Management, 42(2), 567-584. (10.1007/s00291-020-00587-9)
  • Khorasani, J., Monabbati, E., & Rajabi Mashhadi, H. (2018). Designing an Optimal Linear Bid Function in a Pay-as-Bid Electricity Market. International Journal of Industrial Electronics, Control and Optimization, 1(2), 133-142. (10.22111/ieco.2018.24410.1025)
  • Sepasian, A. R., & Monabbati, E. (2017). Upgrading min–max spanning tree problem under various cost functions. Theoretical Computer Science, 704, 87-91 (10.1016/j.tcs.2017.08.006).
  • Iziy, A., Gildeh, B. S., & Monabbati, E. (2017). Comparison Between the Economic-Statistical Design of Double and Triple Sampling X¯ Control Charts. Stochastics and Quality Control, 32(1), 49-61 (10.1515/eqc-2017-0005).
  • Monabbati, E., & Kakhki, H. T. (2015). On a class of subadditive duals for the uncapacitated facility location problem. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 251, 118-131 (10.1016/j.amc.2014.10.072).
  • Monabbati, E. (2014). An application of a Lagrangian-type relaxation for the uncapacitated facility location problem. Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 31(3), 483-499 (10.1007/s13160-014-0149-1).
  • Moeen-Moghadas, F., Monabbati, E., & Taghizadeh Kakhki, H. (2013). Emergency location problems with an M/G/k queueing system. Iranian Journal of Operations Research, 4 (Fulltext (PDF)).


  • H. Vahidi, E. Monabbati, Contextual Image Classification Approach for Monitoring of Agricultural Land Cover by Support Vector Machines and Markov Random Fields, ISPRS-International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, September 2013, Tehran, Iran.
  • Z. Alipour, F. Jalai, N. Zaerpour, E. Monabbati, Robust optimization in multi-objective lot-sizing and scheduling problem for fresh food supply chain, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, 25 June, Tehran, Iran.