دکتر حنیفه ایمانیان، عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه الزهرا 

مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي و پژوهشي

Imanian, H., Kolahdoozan, M. & Zarrati, A.R., 2018, "Wave evolution in water bodies using turbulent MPS simulation", Journal of Hydraulic Structures, 4(1), 27-41

Imanian, H., Kolahdoozan, M. & Zarrati, A.R., 2017, "Vertical dispersion in oil spill fate and transport models", Journal of Hydrosciences and Environment, 1(2), 21-33

Imanian, H. & Kolahdoozan, M., 2016, "Dispersion rate of spilled oil in water column under non-breaking water waves", International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering, 10(8), 1064-1067

Imanian, H., Kolahdoozan, M. & Zarrati, A.R., 2015, "Simulation of wave problems in viscous flow using MPS method", Journal of Maritime Transport Industry, 1(2), 11-15

Kolahdoozan, M., Imanian, H. & Falconer, R.A., 2011, "On the criteria for the initiation of motion in tidal inlets, deterministic versus stochastic approaches", Coastal Engineering, 58(11), 1013-1022

Imanian, H. & Kolahdoozan, M., 2009, "Comparison of deterministic and stochastic criteria for the initiation of sediment motion in tidal basins", Journal of Hydraulics, 4(2), 35-45


مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانسهای علمی


Imanian, H. & Zakipour, M., "An innovative method for improving resolution in Lagrangian simulating of water bodies using MPS", 11th international Congress on Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran, 2018

Imanian, H., "Numerical simulation of current effects on the oil slick transport", 17th Fluid Dynamic Conference, Shahrood University of Technology, Iran, 2017

Imanian, H., Zakipour, M. & Kolahdoozan, M., "Falling sediment particles under progressive wave", 12th International Conference on Coasts, Ports and Marine Structures, Tehran, Iran, 2016

Imanian, H. & Kolahdoozan, M., "Dispersion rate of spilled oil in water column under non-breaking water waves", 18th International Conference on Civil, Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences, The Netherlands, 2016

Imanian, H., "Bed level changes prediction in tidal basins using stochastic method", 9th National Congress in Civil Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, 2016

Imanian, H., "Stokes drift under Water Waves", 14th Hydraulic Conference, Sistan and Baluchestan University, Iran, 2015

Imanian, H., Jannati, M. & Kolahdoozan, M., "Oil spill transport in the wave channels using two- phase Lagrangian model", 6th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, USA, 2012

Imanian, H., Kolahdoozan, M. & Zarrati, A.R., "Vertical dispersion process of oil spills", 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Information Technology and Ocean Engineering, Macao, 2011

Imanian, H., Kolahdoozan, M. & Zarrati, A.R., "Wave problem simulation in viscous flows using MPS", 6th National Congress on Civil Engineering, Semnan University, Iran, 2011

Imanian, H., Kolahdoozan, M. & Zarrati, A.R., "Waves simulation in viscous waters using MPS", International Conference on Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics Technologies (IEEE), Bali, Indonesia, 2011

Imanian, H. & Kolahdoozan, M., "Initiation of sediment transport criteria in coastal waters", 6th Hydraulic Conference, Shahrkord University, Iran, 2007

Kolahdoozan, M., Imanian, H. & Falconer, R.A., "Numerical modeling of morphological development in tidal basins using unsteady criteria for the initiation of motion", 7th International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia, USA, 2006

Imanian, H. & Kolahdoozan, M., "3D numerical modeling of non- cohesive sediment transport in estuaries", 7th International Congress in Civil Engineering, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran, 2006



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