Publications, Seminars, Conferences, Workshops
Media Interviews:
- 2023 - Interview with the Iran Capital Market News Agency (Sena) on the topic "Regulating Company Relations with the Public in the Implementation of Corporate Governance Guidelines.": ( – (in Persian)
- 2023 - Interview with the Sedaye Bourse News Agency on the topic "Key Points of the New Corporate Governance Requirements.": ( – (in Persian)
- 2021 - Interview with the Young Journalists Club on the topic "Preserving Shareholders' Rights within the Framework of Corporate Governance.": (حفظ-حقوق-سهامداران-در-گرو-حاکمیت-شرکتی) – (in Persian)
Research and Educational Projects:
- Stock Exchange Organization, Project "Measuring the readiness of companies to implement the new guidelines of corporate governance and designing executive incentives", project manager. 2023, Alzahra University.
- National Bank of Iran / Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, National Project "Major Study Plan of the Government's Smart Public Financial Management System - Providing a model for direct payment to the final beneficiary in line with resource and risk management", project partner. 2023, Al-Zahra University.
- Arin Saeed Holding, Project "Designing needs assessment and human resource development and empowerment courses with an emphasis on improving the skills of financial Staff Competency Enhancement ", project manager. 2022, Alzahra University.
- Bidar Sazeh Taly Holding, project "Designing and presenting proposals and internal audit mechanisms", project manager. 2022, Alzahra University.
- Hmrah Avval Company, Project " Corporate Governance Navigation Mechanisms for Hamrah-e-Avval Holding", project partner. 2017, University of Tehran.
- Scientific Supervision of the book "Cost Accounting 1" Examination Bank, 2009, Simia Publications.
- Preparation of electronic content for the course "Current Debates in Accounting" (Master's course), 2008, University of Tehran Electronic Education Center.
- Ganji, Hamidreza (2010) "Principles of Accounting" Gold Book, 1st Edition, Tehran, Pooyandegan Publications.
- Ganji, Hamidreza, and Foroutan, Atifeh (2011) "Advanced Accounting 1" Examination Bank, 3rd Edition, Tehran, Simia Publications.
- Ganji, Hamidreza (2010) "Cost Accounting 2" Examination Bank, 1st Edition, Tehran, Simia Publications.
- Ganji, Hamidreza (2013) "Cost Accounting 3" Examination Bank, 2nd Edition, Tehran, Simia Publications.
- Ganji, Hamidreza (2012) "Principles of Accounting 1" Examination Bank, 2nd Edition, Tehran, Simia Publications.
- Ganji, Hamidreza (2012) "Principles of Accounting 2" Examination Bank, 2nd Edition, Tehran, Simia Publications.
Workshops, Meetings, and Lectures:
- 2023 - Sustainability Reporting based on the Latest Stock Exchange Regulations in collaboration with Pact and Alzahra University.
- 2022 - Sustainability Reporting based on the Latest Stock Exchange Regulations in collaboration with Pact and Alzahra University.
- Workshop "Thesis Writing Roadmap," Alzahra University, 2022.
- Meeting "Hosting International Webinars in the University," Urmia Branch of Alzahra University, 2021.
- Workshop on "Process Costing Systems", Alzahra University, 2020.
Awards and Honors:
- 2022 - President of the 4th International Conference on Systems Dynamics and Systems Thinking.
- 2022 - President and Scientific Secretary of the 4th International Conference on Systems Dynamics and Systems Thinking.
- 2022 - Research Deputy of the Alzahra University for the 23rd Research Week of 2022.
- 2022 - President of Alzahra University for Teacher's Day of 2022.
- 2022 - Research Deputy of the Alzahra University for the Faculty Research and Technology Deputy Responsibilities.
- 2022 – Dean of the Faculty for the 4th International Conference on Systems Dynamics and Systems Thinking.
- 2021 - Dean of the Faculty for organizing the 19th National Accounting Conference.
- 2021 - President of Alzahra University for membership in the Young Consultants Council of the University.
- 2017 - Iran Financial Center, Receiving the "Distinguished Instructor" certificate.
- 2009 - Receiving the "Distinguished Instructor" certificate on the occasion of Teacher's Day, Payame Noor University Karaj Branch.
Membership in Conference Committees:
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Annual Capital Market Conference, Supporting Investment and Public Participation in the Economy (2023).
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 19th National Accounting Conference in Iran, focusing on accounting, social benefits, and sustainability reporting (2021).
- Executive Secretary of the 4th International Conference on Systems Dynamics and Systems Thinking (2022).
- Member of the Executive Committee of the 19th National Accounting Conference in Iran, focusing on accounting, social benefits, and sustainability reporting (2021).
- Member of the Executive Committee of the 13th National Accounting Conference in Iran, University of Tehran (2015).
Reviewer of University Books:
- Book "Intermediate Accounting - Volume 3" Research Deputy of the Faculty of Management and Islamic Studies, Imam Sadiq University, 2023.
- Book "Accounting for Social Responsibility," Research Deputy of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, 2022.
- Book "Accounting for Tools and Islamic Contracts," Research Deputy of the Faculty of Humanities, University of Zanjan, 2021.
Reviewer in Scientific Journals:
- Journal of "Accounting and Auditing Review," Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, (January 2014 - Present).
- Journal of "Empirical Research in Accounting," Alzahra University, (February 2021 - Present).
- Journal of "Accounting and Social Interests," Alzahra University, (November 2015 - Present).
- Journal of "Financial Management Strategy," Alzahra University, (July 2021 - Present).
- Journal of "Monetary and Banking Research," Centeral Bank of Iran (February 2021 - Present).
- Journal of "Accounting Advances," Shiraz University, (June 2021 - Present).
- Journal of "Financial Accounting Knowledge", Imam Khomeini International University, (July 2021 - Present).
- Journal of “Asset Management and Financing”, University of Isfahan, (December 2022 - Present)
- Journal of “Accounting and Auditing Researches”, Iranian Accounting Association, (December 2021 - Present).
- Journal of “Value and Behavioral Accounting”, Khwarazmi University, (August 2021 - Present)
- Journal of "New Researches in Accounting and Auditing", Khatam University, (October 2015 - Present
Reviewer in Conferences:
- 19th "National Accounting Conference," Faculty of Sciences and Economics, Alzahra University, 2021.
- 18th "National Accounting Conference," Faculty of Management, Yazd University, 2020.
- 14th "International Management Conference," Faculty of Management and Economics, Sharif University of Technology, 2016.
- 13th "International Management Conference," Faculty of Management and Economics, Sharif University of Technology, 2015.
- 13th "National Accounting Conference," Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, 2015.
- Participation in National and International Events:
- the 4th International Conference on System Dynamics and Systems Thinking at Alzahra University, 2022.
- the 20th National Accounting Conference with the theme "Contemporary Accounting Thoughts and Emerging Technologies" at Khatam University - 2022.
- the 19th National Accounting Conference with the theme "Accounting, Social Benefits, and Sustainability Reporting" at Alzahra University - 2021.
- the 9th Annual Conference of the Hoshyar Mommayez Auditors, 2016.
- the 14th International Management Conference at Sharif University of Technology, 2016.
- the 13th International Management Conference at Sharif University of Technology, 2015.
- the 3rd Annual Congress of Internal Auditing in Iran, Iranian Institute of Internal Auditors, 2015.
- the 13th National Accounting Conference at the University of Tehran, 2015.
- the 2nd Annual Congress of Internal Auditing in Iran, Iranian Institute of Internal Auditors, 2014.
- the 12th Annual Meeting of Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting at Alzahra University, 2021.
- the 8th Annual Meeting of Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting at Alzahra University, 2016.
- the 6th Annual Meeting of Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting at Allameh Tabataba'i University, 2015.
- the 5th Annual Meeting of Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting at the University of Tehran, 2015.
- the 4th Annual Meeting of Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting at Shahid Beheshti University, 2014.
- the 2nd Annual Meeting of Iranian Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting at the University of Tehran, 2013.