- Ph.D. in Accounting: University of Tehran (October 2012 - February 2018) - GPA 18.10 of 20, Dissertation with Excellent Evaluation
- Master's Degree in Accounting: University of Tehran (October 2006 - September 2008) - GPA 17.39 of 20, Thesis with Excellent Evaluation
- Bachelor's Degree in Accounting: University of Tehran (October 1999 - February 2004) - GPA 16.60 of 20.
Teaching Areas:
- Auditing and Assurance Services
- Corporate Governance
- Sustainability Reporting
- Financial Accounting
Instructor at Professional Higher Education Centers
- Alzahra University Center of Practical Educations
- Instructor for the "Understanding and Analyzing Financial Statements" and "Principles of Accounting" courses for MBA of Capital Market Certificate Programs.
- Instructor for Bank Mellat's training course on "Internal Control Evaluation and Reporting in Banks" for national-level inspectors and auditors.
- Instructor for Iran Saderat Bank's training course on "Operational Auditing" for national-level inspectors and auditors.
- Instructor for System Group's training courses on "Financial Statement Analysis" and "Completing Tax Statement" for enthusiasts and professionals.
- Instructor for Iran Financial Center's training courses on "Fundamental Analysis," "Excel in Accounting," and "Understanding and Comprehending Financial Statements" for capital market enthusiasts.
Academic Teaching
• From September 2007 until now
- Fall 2013
- Fall 2014
- Spring 2015
- Fall 2016
- Principles of Accounting 1
- Principles of Accounting 2
- Cost Accounting 3
- Auditing 1
Bachelor's Degree
University of Tehran
- Faculty of Management
- Fall 2018
- Spring 2020
- Fall 2021
- Accounting for Managers
- Accounting Information Systems
Master's Degree
University of Tehran
- Alborz Campus
- Fall 2018
- Cost Accounting 3
- Introduction to Accounting Standards
Bachelor's Degree
University of Tehran
- Farabi Campus
- Spring 2010
- Fall 2009
- Spring 2013
- Current Topics in Accounting (Teacher Assistant)
- Advanced Accounting 2
Master's Degree
Center for Electronic Education of the University of Tehran
- Spring 2020
- Advanced Accounting 2
- Intermediate Accounting 2
Bachelor's Degree
Central Bank of Iran
- Banking Academy