Mona Hoorvash


Vice Chair of the English Department, Alzahra University, 2014- present.

Consulting Professor of the Students’ Cultural-Scientific Society of the English Department, assigned by the Social and Cultural Vice-Chancellery of Alzahra University. 2016- 2017.

The Director of the General English Courses, Alzahra University, 2014- present.

Conference Organizer of From Word to Picture: The First National Interdisciplinary Conference on Literature and Cinema, Tehran, February, 2016.

Academic chair of the students’ exhibition, “English Poetry Exhibition”. 2013.

Member of the Graduate Studies Committee of the English Department, Alzahra University, 2012- present.

Member of the Curriculum Design and Expertise Committee of the English Department, Alzahra University, 2012- present.

Member of the Doctorate Committee of the English Department, Alzahra University, 2012- 2016.

Member of the Research Committee of the Faculty of Literature as representative of English Department, Alzahra University. 2012-2013.

Academic chair of students’ exhibition, “17th to 20th Century Playwrights”. 2012.

Academic chair of students’ exhibition, “18th and 19th Century Novelists”. 2012.