Book chapters
Hoorvash, M. (2015). “Femininity and Subversive Mimicry in Edward Albee’s Plays and Beyond”. In Building a New World, Luce Irigaray: Teaching II. Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder (Eds.). London: Palgrave MacMillan. 195- 208.
Peer-reviewed Articles
Siahmansouri, M. & Hoorvash, M. "Heroic West, Villainous East: A Postcolonial Interpretation of Narrative Structure in Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns". Research in Applied Linguistics 11 (2): 95-106.
Haji Gholam, M. & Hoorvash, M. “Immanent Indeterminacy: Tracing Postmodernity in John Banville’s Neo-Realist novel The Sea”. Research in Applied Linguistics 10 (1): 155- 171.
Nikookar, Z. & Hoorvash, M. (2018). “Ideology, RSA, and ISA in Alexander Pope’s The Rape of the Lock”. Language Horizons 2 (1): 103-115.
Hoorvash, M. & Rezvanjoo, S. (2017). “Treasure Island and the Economy of Hegemonic Resistance”. Language Horizons 1 (2): 89-105.
Hoorvash, M. (2015). “The Actress of the Words: Femininity, Theatricality and Creation in the Last Game of the Lady”. Literary Criticism Quarterly 28: 169- 188. [in Farsi]
Hoorvash, M. & Pourgiv, F. (2011). “Martha the Mimos: Femininity, Masquerade and Theatricality in Edward Albee’s Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?”. Atlantis 33 (2): 12-25. <link in Jstor>
Hoorvash, M. (2010). “A Planet Out of Its Orbit: Postmodernism in Reza Ghassemi’s The Nocturnal Harmony of Wood Orchestra”. Research in Contemporary World Literature 58: 149-167. [in Farsi]
Hoorvash, M. & Pourgiv, F. (2009). “The Hero and the Authority in Catch-22 and the Iliad”. TELL 9 (3): 143-164.
Conferences and Seminars
Gorji Mohammadzadeh, N. & Hoorvash, M. “POV in Electronic Literature: Exploration of non-focalization in 10:01 by Lance Olsen”. Paper presented in the 1st International Conference on English Language Studies, Isfahan, Iran. 11-13 December 2019.
Hoorvash, M. "Digital Comics and the Young Adult Reader: From multiple Literacies to Social Responsibility". the 7th National Conference of Literary Textual Studies, Tehran, Iran. 12 June 2019. (in Farsi)
Gorji Mohamamd Zadeh, N. & Hoorvash, M. "Digital Fiction as Rhizome: A Deleuzian Analysis of the Webcomic Hobo Lobo of Hamelin". Paper presented in the 16th International Tellsi Conference: Futurology of English Language Teaching and Literature. Shiraz, Iran, 14-16 November 2018.
Kalantari, A. & Hoorvash, M. “An Archetypal Alternative: the Im/Possible Heroic Journey of the Postmodern Antihero in Catch-22”. Paper presented in 5th International Conference on Applied research in Language Studies. Tehran, Iran, 21 December 2017.
Haji Gholam, M. & Hoorvash, M. “Indeterminate Spaces: Postmodernity in the Narrative of The Sea by John Banville”. Paper presented at 15th International TELLSI Conference, Applied Linguistics in the 3rd Millennium: Towards Criticality and Reflection, Roudehen, Iran, 22-24 November 2017.
Kalantari, A. & Hoorvash, M. “Double Colonization and Multiculturalism in Nella Larsen's Quicksand”. Paper presented at The First International Conference on Language Focus, Urmia, Iran, 5-6 Octobre 2017.
Sobhani, M. & Hoorvash, M. “From Modernist World Literature to Postmodernist Iranian Cinema: a Critique of the Movie the Last Step”. Poster presented at From Word to Picture: The First National Interdisciplinary Conference on Literature and Cinema, Tehran, Iran, 19 February 2016. [in Farsi].
Hoorvash, M. “Women, Difference and Mimesis in Luce Irigaray’s Theories”. Talk presented at the 15th Research Week Program at Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran, December 2014. [in Farsi].
Hoorvash, M. Two talks on the subject of “femininity, performance and Mimesis in Albee’s Plays” in Luce Irigaray’s Annual One-week Seminar for selected PhD Students, Bristol, England, June 2011.
Hoorvash, M. “The Quest for Perfection: the Art of Balance in Pride and Prejudice”. Paper presented at the 18th METU British Novelists Seminar: Jane Austen and Her Work. Ankara, Turkey, 16-17 December, 2010.
Hoorvash, M. et al. "Postmodernism and Literature". Panel presented at The 5th Contemporary Literay Criticism Seminar, Shiraz, Iran, October 2008. [in Farsi].
Hoorvash, M. "The Reader’s Passage from Comprehensible to Indeterminable: Epistemology and Ontology of Shahriar Mondanipour's The Ultra-marine Blue". Paper presented at the International Conference on the Short Story: Its Domain and Development, Tehran, 20-21 February 2008. [in Farsi].
Hoorvash, M & Barzegar, M. “Film Criticism Session: Parviz by Majid Barzegar”. Tehran Book Garden, Tehran, Iran. 15 February 2018.
Hoorvash, M. “Book Criticism Session: The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini”. Tehran Book Garden, Tehran, Iran. 14 February 2018.
Postdoctoral Research supervisor
Postdoc Fellow: Dr. Masoumeh Mehni, PhD from Universiti Putra Malaysia. Research proposal topic: Trauma Studies. 2017-2018.
MA Thesis. “Women and Other Living Things: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Reading of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy”, by Parisa Ghanbarian, Alzahra University, 20 January 2020.
MA Thesis. “Muslim Immigrant Post 9/11: Society, Nature and Psychological Trauma in The Submission by Amy Walden and The Reluctant Fundamentalist by Mohsin Hamid”, by Bahareh Yousefi, Alzahra University, 20 January 2020.
MA Thesis. “Trauma, Narration, and Post 9/11 Identity: A Comparative Study of The Falling Man by Don DeLillo and The Ultra Marine Blue by Shahriar Mandanipour”, by Selma Rezvanjoo, Alzahra University, 17 September 2019..
MA Thesis. “Heroic West, Villainous East: A postcolonial Analysis of the Narrative Structures of Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns”, defended by Maryam Siah-Mansouri, Alzahra University, 26 June 2019.
MA Thesis. “A Comparative Analysis of the Narrative in Digital and Metatextual Fictions: Hobo Lobo of Hamelin and House of Leaves”, defended by Negar Gorji Mohammad Zadeh, Alzahra University, 1 October 2020.
MA Thesis. “Subversive Bodies: A Comparative Study of Motherhood and Femininity in A Hadnmaid’s Tale and Ravi River”, by Atefeh Karimi, Alzahra University, 20 October 2020.
MA Thesis. “Memory, Diaspora and Cultural Hybridity in Firoozeh Dumas’s Funny in Farsi and Laughing without an Accent”, defended by Bahareh Rafati, Alzahra University, 14 March 2021.
MA Thesis. “The Representation of Immigrant Women in Four Novels of the 21st Century American Immigrant Fiction”, by Neda Zarei Ghobadi, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. “Dynamics of Hysterical Realism in NW by Zadie Smith and Brick Lane by Monica Ali”, by Atiyeh Khoshroo, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. “Posthuman and Trans-human Subjects in the Maze Runner Trilogy”, by Sima Nouri, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. “Border Crossing and Identity Creation in Mohsin Hamid's Exit West and Kamila Shamsie's Home Fire”, by Zahra Bakhtiaripour, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. “Affect and Emotion in the Selected Works of Martin McDonagh”, by Zahra Doostmohammadi, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. "Empathy and Affect in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick and Frankenstein by Mary Shelly", by Roisin Iranitalab, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. "Metamodernist Tendencies in Sarah Kane's Selected Works", by Sana Haeri, Alzahra University [in progress].
MA Thesis. "Reality, Affect, and Fiction: a Study of Affective Reality in Selected Works of Kurt Vonnegut", by Zahra Jazayeri Moghaddas, Alzahra University [in progress].
PhD Dissertation. “Paretsky’s Female Detective Fiction: Practice of Current Feminism”, by Maryam Imani, the University of Tehran, 2 February 2020.
PhD Dissertation. “The Trajectory of Postmodernism and Post-Philosophy in David Foster Wallace’s Works”, by Narjess Jafari Langroudi, the University of Tehran, 5 July 2020.
MA Thesis. “A Deleuzian Study of the Anti-hero of James Joyce’s Ulysses”, by Azam Kordmir, Alzahra University, 9 February 2020.
MA Thesis. “Ethics, Power, and Discourse: A Foucauldian reading of Faustus by David Mamet and Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlow”, by Mahya Haji-Gholam, Alzahra University, 3 December 2019.
MA Thesis. "Myth and Ideology in The Great Gatsby", by Zeinab Nikookar, Alzahra University, 20 January 2020..
M.A. Thesis. “Nature as a Symbol of ‘Semiotic Chora’: a Kristevan Reading of Shakespear’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and As You Like It”, defended by Nasrin Khalili Jafar-abad, The University of Tehran, 2017.
M.A. Thesis. “Cultural Hybridization in E. L. Doctorow’s Ragtime and The March”, defended by Tooba Soleimani Movahed, The University of Tehran, 2017.
M.A. Thesis. “Comparative Content Analysis of EFL Textbooks: Contemporary Iranian Life Style Adaptation”, defended by Forough Reza-Mashreghi, Alzahra University, 2014.
PhD Dissertation defense session. “Application of Jean Francois Lyotard’s Theories of Multiplicity and Grand-Narratives to Thomas Hardy’s Tess of D’Urbervilles, Jude the Obscure, the Mayor of Casterbridge and Far from the Madding Crowd”, defended by Taraneh Kaboli, the University of Tehran, 2018.
PhD Dissertation defense session. “Hysterican Realism in Thomas Pynchon’s Novels: Gravity’s Rainbow, Mason & Dixon, and Against the Day”, defended by Razieh Rahmani, the University of Tehran, 2018.
PhD Dissertation Proposal defense session. “A Comparative Study of the Picaresque Tradition in the British and American Fiction of the 1950s”, by Sasan Bassir, The University of Tehran, 2018.
PhD Dissertation Proposal defense session. “Web-Rhizome as a Meta-structure: Narratoloy of Intercative Art through Barthes, Deleuze-Guattari, Genette and Prince”, defended by Fatemeh Molazadeh, Alzahra University, 2017.
PhD Dissertation defense session. “Multiculturalism in Selected Works of Zadie Smith, Monica Ali, and Bharati Mukherjee”, defended by Zahra Taheri, the University of Tehran, 2015.
Article editor and reviewer for The Journal of Language Horizons. 2016- present.
Reviewer for Journal of Language Research. 2018- present.
Reviewer and guest editor for Persian Literary Studies Journal (PLSJ). 2012- present.
Reviewer for Literary Criticism Quarterly. 2015- present.
Reviewer for Research in Applied Linguistics. 2014- present.
Article editor for Sage Open. 2014.