Fahimeh Kazemi , Faculty Member of Alzahra University


ISI Web of Science papers

1. Kazemi F. Myostatin alters with exercise training in diabetic rats; Possible interaction with glycosylated hemoglobin and inflammatory cytokines. Cytokine. August 2019; 120:99-106.

2. Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. Effects of exercise training on adipose tissue apelin expression in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. Gene, July 2018; 662:97-102.

3. Kazemi F. The correlation of resistance exercise-induced myostatin with insulin resistance and plasma cytokines in healthy young men. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, April 2016; 39(4):383-388.

4. Gaeini AA, Fallahi AA, Kazemi F. Effects of aerobic continuous and interval training on rate-pressure product in patients after CABG surgery. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, January-February 2015; 55(1-2):76-83.

5. Rahnama N, Gaeini AA, Kazemi F. The effectiveness of two caffeine and taurine-containing energy drinks on indices of maximal cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lactate levels in male athletes. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, May & June 2010; 15(3):127-132.


International papers

1. Gaeini AA, Kashef M, Joudaki Nejad HR, Kazemi F. The relationship between blood buffer capacity and aerobic power with ability to perform high intensity intermittent activities in young football players. Researcher in Sport Science Quarterly, 2010; 1(1): 38-44.

2. Kazemi F, Gaeini AA, Kordi MR, Rahnama N. The acute effects of two energy drinks on endurance performance in female athlete students. Sport Sciences for Health, March 2009; 5:55-60.





International Conferences

1. Fereidooni A, Kazemi F, Nazarali P. Effects of L-citrulline supplementation on blood pressure response to an exhaustive exercise in healthy women. 24st Iranian and 3rd International Congress of physiology and pharmacology. Iran, Tehran, Milad Tower Convention Center. 30 Oct - 01 Nov 2019.

2. Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. Atni-inflammation effect of aerobic exercise training on apelin plasma. 7th International Congress of Laboratory and Clinic (Infectious Diseases) and 1st Conference of Clinical Virology. Iran, Tehran, Razi Conference Hall, 12-14 february 2015.

3. Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. The correlation of plasma apelin with insulin resistance and plasma leptin in diabetic rats after aerobic exercise training. 7th International Congress of Laboratory and Clinic (Infectious Diseases) and 1st Conference of Clinical Virology. Iran, Tehran, Razi Conference Hall, 12-14 February 2015.

4. Kazemi F. Effects of 6-week resistance training and supplementation with zinc on muscle strength of athletic females. 21st International Iranian Congress of physiology and pharmacology. Iran, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, 23-27 August 2013.

5. Salehpour M,Nourshahi M, Tahmasebi W, Alizadeh R, Kazemi F. Effects of acute circuit resistance exercise on plasma myogenin levels. 5th International Shomal Sport Science Conference. Iran, Amol, Shomal University, 5 & 6 December 2012. 





ISI Web of Science papers

 Kazemi F. Myostatin alters with exercise training in diabetic rats; Possible interaction with glycosylated hemoglobin and inflammatory cytokines. Cytokine.August 2019; 120:99-106

Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. Effects of exercise training on adipose tissue apelin expression in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. Gene, July 2018; 662:97-102

 Kazemi F. The correlation of resistance exercise-induced myostatin with insulin resistance and plasma cytokines in healthy young men. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, April 2016; 39(4):383-388

 Gaeini AA, Fallahi AA, Kazemi F. Effects of aerobic continuous and interval training on rate-pressure product in patients after CABG surgery. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, January-February 2015; 55(1-2):76-83

 Rahnama N, Gaeini AA, Kazemi F. The effectiveness of two caffeine and taurine-containing energy drinks on indices of maximal cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lactate levels in male athletes. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, May & June 2010; 15(3):127-132


International papers

 Gaeini AA, Kashef M, Joudaki Nejad HR, Kazemi F. The relationship between blood buffer capacity and aerobic power with ability to perform high intensity intermittent activities in young football players. Researcher in Sport Science Quarterly, 2010; 1(1): 38-44

Kazemi F, Gaeini AA, Kordi MR, Rahnama N. The acute effects of two energy drinks on endurance performance in female athlete students. Sport Science for Health, March 2009; 5:55-60

مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس های علمی

International conferences

 Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. Atni-inflammation effect of aerobic exercise training on apelin plasma. 7th International Congress of Laboratory and Clinic (Infectious Diseases) and 1st Conference of Clinical Virology. Iran, Tehran, Razi Conference Hall, 12-14 february 2015

 Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. The correlation of plasma apelin with insulin resistance and plasma leptin in diabetic rats after aerobic exercise training. 7th International Congress of Laboratory and Clinic (Infectious Diseases) and 1st Conference of Clinical Virology. Iran, Tehran, Razi Conference Hall, 12-14 February 2015

 Kazemi F. Effects of 6-week resistance training and supplementation with zinc on muscle strength of athletic females. 21st International Iranian Congress of physiology and pharmacology. Iran, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. 23-27 August 2013

Salehpour M, Nourshahi M, Tahmasebi W, Alizadeh R, Kazemi F. Effects of acute circuit resistance exercise on plasma myogenin levels. 5th International Shomal Sport Science Conference. Iran, Amol, Shomal University, 5 & 6 December 2012



ISI Web of Science papers

 Kazemi F. Myostatin alters with exercise training in diabetic rats; Possible interaction with glycosylated hemoglobin and inflammatory cytokines. Cytokine.August 2019; 120:99-106

Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. Effects of exercise training on adipose tissue apelin expression in streptozotocin-nicotinamide induced diabetic rats. Gene, July 2018; 662:97-102

 Kazemi F. The correlation of resistance exercise-induced myostatin with insulin resistance and plasma cytokines in healthy young men. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, April 2016; 39(4):383-388

 Gaeini AA, Fallahi AA, Kazemi F. Effects of aerobic continuous and interval training on rate-pressure product in patients after CABG surgery. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, January-February 2015; 55(1-2):76-83

 Rahnama N, Gaeini AA, Kazemi F. The effectiveness of two caffeine and taurine-containing energy drinks on indices of maximal cardiorespiratory fitness and blood lactate levels in male athletes. Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, May & June 2010; 15(3):127-132


International papers

 Gaeini AA, Kashef M, Joudaki Nejad HR, Kazemi F. The relationship between blood buffer capacity and aerobic power with ability to perform high intensity intermittent activities in young football players. Researcher in Sport Science Quarterly, 2010; 1(1): 38-44

Kazemi F, Gaeini AA, Kordi MR, Rahnama N. The acute effects of two energy drinks on endurance performance in female athlete students. Sport Science for Health, March 2009; 5:55-60

مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانس های علمی

International conferences

 Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. Atni-inflammation effect of aerobic exercise training on apelin plasma. 7th International Congress of Laboratory and Clinic (Infectious Diseases) and 1st Conference of Clinical Virology. Iran, Tehran, Razi Conference Hall, 12-14 february 2015

 Kazemi F, Zahediasl S. The correlation of plasma apelin with insulin resistance and plasma leptin in diabetic rats after aerobic exercise training. 7th International Congress of Laboratory and Clinic (Infectious Diseases) and 1st Conference of Clinical Virology. Iran, Tehran, Razi Conference Hall, 12-14 February 2015

 Kazemi F. Effects of 6-week resistance training and supplementation with zinc on muscle strength of athletic females. 21st International Iranian Congress of physiology and pharmacology. Iran, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. 23-27 August 2013

Salehpour M, Nourshahi M, Tahmasebi W, Alizadeh R, Kazemi F. Effects of acute circuit resistance exercise on plasma myogenin levels. 5th International Shomal Sport Science Conference. Iran, Amol, Shomal University, 5 & 6 December 2012