Farideh Talebpour, Faculty Member of Alzahra University




-A Survey On the sex and age of the weavers of handmade carpet of Kerman Province, Jelveye Honar, 2000 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-Specification of Arab Carpets in South Khorasan, Hornarhaye Ziba, 2003 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Evaluation of the Pakestani Workshop, Jelveye Honar, 2003 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Evolution of Women Clothes in Iran, Jelveye Honar, 2003 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Evolution of Men Clothes in Iran, Jelveye Honar, 2004 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- A Survey on Handmade Carpet Washing Process, Jelveye Honar, 2005 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Fabric Weaving Techniques in Pre- Islamic and Saljuk era in Iran, Islamic Arts,2005 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-The defects in Kashan handmade carpet, Goljam, 2006 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Manifestation of Chinese textile’s Motifs on Ilkanid Arts, Islamic Arts, 2007 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Effect of handmade carpet washing chemicals on Woolen yarns, Paghohesh and sazandegi, 2008 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-A Survey on Designs of Abagha Khan Palace in Takht e Solyman, Negareh, 2008 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Horse in Ancient Art of Iran, Jelveye Honar, 2009(Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Effects of Iranian Kalamkari on Indian Kalamkari, Honarhaye Ziba, 2010 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-Costume type and Color Symbolism in Islamic Mysticism, Honarhaye Ziba, 2011 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-A survey on Quality of Mahallat Carpet, Jelveye Honar, 2011 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-The Human Figures on Bouid’s and Saljuk’s Silks, Honarhaye Ziba, 2011 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Comparative Study of Indian Textile Designs with Safavid Fabrics, Negareh, 2011 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-Comparative Study of Designs Between Safavid and Gorkanid Brocades, Bagh e Nazar,2012 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-Textiles in Qajar Era: the Production and Trade of Textiles, Ganjiney e Asnad, 2012 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- A Survey on Hamedan Handmade Carpet, Jelveye Honar, 2012 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
-The Iranian Influence on Cashmere Shawls, Jelveye Honar, 2012 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- The application of Leather in Clothing and Decoration, Nasaji Movafagh, 2014 (Islamic Republic of Iran)
- The inspection of the designs and symbols in the clothes of Zurkhaneh training,Negarineh Islamic Art,2014(Islamic Republic of Iran)
- A Survey on Decorative Manifestations of the “Holy Shrine of Aga Mir Shams-edin ebn Imam Musa al -Kazim” in Lahijan ,Negarineh Islamic Art,2014(Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Dyeing Woolen Pile Yarn with Saffron Petals: Effect of Different Mordents and Acids, Goljam, 2014(Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Comparative Studies on Designs of Persian and Kashmir Shawls, Motaleate shebhe Ghareh, 2015(Islamic Republic of Iran)
-A comparative study of traditional motifs of Hormozgan’s embroideries with India, Motaleate shebhe Ghareh, 2015(Islamic Republic of Iran)
- Effects of Sassanid Art on Andalusian Fabrics, Motaleat e Tarikh Farhangi, 2016(Islamic Republic of Iran)
- The Roles of Tiraz in Fatimid Court, Honarhaye Ziba, 2016(Islamic Republic of Iran)


-Effect of dehairing process on cashmere fiber properties,
International J. of sheep and wool science, Australia, 2005, ISI
-Effect of silicone based softener on the easy care finished cotton fabric
Indian J of Fibre & Textile Research, Sept., 2005, ISI
-Degumming of Silk Yarn Using Alkali, Enzyme and Seidlitzia Rosmarinus
Journal of Textiles and Polymers, June 2013


-Effect of Silicone Softeners on handle of Cotton Fabric, 4th national Textile Conference, Yazd/Iran, 2002
- Causes of production of Waste in raw Materials in Carpet Production, First National Iranian Carpet Conference, Tehran/Iran, 2003
- A Survey on Yazd carpet, National Carpet Conference, Yazd/Iran, 2003
- Subjective assessment of handle, SOTSEA, KOREA,2002
- Effect of different variables and chemical pretreatments on fabric friction, SOTSEA, KOREA,2002
- Cashmere fibres,ATC-7, INDIA,2003
-Application of silicone softener on cotton fabric,ATC-7, INDIA,2003
- Comparison of Iranian cashmere fiber properties, II international Istanbul Textile congress, TURKEY, 2003
- Repeatability of fiber friction measurement, II international Istanbul Textile congress, TURKEY, 2003
- Effect of polyethylene softener on properties of cotton fabric, Textile science 2003,CZECH, 2003
- Iranian cashmere production, Textile Science 2003,CZECH,2003
- Physical properties of different types of Iranian cashmere, 11th Int. wool Research conference,UK,2005
- Principles of cashmere scouring, 11th Int. wool research conference, UK, 2005
-Fabric Weaving in Safavid Era, Art crafts of Esfahan School Seminar, Esfahan, Iran, 2006
- The Position of Traditional Art in Malaysia, The Fundamentals of Visual Art Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2007
-School’s of Yazd carpet, 2th National Carpet Seminar, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
-Carpet Weaving Looms in Kerman, 2th National Carpet Seminar, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
-The Export-Washing of Iranian carpet Process, 2th National Carpet Seminar, Tehran, Iran, 2007.
-The Production of Ikat in Iran, Dismissed Heritage of Iran’s Art, Tehran, Iran, 2007
- Kordestan Carpet, 3th National Carpet Seminar, Tehran, Iran, 2008.
- The Specification of Mashad Carpet, Torange Seminar, Iran, 2009
- The Women’s Cover in Quran and other Religion, The Position of Holly Quran in Islamic Art Seminar, Tehran, Iran, 2013.
- The effect of tinchloride on wool using saffron petals, WEFT, Taiwan,2015.
-The Shiei’s believes in Sagha khaneh school, Tehran, Iran, 2015.


-Traditional Indian Textile (Farsi), 2012, Alzahra University, Iran.
-Iranian Textile History (Farsi), 2007, Alzahra University, Iran.
-The Dictionary of Fabric and Clothes, 2006, Baztabe Andisheh, Iran.
-The Fundamentals of Fabric Analysis (Farsi), 2003, Alzahra University, Iran.
-Carpet Repairing (Farsi), 2003, Carpet Research Center, Iran.