فصل های تالیف شده از کتاب
Intelligent Mathematics II: Applied Mathematics and Approximation
Theory , Series of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Vol. 441, G.A.
Edited by Anastassiou, O. Duman, Springer, 2016
مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي و پژوهشي
M. Esmaeili, S. Najafi Ghobadi, A Game Theory Model for Supplier Selection in a Closed-Loop Supply Chain, International Journal of Procurement Management, 2018
M. Esmaeili, H. Yousefnejad, Tactical Production Planning in a Hybrid MTS/MTO System Using Stackelberg Game, International Journal of Operations Research, 2018
M. Esmaeili, M. S. Naghavi, A. Ghahghae, Optimal (R, Q) policy and pricing for two echelon supply chain with lead time and retailer's service level incomplete information, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2017
M. Esmaeili, M. Zarea, Coordination With No Risk Sharing and Risk Sharing Discount Contracts in Two Echelon Supply Chains, International Journal of Inventory Research, 2017
M. Esmaeili, M. Mehdi Pourazar, S. Yarmohamadlou, Analysis Rent-Seeking Behavior by Repetitive Games, Journal of Economic Research, 2017
M. Esmaeili, M. S. Naghavi, A. Ghahghae, Optimal (R, Q) policy and pricing for two echelon supply chain with lead time and retailer's service level incomplete information, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 2017.
M. Esmaeili, G. Allameh, T. Tajvidi, Using game theory for analyzing pricing models in closed-loop supply chain from short- and long-term perspectives, International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 54 :(7), 125-140.
M. Akbarzadeh, M. Taleizadeh, M. Esmaeili , Developing Economic Production Quantity Model with Scrap Rework and Back ordering under Vendor Managed Inventory policy, International Journal of Advanced Logistics, 2016, 5 :(4), 125-140.
A. Nobari, A.S. Kheirkah, M. Esmaeili, Considering Pricing Problem in a Dynamic and Integrated Design of Sustainable Closed-loop Supply Chain Network, International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, 2016, 27 :(4), 2016, 353-371.
M. Esmaeili, A. Bahrini, S. Shayanrad, Using game theory approach to interpret stable policies for Iran’s oil and gas common resources conflicts with Iraq and Qatar, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 3 :( 5), 2015, 1-14.
R. Tat, M. Esmaeili, A. Taleizadeh, Developing EOQ Model with Instantaneous Deteriorating Items for A Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI) System, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering: 8:( 1), 85-102, 2015.
M. Akbarzadeh, M. Esmaeili, A. Taleizadeh, EPQ model with scrap and backordering under Vendor managed inventory policy, Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering: 8:( 1), 21-42, 2014.
M.Monfared, R. Ghandali, M. Esmaeili, A new adaptive exponential smoothing method for non-stationary time series with level shifts, Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 3 :( 5), 2014, 1-8.
Z. Hosseini, R. Yaghin, M. Esmaeili, A Multiple Objective Approach for Joint Ordering and Pricing Planning Problem with Stochastic Lead Times, Journal of Industrial Engineering International: 3:( 5), 1-14, 2013.
R. Tat, A. Taleizadeh, M. Esmaeili, Developing economic order quantity model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items in vendor-managed inventory (VMI) system, International Journal of Systems Science 44:(45), 1-11, 2013.
N. Shamsi, M. Esmaeili, M.Monfared, A Stochastic Model for Tri-partite service contracts, International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering: 20 :( 2), 2013.
N. Zarrinpoor, M. Esmaeili, The Competitive Facility Location Based on the Spatial Interaction Model, University of Isfahan Journals System: 2 :( 3), 2012.
Xu Zhang, P. Zeephongsekul, M. Esmaeili, Seller – Buyer Supply Chain Games Where Shortage Are Permitted, Journal of Management and Strategy: 3: (4), 2012.
M. Esmaeili, N. Shamsi, M.Monfared, Determining Best Policy in Three-Level Contract among the Manufacturer, Agent and Customer, Journal of Industrial Management: 7, 2012.
S. Mohabatdar, M. Esmaeili, Optimal Selling Price, Marketing Expenditure and Order Quantity with Back ordering, Journal of Industrial Engineering, University of Tehran: 103-112, 2011.
M. Esmaeili, P. Zeephongsekul, Seller – Buyer Models of Supply Chain Management with Asymmetric Information Structure, International Journal of Production Economics: 123: 146-154, 2010.
M. Esmaeili, M.B. Aryanezhad, P. Zeephongsekul, A Game Theory Approach in Seller-Buyer Supply Chain, European Journal of Operational Research: 195: 442-448, 2009.
M. Esmaeili, P. Abad, M.B. Aryanezhad, Seller-Buyer Relationship When End Demand is Sensitive to Price and Promotion, Asia Pacific Operational Research: 26 :( 5), 1-17, 2009.
M. Esmaeili, Optimal selling Price, Marketing Expenditure and Lot Size under General Demand function, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology: 45: 191-198, 2009.
M. Esmaeili, P. Zeephongsekul, M.B. Aryanezhad, Joint Pricing and Lot Sizing Models with Discount: A Geometric Programming Approach, Australian and New Zealand Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal: 47: 2007
مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانسهای علمی
M. Esmaeili, A signaling advertising model between an intelligent consumer and two e-tailers, The Tenth International Conference On Game Theory And Management, 2016
M. Esmaeili, A new approach in determining lot size in supply chain using game theory, The 3rd International Conference On Applied Mathematics And Approximation Theory, 2016
M. Masoumirad, M. Esmaeili, A Signaling B2C Model Between An E-tailer and A Consumer, International Conference on Computer and Business Management, Singapore, June, 2012
N. Shamsi, M. Esmaeili, Three Levels Service Contract (Manufacturer, agent and Customer), The 8th International Industrial Engineering Conference, Iran, January, 2012
E. Judi, R. Azmi, M. Esmaeili, Internet Banking Security Enhancement With A Threat Oriented Approach, The first International Conference on Electronic Banking and Payment Systems March, 2012.
F. Saghafi, F. NasserEslami, M. Esmaeili, Ranking Secure Technologies in Security Provision Financial Transactions Mobile Commerce, The 2nd International Conference on Interaction Sciences Conference, Korea, November, 2009.
M. Esmaeli, P. Moloney, J. Hearne, Roving Stock in a Meat Processing Supply Chain Using A Game Theory Approach, The 19th National Conference of the Australian Society for Operations Research, Australia, December, 2007.