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سوابق آموزشی
سوابق پژوهشی
سوابق اجرایی
برنامه و منابع درسی
کاملیا انزوایی ، عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه الزهرا
مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي و پژوهشي
, C., and Shodja, H. M. Surface/interface effect on the propagation of high-frequency SH surface waves in an ultra-thin FGP over-layer bonded to a substrate. Acta Mechanica(2021), 1-13.
, C., and H. M. Shodja. "Torsional surface waves propagation in a transversely isotropic FG substrate with piezoelectric over-layer." Acta Mechanica (2020): 1-14.
Shodja, H. M., C.
. "Surface characterization of face-centered cubic crystals." Mechanics of Materials 129 (2019): 15-22.
, C., and H. M. Shodja. "Crystallography and surface effects on the propagation of Love and Rayleigh surface waves in fcc semi-infinite solids." International Journal of Solids and Structures 138 (2018): 109-117.
Shodja, H. M., A. Ghafarollahi, and C.
. "Surface/interface effect on the scattering of Love waves by a nano-size surface-breaking crack within an ultra-thin layer bonded to an elastic half-space." International Journal of Solids and Structures 108 (2017): 63-73.
Shodja, H. M., C.
, and M. Yu Gutkin. "Interface effect on the formation of a dipole of screw misfit dislocations in an embedded nanowire with uniform shear eigenstrain field." European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 51 (2015): 154-159.
, C., M. Yu Gutkin, and H. M. Shodja. "Surface/interface effects on the formation of misfit dislocation in a core-shell nanowire." Philosophical Magazine 94.5 (2014): 492-519.
Gutkin, M. Yu, C.
, and H. M. Shodja. "Interface effects on elastic behavior of an edge dislocation in a core-shell nanowire embedded to an infinite matrix." International Journal of Solids and Structures 50.7 (2013): 1177-1186.
, C., H. Mohammadi Shoja. "Elastic behavior of an edge dislocation in a core-shell nanowire embedded to an infinite matrix within surface/interface theory of elasticity." Modares Mechanical Engineering 17.2 (2017): 439-445.
مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانسهای علمی
, C., H. M. Shodja, “Defect formation in nanocomposites considering interface effect.” International Congress on Science and Engineering (2019), Hamburg University, Germany.
, C. "Advanced composites and materials for resilient structures." Center of Excellence in Structures and Earthquake Engineering (2019), Sharif University of Technology.
, C., H. M. Shodja. "
Propagation of surface waves in FCC half-spaces within surface elasticity
." 41
Solid Mechanics Conference (2018), Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
, C, H. M. Shodja. "Misfit dislocation generation at the core-shell nanowire interface." 10
National Congress on civil engineering, (2017), Sharif University of Technology.
, C, H. M. Shodja. "Surface /interface effect on the formation of edge misfit dislocations in a core-shell nanowire with dilatational eigenstrain field." European Mechanics of Materials Conference (2014), Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
, C., H. M. Shodja. "Surface effect on the interaction of an edge dislocation and an embedded core-shell nanowire." 14
Nanotechnology Graduates Conference (2013), Iranian Society of Nanomedicine.