کاملیا انزوایی ، عضو هیات علمی دانشگاه الزهرا 

مقالات چاپ شده در مجلات علمي و پژوهشي

  1. Enzevaee, C., and Shodja, H. M. Surface/interface effect on the propagation of high-frequency SH surface waves in an ultra-thin FGP over-layer bonded to a substrate. Acta Mechanica(2021), 1-13.
  2. Enzevaee, C., and H. M. Shodja. "Torsional surface waves propagation in a transversely isotropic FG substrate with piezoelectric over-layer." Acta Mechanica (2020): 1-14.
  3. Shodja, H. M., C. Enzevaee.  "Surface characterization of face-centered cubic crystals."  Mechanics of Materials 129 (2019): 15-22.
  4. Enzevaee, C., and H. M. Shodja. "Crystallography and surface effects on the propagation of Love and Rayleigh surface waves in fcc semi-infinite solids." International Journal of Solids and Structures 138 (2018): 109-117.
  5. Shodja, H. M., A. Ghafarollahi, and C. Enzevaee. "Surface/interface effect on the scattering of Love waves by a nano-size surface-breaking crack within an ultra-thin layer bonded to an elastic half-space." International Journal of Solids and Structures 108 (2017): 63-73.
  6. Shodja, H. M., C. Enzevaee, and M. Yu Gutkin. "Interface effect on the formation of a dipole of screw misfit dislocations in an embedded nanowire with uniform shear eigenstrain field." European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 51 (2015): 154-159.
  7. Enzevaee, C., M. Yu Gutkin, and H. M. Shodja. "Surface/interface effects on the formation of misfit dislocation in a core-shell nanowire." Philosophical Magazine 94.5 (2014): 492-519.
  8. Gutkin, M. Yu, C. Enzevaee, and H. M. Shodja. "Interface effects on elastic behavior of an edge dislocation in a core-shell nanowire embedded to an infinite matrix." International Journal of Solids and Structures 50.7 (2013): 1177-1186.
  9. Enzevaee, C., H.  Mohammadi Shoja. "Elastic behavior of an edge dislocation in a core-shell nanowire embedded to an infinite matrix within surface/interface theory of elasticity." Modares Mechanical Engineering 17.2 (2017): 439-445.


مقالات ارائه شده در کنفرانسهای علمی

  1. Enzevaee, C., H. M. Shodja, “Defect formation in nanocomposites considering interface effect.” International Congress on Science and Engineering (2019), Hamburg University, Germany.
  2. Enzevaee, C. "Advanced composites and materials for resilient structures." Center of Excellence in Structures and Earthquake Engineering (2019), Sharif University of Technology.
  3. Enzevaee, C., H. M. Shodja. "Propagation of surface waves in FCC half-spaces within surface elasticity." 41st Solid Mechanics Conference (2018), Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland.
  4. Enzevaee, C, H. M. Shodja. "Misfit dislocation generation at the core-shell nanowire interface." 10th National Congress on civil engineering, (2017), Sharif University of Technology.
  5. Enzevaee, C, H. M. Shodja. "Surface /interface effect on the formation of edge misfit dislocations in a core-shell nanowire with dilatational eigenstrain field." European Mechanics of Materials Conference (2014), Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
  6. Enzevaee, C., H. M. Shodja. "Surface effect on the interaction of an edge dislocation and an embedded core-shell nanowire." 14th Nanotechnology Graduates Conference (2013), Iranian Society of Nanomedicine.