Labor Income by Gender: Social Accounting Matrix Analysis for Iran, Jointly with Genavei F., Quarterly Journal of Women’s Studies Sociological and Psychological, 2016, Vol. 14, Issue 3. (In Persian)
Uncertainty of oil proved reserves and economic growth in Iran, Jointly with Asadi E. and Mir Hossein Mousavi, International Journal of Energy Economics and policy, vol. 6, no. 3 , Summer 2016, page 374-380.
The Financial Social Accounting Matrix for Iran and Its Applications, Jointly with Seyfi Shahpar Z., 2015, Journal of Economic Research, vol. 15, No.59, Winter, page 1-34 (in Persian).
Studying Economic Impact of Tourism on the Economic of Nishabour City, Jointly with Jafari F., Journal of Economic Development Policy, Volume 2, Issue 4, Winter 2015, page 9- 30, (in Persian)
The Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Production and Iranian Economy, Jointly with Khaleghi S. and Madani S., Journal of Agricultural Economics Researches, Volume 7, Issue 25, Winter 2015, Page 113-135 (in Persian).
Asymmetric Effects of oil price changes on demand in OECD countries using a structural time series models, Jointly with Mousavi M. H. , Raghfar H. , Ebrahimi Jamkhaneh M., Quarterly Energy Economic Review, Volume 12, Number 46 (Fall-2015), page 27-60. (in Persian).
Evaluation of oil price shocks on stock market price, Jointly with Shirinbakhsh S. Asset Management and Financing, Volume 3, Issue 2, Summer 2015, page 15-32.
The Impact of Government Subsidies on Electricity Demand and Consumption for the Urban and Rural Households in Iran (A Systemic Solution), Jointly with Mir Hosien Mousavi; Farnaz Gheshmi, Journal of Iranian Energy Economics, Volume 4, Issue 14 (Spring), Spring 2015, Page 1-32, (in Persian).
Week Days and Stock Returns: Bootstrapping GARCH Regression, Jointly with: Shirinbakhsh S., Safari S., Journal of Empirical Research in Accounting, Vol. 3, No. 12, Summer 2014. (in Persian).
Impact of Omitting Energy Subsidies on Air Pollution, Jointly with Pourbagher Z., The Journal of Economic Policy, vol. 5, No. 9, Spring and Summer 2013, (in Persian).
“Output, Employment, and Income Multipliers in the Two-Regional Input-Output Case”, Quarterly Journal of Economic Review, Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 2011. (in Persian).
“Measurement of Total Factor Productivity Using Input- Output Approach”, The Journal of Economic Policy, vol. 3, No. 5, Spring and Summer 2011, (in Persian).
“Measurement of Sectoral Regional Economy on the Basis of Spatial Linkages: the Case Study of Golestan Province”, Jointly with: Banouei A.A., Mirzaei H. and Karami M., Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011, Vol.5, No.16, pp. 1-26, (in Persian).
“Sources of Economic Growth and Input-Output Structural Decomposition Analysis: The Case of Iran”, jointly with Mohammadi M., 2010, Quarterly Journal of Economic Review, No. 19, p.p. 131-155, (in Persian)
Assessment of Long-run Relation Between Real Crude Oil Price and real Dollar Price, Jointly with: Seidizad M. and Alinejad F. 2009, Quarterly Energy Economics Review, No. 22, P.P. 93-117. (in Persian)
“Testing the Relationships between the Relative Size and Import Coefficients: Case Study of 28 Provinces of Country”, Jointly with: A.A. Banouei, S.Parvin, M.Karami and S.I.Azad, 2008, Quarterly Journal of Economic Review, No. 16, PP. 1-25. (in Persian)
“Spillover and Feedback Effects in a Two- Region Input-Output Framework- the Case of Tehran Province and the Rest of the Economy”, Jointly with; A.A. Banouei and karami M., 2009, Quarterly Iranian Economic Research, No. 39, PP. 31-54. (in Persian)
“More Think on Modern Location Quotient Function in Relation between Spatial Dimension and Regional Input-Output Coefficients: the Case of Tehran Province”, Jointly with Banouei A. A. and Karami M. 2007, Quarterly Iranian Economic Research, No. 30, pp. 31-54 (in Persian).
“Study of the Relations between Spatial Economic Dimensions and Input-Output Coefficients for 28 Provinces”, Jointly with Banouei A. A. and Karami M., 2006, Quarterly Iranian Economic Research, No. 29, pp. 143-170. (in Persian)
“The Importance of Spatial Economic Dimensions in Construction of Regional Input-Output Table: Neglected Phenomena in Iran” Jointly with Banouei A. A. and Karami M., 2005, Quarterly Iranian Economic Research, No. 27, pp. 89-115. (in Persian)
“Analysis the Structure of Transport Sector in Iran”, 2005, Journal of Plan and Budget, No. 94, pp. 53- 89 (in Persian).
"The Development and Empirical Testing of Extended Input-Output Price Models” Jointly with P.W.J. Batey, 2003, Economic Systems Research, Vol 14, No. 1, pp. 69-84.
"Stability of Dynamic Input-Output Model with Empirical Testing" 2003, Proceeding of the Second Input-output Tables and Its Applications, Economic Research Centre, Allameh Tabatabaee University, Tehran, Iran.
“A Dynamic Input-Output Price Model with Application to Iran” 2002, PhD Thesis, Civic Design Department, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK.
“Dynamic Extended Input-Output Analysis: Some Initial Thoughts”, Jointly with Batey P.W.J. and Madden M. 2001, in Felsenstein D, P McCann, R MCQuaid and D Shefer (eds.), Public Investment and Regional Economic Development, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
“Estimating the International Price of Crude Oil for the Period of 1990-2000”, 1988, MA Dissertation, University of Tarbiat Moddaress, Faculty of Economics, Tehran. (in Persian)
Papers Presented in Conferences
Assessing the Importance of International Tourism Expenditure for the Iranian Economy: A Social Accounting Matrix Approach, 24th International Input-Output Conference
& 6th Edition of the International School of I-O Analysis, 4-8 July 2016, Korea, Seoul.
Modeling the Regional Economic Loss of Natural Disasters: The case of Tehran's Earthquake, Jointly with Mohammadi N., Paper presented at the Fourth International Input-Output Conference held on 14-15 February, 2016 at the University of Allameh Tabatabaee, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
Financial Social Accounting Matrix and Its Applications, Jointly with Seifi Shahpar, Paper presented at the Fourth International Input-Output Conference held on 14-15 February, 2016 at the University of Allameh Tabatabaee, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
Evaluating Impacts of Sectoral Growth on Inequality in Iran: Extended Social Accounting Matrix Approach, Paper presented at the Fourth International Input-Output Conference held on 14-15 February, 2016 at the University of Allameh Tabatabaee, Tehran, Iran (in Persian).
Income Effects of Cash Subsidy Payment Social Accounting Matrix Approach: The Fixed Price Multiplier, 22th International Input-output Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 14-18, 2014.
Economic Impact of Climate Change: Social Accounting Matrix Approach, Jointly with Khaleghi S., 22th International Input-output Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, July 14-18, 2014.
Social Accounting Matrix and Its Applications, Social Accounting Matrix 1390 and Its Applications Meeting, Centre of Majles Research, Tehran, Iran, May 25, 2014.
Input-output Model and Its Applications, Input-output Table 1390 and Its Applications Meeting, Centre of Majles Research, Tehran, Iran, November 15, 2014.
A Study of the relationship between economic growth and Oil sector in the Iranian Economy, Jointly with Homaei A., Paper presented to The 20th International Input-Output Conference and the 2nd Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 24-29, 2012.
Factor Proportions and Trade in Iran, Paper presented to The 20th International Input-Output Conference and the 2nd Edition of the International School of Input-Output Analysis, Bratislava, Slovakia, June, 24-29, 2012.
“Impact of Removing Energy Subsidy on the Environment Improvement (Air Pollution)”, Paper presented to the 19th international Input-Output Conference in Alexandria, Washington DC, 13-17 June, 2011.
“Importance of Construction Sector in Iran”, Jointly with: Mohsenpour S., Paper presented to the 19th international Input-Output Conference in Alexandria, Washington DC, 13-17 June, 2011.
Benchmarking of Sectoral Productivity Changes in Iran, Paper presented at the 18th International Input-Output Conference held on 20-25 June, 2010 at the University of Sydney, Australia.
“Output, Employment, and income in the Two-region Interregional Input-Output Model”, Paper presented at the Third International Input-Output Conference held on 2 March, 2010 at the University of Allameh Tabatabaee, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
“Importance of Construction Sector in Iran”, Jointly with: Banouei A. A. and Rezaee S., Paper presented at the Third International Input-Output Conference held on 2 March, 2010 at the University of Allameh Tabatabaee, Tehran, Iran. (in Persian)
“The Economic Importance of ICT in Iran- Input-Output Approach”, Paper presented to the International Conference on Information and Financial Engineering, April 17-20, 2009 Singapore, Singapore.
Integrated Environmental Model and Economic Structure the Case Of Tehran Province, jointly with Yaseri M., Paper presented at the international Input-Output Meeting on Managing the Environment, Seville, July 9-11, 2008.
"Structural Analysis of Tehran Province Based on Inter-regional IO Model, jointly with Banouei A.A. and Karami M., Paper presented at the international Input-Output Meeting on Managing the Environment, Seville, July 9-11, 2008.
“Structure of Transport Sector in Iran”, Paper presented at the Mazandaran Conference on Position of Transportation Sector in Iran, Organized by Department of Humanity and Economics, University of Mazandaran, 3rd May, 2005, Babolsar, Iran. (in Persian)
“Construction of Regional Input-Output Table and Its Applications: the Case of Yazd Province”, Jointly with M. Alavinasab and A. A. Banouei, Paper presented at the 15th international Conference on Input-Output Techniques, 27 June-1st July, 2005, Beijing, China.
“Economic Impacts of Tourism on Yazd Province: A Central Region of Iran”, Jointly with M. Alavinasab and A. A. Banouei, Paper presented at the 15th international Conference on Input-Output Techniques, 27th June-1st July, 2005, Beijing, China.
“Economic Structural Change Overtime in Iran”, Paper presented at the International Conference of Input-Output and General Equilibrium: Data. Modeling and Policy Analysis, Organized by Global Economic Modeling Network and International Input-Output Association, Sept. 2-4, 2004, Brussels, Belgium.
“Comparing Stability of Conventional and Extended Dynamic Input-Output Models”, Paper presented at 33rd Annual conference, Regional Science Association International, British and Irish Section, University of St Andrews, August 20 – 22, 2003, Scotland, UK.
"The Development and Empirical Testing of Extended Input-Output Price Models”, Paper presented at the 14th International Conference on Input-output Techniques, October 10-15, 2002 Montreal, Canada.
“Dynamic Extended I-O Models”, jointly with M. Madden, paper presented at 13th International Conference on Input-Output Techniques, August 21-25, 2000 Macerata, Italy.
“Balanced Growth and Stability of the Dynamic Leontief Model: An Analysis of the Iranian Economy”, on the Special Session in honor of Moss Madden, at 47th North American Meetings of the RSAI, November 2000, Chicago, USA.
“Sources of Economic Growth and Input-Output Structural Decomposition Analysis: The Case of Iran” 2007, jointly with Mohammadi M. Paper presented at the 16th, International Conference on I-O Techniques, 2-6 July, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
“Generating Regional Coefficients without Survey Based RIOT: The Case of Tehran Province” 2007, jointly with Banouei A. A. and Karami M., Paper presented at the 16th, International Conference on I-O Techniques, 2-6 July, 2007, Istanbul, Turkey.
Research Project
Estimating the Economic Loss of Marine Pollution (Oil Spills), Caused by Sinking Several Oil Tankers in Boushehr Province to Regional Economy by Using I-O Model, Jointly with Madani and Khaleghi, Summer 2016, Ocean Science Research Centre.
Construction Two Regional Input-Output Tables with its Applications: The Case of Tehran Province and The Rest of the Economy”, 2011, Alzahra University.
“Sources of Economic Growth and Input-Output Structural Decomposition Analysis: The Case of Iran”, jointly with Mohammadi M., 2010, Alzahra University.
“Importance of Transportation Sector in Iran”, 2005, Alzahra University.
“Construction of Golestan Input-Output Table and Its Applications”, Plan and Budget Organization, Golestan Division, 2005-6.
“Construction of Yazd Input-Output Table and Its Socio-economics Applications”, Plan and Budget Organization, Yazd Division, 2004-5.
“Study of Various Applications of Input-Output Table”, Section 2 of the National Project on the Theoretical Framework of Input-Output 1380 Table, 2002, Statistical Centre of Iran, Tehran, Iran.
Regional Development Theories and Their Applications, Higgins Benjamin Howard, 1995, Translated from English to Persian, (2005), Ney Publishing Company, Iran.
Introduction to Computable General Equilibrium Models, Burfisher Mary, 2011, Translated from English to Persian, Ney Publishing Company, Iran.
Input-output Analysis: Static, Dynamic Extended Quantity and Price Models (With Applications to Iran), 2011, Lambert Academic Publishing GMBH&CO, Deutschland.
Distinguished Student in MA, Tarbiat Moddaress University, 1988
Research Fellow at Liverpool University, Liverpool, England, 2002-5.
Membership in International Input-output Association, Vienna, Austria, since 2003.
Areas of Research Interest
Microeconomic Policy
Economics Development
Economic Modeling
Economic Planning Policy
Input-output Modeling
Social Accounting Matrix Modeling
Regional and National Economic Planning policy
General Equilibrium Modeling