M. Sc: Industrial Design, Amirkabir University, Tehran, Iran. 2009
Thesis: Cabin Design of Personal Rapid Transport
B. Sc: Industrial Design, Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran.2007
Thesis: Design of Street Barriers
Teaching Areas
Undergradguate Courses: 5 Projects of Industrial Design including: 1 (Designing Process), 4(Creativity Techniques), 5(Environmental Design), 7 (Furniture Design), 9 (Work Integrated learning/ Collaboration with Industries), Geometry 1, Technical Design 1-Strength of Materials,
Poatgradguate Courses: Introduction to New Science, Traditional Design and Construction of Products, Resatch Methods.
Florence University:
Joint teaching of Industrial Design project 7 (Furniture Design) with Professor Stefano Follesa, Faculty Member of Architecture & Interior Design Department, Florence University, Italy, 2017-2018, 2019.
Joint teaching of Industrial Design project 5 (Environmental Design) with M. Greta Cicirello, Professor at the University of Florence University, Italy, 2017.
Technology and Marketing University:
Joint teaching of Industrial Design Project 4 (Creativity Design), Introduction to New Sciences and Industrial Design project 5 (Environment Design) with Dr. Peian Yao, Faculty member of Industrial Design Department, Science, Technology and Marketing University, China, 2018, 2019.
Osaman Korkat University of Art:
- Joint teaching of Industrial Design Project 4 (Creativity Design) with Dr.Ozan Souipak, Faculty member of Industrial Design Department, Osaman Korkat University of Art, Turkey, 2019.
Duzce University:
Joint teaching of Industrial Design Project 7 (Furniture Design) with Dr. Ilayda Souipak, Faculty member of Interior Design Department, Duzce University, Turkey, 2019.