(1) A. Aghamohammadi, V. Karimipour & S. Rouhani;
The multiparametric non-standard deformation of An-1,
Journal of Physics A26 (1993) L75-L82.
(2) V. Karimipour & A. Aghamohammadi;
Multiparametric quantization of the special linear superalgebra;
Journal of Mathematical Physics 34, 6 (June 1993) 2561-2571
(3) A. Aghamohammadi;
A new non-standard quantum supergroup;
Journal of Physics A26 (1993) 6973-6979
(4) A. Aghamohammadi;
The two-parametric extension of h deformation of GL(2), and the differential calculus on its quantum plane;
Modern Physics Letters A8, 27 (1993) 2607-2613
(5) A. Aghamohammadi, V. Karimipour & A. R. Nezami;
Non-standard deformation of Bn series;
Journal of Physics A27 (1994) 1609-1616
(6) A. Aghamohammadi, S. Rouhani & A. Shariati;
Inhomogeneous quantum groups related to two-dimensional quantum planes;
Journal of Physics A27 (1994) 7103-7113
(7) M. Khorrami, A. Shariati, M. R. Abolhassani, & A. Aghamohammadi;
A triangular deformation of the two-dimensional Poincare algebra;
Modern Physics Letters A10, 11 (10 April 1995) 873-883
(8) A. Aghamohammadi, M. Khorrami & A. Shariati;
Jordanian deformation of SL(2) as a contraction of the Drinfeld-Jimbo deformation of SL(2);
Journal of Physics A28, 8 (21 April 1995) L225-L231
(9) A. Shariati & A. aghamohammadi;
A simple method for constructing the inhomogeneous quantum group, IGLq(n) and its universal enveloping algebra Uq(igl(n));
Journal of Mathematical Physics 36, 12 (December 1995) 7103-7108
(10) A. Shariati, A. Aghamohammadi, & M. Khorrami;
The universal R matrix for the Jordanian deformation of sl(2), and the contracted forms of so(4);
Modern Physics Letters A11, 3 (30 January 1996) 187-197
(11) A. Aghamohammadi, M. Khorrami & A. Shariati;
Toda theories as contractions of affine Toda theories;
Physics Letters B389, 2 (12 December 1996) 260-263
(12) M. Khorrami, A. Shariati & A. Aghamohammadi;
SLh(2)-symmetric torsionless connections;
Letters in Mathematical Physics 40, 1 (April 1997) 95-99
(13) A. Aghamohammadi, M. Alimohammadi & M. Khorrami;
A pseudo-conformal representation of the Virasoro algebra;
Modern Physics Letters A12, 18 (14 June 1997) 1349-1353
(14) M. R. Rahimi Tabar, A. Aghamohammadi & M. Khorrami;
The logarithmic conformal field theories;
Nuclear Physics B497, 1,2 (21 June 1997) 541-554
(15) A. Alimohammadi, M. Khorrami, & A.Aghamohammadi;
Large N limit of the generalized two-dimensional Yang-Mills theories;
Nuclear Physics B510, 1,2 (19 January 1998) 313-323
(16) M. Khorrami, A. Aghamohammadi, & M. R. Rahimi Tabar;
Logarithmic conformal theories with continuous weights;
Physics Letters B419 (1), (1998) 179-185
(17) M. Khorrami, A. Aghamohammadi, & M. Alimohammadi;
Derivation of quantum theories: Symmetries and the exact solution of the derived system;
International Journal of Modern Physics A13, 16 (30 June 1998) 2833-2840
(18) M. Khorrami, A. Aghamohammadi, & A. M. Ghezelbash;
Logarithmic N=1 superconformal eld theories;
Physics Letters B439, (1998) 283-288
(19) M. Khorrami & A. Aghamohammadi;
Derivation of theories: structures of the derived system in terms of those of the original system in classical mechanics;
Il Nuovo Cimento B113, 11 (November 1998) 1361-1371
(20) A. Aghamohammadi, M. Alimohammadi, & M. Khorrami;
Uniqueness of the minimum of the free energy of the 2D Yang-Mills theory at large N;
Modern Physics Letters A14, 12 (10 April 1999) 751-758
(21) A. M. Ghezelbash, M. Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Logarithmic conformal eld theories and AdS correspondence;
International Journal of Modern Physics A14, 16 (30 June 1999) 2581-2591
(22) A. Aghamohammadi, A. H. Fatollahi, M. Khorrami & A. Shariati;
Multispecies reaction-diffusion systems;
Physical Review E62, 4 (October 2000) 4642-4649
(23) A. Aghamohammadi & M. Khorrami;
Similarity transformation in one-dimensional reaction-diffusion systems: the voting model as an example;
Journal of Physics A33, 44 (10 November 2000) 7843-7856
(24) M. Khorrami & A. Aghamohammadi;
Phase transition in an asymmetric generalization of the zero-temperature Glauber model;
Physical Review E63, (2001) 0421021 (1-4)
(25) N. Majd, A. Aghamohammadi & M.Khorrami;
Phase transition in an asymmetric generalization of zero-temprature q-state Potts model;
Physical Review E64, (2001) 046105 (1-5)
(26) M. Alimohammadi, A. Aghamohammadi & M.Khorrami;
Exactly solvable models through the empty interval method;
Physical Review E64 (2001) 056116 (1-6)
(27) A. Aghamohammadi & M.Khorrami;
Phase transitions in authonomous reaction-diffusion systems on a one-dimensional lattice with boundaries;
Journal of Physics A34 (2001) 7431-7439
(28) A. Shariati, A. Aghamohammadi, & M. Khorrami:
Autonomous multispecies reaction-diffusion systems with more-than-two-site interactions:
Physical Review E64 (2001) 0066102
(29) M. Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Dynamaical phase transition of a one-dimensional kinetic Ising model with boundaries;
Physical Review E65 (2002) 056129
(30) F. Tabatabaee , & A. Aghamohammadi;
Cluster approximation solution of a two species annihilation model;
Physical Review E66 (2002) 066136
(31) M.Khorrami, A. Aghamohammadi & M. Alimohammadi;
Exactly solvable through empty interval method, for more-than-two-site interactions;
Journal of Physics A36 (2003) 345-357
(32) A. Aghamohammadi, M. Alimohammadi & M. Khorrami;
Exactly solvable through the generalized empty interval method, for multispecies interactions;
The European Physical Journal B31 (2003) 371- 378
(33) N. Abed-Pour, A. Aghamohammadi, M. Khorrami, & M. Reza Rahimi Tabar;
Discrete scale invariance, and its logarithmic extension;
Nuclear Physics B655 (2003) 342-352
(34) M.Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Static- and Dynamical-Phase Transition in One-Dimensional Reaction-Diffusion systems with Boundaries;
Brazilian Journal of Physics 33 (September 2003) 421-430
(35) A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
Dynamical phase transition in the two-point functions of the autonomous one-dimensional single-species reaction-diffusion systems;
The European Physical Journal B37 (2004) 193-198
(36) M.Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Perturbative calculation of one-point functions of one-dimensional single-species reaction-diffusion systems;
Physical Review E70 (2004) 011103
(37) A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
Exactly solvable models through the generalized empty interval method; multi-species and more-than-two- site interactions;
International Journal of Modern Physics B18 (2004) 2047-2055
(38) F. Roshani, A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
Static- and dynamical phase transitions in multidimensional voting models on continua;
Physical Review E70 (2004) 056128
(39) A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
Models solvable through the empty-interval method;
The European Physical Journal B47 (2005) 583-586
(40) M. Arabsalmani, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Phase transitions in systems possessing shock solutions;
Physical Review E74 (2006) 011107
(41) M. Arabsalmani, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Multi-shock in reaction diffusion models;
The European Physical Journal B55 (2007) 439-446
(42) M.Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Phase transition in annihilation-limited processes;
The European Physical Journal B56 (2007) 223-227
(43) L. F. Matin, A. Aghamohammadi, & M. Khorrami;
Exactly solvable reaction diffusion models on a Cayley tree;
The European Physical Journal B56 (2007) 243-246
(44) A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
The Fokker-Planck Equation, and Stationary Densities;
International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 47 (2008) 1630-1638
(45) A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
Nonuniform autonomous one-dimensional exclusion nearest-neighbor reaction-diffusion models;
European Physical Journal B74 (2010) 159
(46) M. Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Dynamical phase transition in one-dimensional kinetic Ising model with nonuniform coupling constants;
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2010) P10019
(47) S. M. Hashemi, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Multi-species reaction-diffusion models admitting shock solutions;
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2010) P12035
(48) Amir H. Fatollahi, Mohammad Khorrami, Ahmad Shariati, & Amir Aghamohammadi;
Classication of matrix-product ground states corresponding to one-dimensional chains of two-state sites of nearest neighbor interactions;
Physical Review A 83, (2011) 042108
(49) A. Aghamohammadi, & M.Khorrami;
Nonuniform autonomous one-dimensional exclusion nearest-neighbor reaction-diffusion models II;
Journal of Physics A44 (2011) 345002
(50) A. Aghamohammadi;
Dimensional analysis and electric potential due to a uniformly charged sheet;
European Journal of Physics 32 (2011) 633-643
(51) Cina Aghamohammadi, & Amir Aghamohammadi;
Slipping and rolling on an inclined plane;
European Journal of Physics 32 (2011) 1049-1057
(52) Amir Aghamohammadi;
The point of departure of a particle sliding on a curved surface;
European Journal of Physics 33 (2012) 1111-1117
(53) M. Khorrami, A. shariati, A. Aghamohammadi, & A. H. Fatollahi;
Lack of anomalous diffusion in linear translationally-invariant systems determined by only one initial condition;
Physics Letters A376, (2012) 687-691
(54) A. Aghamohammadi, C. Aghamohammadi & M. Khorrami;
Externally driven one-dimensional Ising model;
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2012) P02004
(55) M. Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
One-dimensional Kinetic Ising Model with Nonuniform Coupling Constant;
International Journal of Theoretical Physics 51 (2012) 1529-1537
(56) M. Khorrami, & A. Aghamohammadi;
Autonomous models solvable through the full interval method One-dimensional Kinetic Ising Model with Nonuniform;
European Physical Journal B85 (2012) 134
(57) A. Aghamohammadi, & M. Khorrami;
The spectrum and the phase transition of models solvable through the full interval method;
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2012) P07023
(58) A Aghamohammadi, AH Fatollahi, M Khorrami, & A Shariati;
Entropy as a measure of diffusion;
Physics Letters A377 (2013), 16771681
(59) M Khorrami, & A Aghamohammadi;
Phase transitions in a reaction-diffusion model on a line with boundaries;
Journal of Mathematical Physics 55 (2014), 033301
(60) M Khorrami, & A Aghamohammadi;
Autonomous models on a Cayley tree;
Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2014) P07017
(61) Ahmad Shariati, Amir Aghamohammadi, Amir H. Fatollahi, & Mohammad Khorrami;
Some correlation functions in matrix product ground states of one dimensional two-state chains;
Reports on Mathematical Physics 73 (2) (2014), 201-211
(62) M Khorrami, & A Aghamohammadi;
A suspended rope wrapped around a cylinder;
European Journal of Physics 35 (2014), 025008
(63) Z Mohammadi, A Aghamohammadi, & M Khorrami
The most general autonomous two-lane diffusion;
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment (9), (2014) P09028
(64) A Aghamohammadi, & M Khorrami
Lattice Models Solvable Through the Full Interval Method on Links;
Journal of Statistical Physics, 157 (2014) 1320-1330
(65) M Khorrami, & A Aghamohammadi;
Liquid rising near walls;
Physica Scripta 91 91 (2016) (3), 035001
(66) Amir Aghamohammadi, M Ebrahim Foulaadvand, Mohammad Hassan Yaghoubi, & Amir Hossein Mousavi;
Normal modes of a defected linear system of beaded springs;
American Journal of Physics 85 (2017), 193-201
(67) A Aghamohammadi, & M Khorrami;
Two-dimensional motion of a rolling non-circular cylinder on a at horizontal surface;
Canadian Journal of Physics 96 (2018) 627-632
(68) A Aghamohammadi;
Constraints and phase transitions: Phase transition in innite compound Atwoods machine;
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 506 (2018) 873-879
(69) M Khorrami, & A Aghamohammadi;
Thermal conduction in a quasi-stationary one-dimensional lattice system;
International Journal of Modern Physics B 33 (17), (2019) 1950178
(70) Z Mohammadi, A Aghamohammadi, & M Khorrami;
Completely solvable models with nearest-neighbor interactions on one-dimensional lattices;
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 545, (2020) 123278
(1) A. Shariati, A. Aghamohammadi, & M. Khorrami; A triangular deformation of the two di-
mensional Poincare algebra; 7th. Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Anzali, Iran
(2) M. Khorrami, A. Shariati, & A. Aghamohammadi; Contraction and the relation between dif-
ferent deformations of GL(2); 7th. Regional Conference on Mathematical Physics, Anzali, Iran
Publications in national refereed journals;
(1) A. Aghamohammadi; Dimensional analysis and moment of inertia, Journal of Physics (1992) 176-178.
(2) S. Khalighi Monfared, S. Nesaei; Geometry of equipotential surfaces for point charges, Gamma, winter (2004) 38-46.
(3) A. Aghamohammadi; Dimensional analysis, Gamma, spring (2004) 50-58.
(4) M. Arabsalmani, A. Aghamohammadi;Maximal packing, Gamma, summer (2004) 38-43.
(5) A. Aghamohammadi; Perturbation, Gamma, Autumn (2004) 39-53.
(6) A. Aghamohammadi; Relative distance of quantum particles, Gamma, winter (2005) 40-42.
(7) A. Aghamohammadi; An Introduction to difference equations, Gamma, spring (2005) 52-68.
Mechanics; A. Aghamohammadi; Fatemi publishing (2010)

Fluids, Thermodynamics, and optics; A. Aghamohammadi, AR Hoseini, M. Bahmanabadi; Fatemi publishing (2011)

Fluid Mechanics; A. Aghamohammadi; Alzahra university Publishing 1 ed. (2013), 2nd. ed. (2016)