Ebrahim Abbasi, Faculty Member of Alzahra University


1.         Abbasi, Ebrahim and Saeid Ali Hashami Bosra (2012), The effect of the cash   conversion cycle on profitability in Tehran stock exchange, World research journal of financial economic and stochastics, Vol.1, issue 1, PP:1-7

2.         Abulfazl chelchele ,Ebrahim Abbasi ,Said Ali Hashemi Bosra (2012) Investigating the relationship between the probability of bankruptcy and firms intentional income smoothing in Tehran stock exchange ,International Research journal of Applied and basic sciences, vol.3 (5) pp:1077-1087

3.         Abbasi Ebrahim and Nowroozi chegini Tayebe (2012) The effect of working capital management on operating propfit in Tehran stock exchange Archives Des sciences vo.65 No.8 pp:633_647

4.         Abbasi Ebrahim and Ebrahimzadeh Behrooz (2013) Dividend policy ,cash flow, and investment in Tehran stock exchange ,African journal of business management ,vol .7,(39) pp:4128-4138

5.         Abbasi Ebrahim ,Javashi jaded ,salman and Ghujali Tohid (2013) Investigating the reasons of dividend preference by individual investors ,Interdiciplinary Journal of contemporary research in business ,vol.5 No.2 ,pp:267-278

6.         Abbasi Ebrahim ,Mehrabi javad and Dadkhah rozita (2013) Investigation of effective factors on continuous use of electronic banking , Journal of science and today, s world ,vol.2,issue 7 ,pp: 929-945

7.Mohamad  zadeh amir and Ebrahim Abbasi (2014) The strategic Investment of corporare governance in improving the stock profitability , studies in business and economics ,vol.9,issue 2 pp:135-150

8 Abbasi ,Ebrahim and Maryam Ahmadinejad ,(2013) The effect of macro- economic variables on the profitability of Tehran stock exchange companies ,journal of economics and management , vol.2 issue 11,pp:63-71

9. Abbasi Ebrahim ,vahdani farhad, ahmadi seyed hosein and behrouz roshanak(2013) Developing and ranking strategies for machinery companies via qspm and swot matrix : A case study in Toolid Atash machinery company ,European online journal of natural and social sciences ,vol.2 ,No.3, pp:452-461

10.           Nemati ,ali and Ebrahim Abbasi (2013) cost- benefit analysis in patients with cancer (esophagus, gastric) in North Khorasan province  , European online journal of natural and social sciences , vol.2,No.3 ,pp:1138-1146

11.           Abbasi ,Ebrahim and Araz Mohammad Pagghe (2013) The Relationship between inflation ,price-earnings ratio and price behavior of stocks in Tehran stock exchange International research journal of management sciences ,vol.1 (4) pp:98-104

12.           Abbasi ,Ebrahim and Behroz Ebrahimzadeh and amir Mohammadzadeh(2014)The effect of stock dividend on stock return in Tehran stock exchange ,Hyperion Economic journal 2 (2) pp:11-16

13.           E. Rezaei and Ebrahim Abbasi (2013) Impact of VAIC on EVA : A case study of Iranian companies ,Bulletin of  national  Agrarian university of Armenia ,4(44)pp:144-148

14.           Tamaskani , fereshteh and Ebrahim ,Abbasi(2014) The correlation between corporate governance mechanisms and earnings quality in listed companies in Tehran stock exchange ,International research journal of management sciences ,vol.2 (1) pp:23-28

15.           Montazeri omid, Abbasi Ebrahim and Gorji mohammad Bagheri (2014) factors associated with internal service quality from the perspective of staff in Golestan’sports and youth offices, European journal of Experimental Biology ,4(2) pp: 347-350

16.           E.Abbasi ,H.Ranjbar, S.Ranjbar,M.Shabanpour and S.Alipour (2014) Analyzing E- banking in iran and other countries , scientific journal of pure and applied sciences, 3(5) pp: 318-329

17.           E. Abbasi ,H.Ranjbar, S.Ranjbar, S. Alipour and M. Shabanpour (2014) considering _ commerce advantages , development and acceptance ,scientific journal of review 3(5) pp:335-344

18.           Ali asghar  Heidari , Ebrahim Abbasi and Rasoul Yarifard (2014) A comparative analysis of national and international accounting standards ,Indian journal of scientific research ,2(1) pp:371-382

19.           Varasteh , sajad and Ebrahim Abbasi (2014) study the effect of firm size on the relationship between ownership concentrate and information asymmrtry ,Advances in environmental biology ,8(9) pp:776-780

20.           Varasteh sajad and Ebrahim Abbasi (2014) study of relationship between ownership concentration information asymmetry ,Applied mathematics in Engineering , management and Technology ,sep.pp:1183-1187

21.           Abbasi Ebrahim ,marzieh fouladchang (2014) comparative study of error in linear and non-linear models in forecasting the total index of Tehran stock exchange ,bulletin of national agrarian university of Armenia ,1(45) ,pp:103-109

22.           –Abbasi Ebrahim ,Hanieh sadat Hoseini and Amir Mohammadzadeh (2014) Evaluation of return mean and stock surplus return mean with two approaches of traditional risk and downside risk ,Asian journal of finance and accounting ,Vol.6 ,No.2 ,pp:407-421

23.           Abbasi Ebrahim ,shiva Rostami,moslem Heydarian and Roxana Amini (2015) The influence of perceived service quality , relative price and risk on customer value and willing to  buy: case study distribution companies, Applied mathematics in engineering , management and technology ,3(1) pp:272-280

24.           Abbasi Ebrahim ,Bahrami Alireza and mohammad zadeh amir (2014) An analysis of the factors affecting banks cash demand :a case study of refah bank ,studies in business and economics ,No.9(3) pp:5-20

25.           Meshkin soheyla ,Mansour garkaz and Ebrahim Abbasi (2014) Investigation of the relationship between trading volume ,volatility and stock return in Tehran stock exchange ,journal of applied science and agriculture ,9(9)july pp:145-153

26.           Hormoz jadarian gilan and Ebrahim Abbasi (2015) Analysis of the structural model behavior of financial investors in capital markets using structural equation modeling ,journal of scientific research and development ,2(4) pp:233-240

27.           Pourya Feyznia and Ebrahim Abbasi (2015) A survey on relationship between risk , assets and efficiency of iran banks in Tehran stock exchange market ,Advances in Environmental Biology ,9(3) pp: 811-820

28.           Abbasi Ebrahim ,Amin mokhtari and Niloofar ghadyani (2015) Evaluation of impact of the indices of private banks development on efficiency of their interest ,gmp review ,v16 pp:226-235

29.           Ghorbanali Mehrbani and Ebrahim Abbasi (2015) A survey of relationship between financial indices of ICT of iran with total factor productivity in selected countries ,gmp review ,v16(5) pp:190-200

30.           Abbasi ebrahim ,and fateme Rastegarniya (2014)the effect of major stockholdes ownership concentration on the firm value in Tehran stock exchange ,International journal of humanities , Tarbiyat modarres university , vol. 21  (4) pp:29-45

31.                                   Abbasi ,ebrahim, Monjazeb mohammadreza and ali  vahidi (2014) An evaluation of the factors of the competitive advantages for the domestic producers in relation to the international producers ,international journal of basic sciences and applied research ,vol.3 pp:266-270

32.                                   Ali  Ghasemy Armaki and Ebrahim ,Abbasi (2015) The effect of gender ,age and educational level on overconfidence and loss aversion in iran ,s capital market ,Asian journal of research in marketing ,vol.4 No.3 pp:75-87

33.                                   Zeinab khatoon ahmadi and Ebrahim abbasi, (2015) The effects of cash low ,investment opportunities and information asymmetry on variety of products in Tehran stock exchange ,research journal of fisheries and hydrobiology ,10 (10) pp:756-760

34.                                   M0hammad reza babaei fishani and Ebrahim Abbasi (2015) social entrepreneurship ,a new approach in business ,journal of resistive economics ,vol.8 No.50 pp:78-91

35 Ebrahim Abbasi and maral Delghandi (2016) Imact of firm special factors on capital structure based on trade off theory and pecking order theory – an empirical study of the Tehran,s stock market companies ,Arabian journal of business and management review ,vol.6 issue 2 pp:1-4

36. Marzieh shabanpour and Ebrahim Abbasi ,(2015) The rankings of stock exchange brokerage companies by according to the model of network analysis (ANP) and VIKOR (VIKOR) ,journal of applied environmental and biological sciences ,5(8) pp:171-180





